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The 10 Commandments of a Teenager!

1) thou shall not sneek out when parents are sleeping. (why wait?)

2)thou shall not do drugz (you can take them, just don't try to um DO them....if you get what i'm saying)

3)thou shall not steel from k-mart. (Wal-Mart has a bigger selection)

4)thou shall not get arrested for vandalism. (destruction has a bigger effect)

5)thou shall not steal from thy parents. (every-1 knows grandma has more money)

6)thou shall not get in fights. (just start them)

7)thou shall not skip class. (just take the whole day off)

8)thou shall not strip in class. (hooters pays more)

9)thou shall not think about having sex. (as Nike sayz just do it...or if your a Candies person, just screw it)

10)thou shall not help old ladies cross the street. (just leave them in the middle)

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