Page last updated: 05-04-01
Welcome to the Interactive story!
Here is how this works. I will start the story off. The theme for this story will be an adventure story. The short paragraph will end being left open for the next person to continue. This is where you, the reader, enter. To continue the story, just e-mail me your continuation of the story. I will choose the best of all the entries.
TIPS: Your story is more likely to be picked if you remember these rules:
- -Don’t make the story exceedingly long.
- -Try to stay along the same thread as everyone else.
- -Don’t add too many new characters. This will make the story to complicated
- -Try to give your chapter some kind of an edge or a cliffhanger.
- -MOST IMPORTANT! Keep trying. I can only pick one, so if you don’t get picked right away, don’t despair, just keep trying!
If you would like to continue the story, than just submit your entry below. Good luck and have fun!