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(*people of the car*)


*me, sammi, laury, kt* going over roller coaster hill, sammi and laury are almost totally naked


*me, erin* driving with the top down in negative degree weather, old fat bald guys give us disapproving head shakes, people sledding stare like we are freaks with the top down, sheesh


*me, josh* driving from utica to oglesby, my car is being FORCED *glares* to go straight while the road curves, the cop in front of us turns around to go after sumone, and im thinking it was us, AHHHHHHHH


*me, sammi* driving home from pton on the valley backroad to otown, hitting two overly large raccoons AT ONCE, on their honeymoon, killed their babies, embryos stuck to the car, ewwwwww


*me, leigh, sammi, danny* NO SAMMI! YOU CANT HAVE UR HALF HOUR NOW!


*me, laury*driving around bryant woods, OH SHIT! WERE IN THEIR YARD!!!!!, then driving around the light pole to get out


*me, laury* beach boys and burger king..... enough said


*me, gretchen, sammi, danny* HITCH-HIKER!!!!!, pointing over the wheel, AHHHHHHH!!!!!, letting go of the wheel, DONT POINT OVER THE WHEEL AND SCREAM WHEN SUMONE IS DRIVING!!!!!


*me, laury* lost in henry at nite, WHERE ARE WE?!, the car bounces into the air, DUDE WHAT WAS THAT?!, we observe our surroundings while still driving about 35, OH SHIT!!!!! WERE NOT ON THE ROAD!!!! WERE ON GRASS!!!!!, the car bounces again as we start to go up a hill, OMG THERES TRAIN TRACKS!!!!! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!, i slam on the brakes and we stop about 3 feet from the tracks, TURN AROUND! WAIT LEMME THROW MY DINNER OUT THE DOOR, i set my plate outside and we make a u-turn and go back onto the road (note: the road made a T shape without notice thats why we were off the road)


*me, gretchen* honking for ten minutes in front of joshs house..... OMG!!!!! THATS HIS DAD CRAWLING IN FRONT OF THE DOOR AND PEEKING OVER THE TOP!!!!!

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