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Why I hate LP

1. one word: scums.....

2. its fucking gay

3. 92% of all the gay fucks i know..... go there


1. our teachers are admitted psychos.

2. We are teached by monks and therefore every lesson has a religious value.

3. cockroches live in the showers..... no wait..... they live in every little crevice of the school.

4. Our pool smells like crap and so will you when you get out even after you take about 50 showers.

5. the classes suck

6. Bro is PHYSCO!!! he likes to look at pictures of drunken teenagers.

7. The whole damn school is literally falling apart, there are cracks in the wall, ceilings, and floor, u can see the classrooms next above and behind and under you.

8. There is a light post for the football field in center field of the baseball field, and there is a water tower in the middle of the softball field.

9. The banisters on the stairs are breaking.

10. We cant wear hoods, jeans, or skirts (INCLUDING the slit) that are more than 2 inches above our knees.

11. At the end of science bro gave my class a tlak on how your virginity is the best gift you can give to your life partner.....sure.

12. two words..... Senora Wilcoxen.

13. they have been saying for a year and half that we are having drug tests..... uh huh.....

14. well NOW we have to sit through an hour and 10 minutes of period G so the drug sniffer dog can wander our half way and parking lot hehe =0\

15. 2 words..... senora wilcoxen

Well, thats all for now.....numbers 7-10 were submitted by Sammi Jo.

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