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Hey ya!

ok ok ok..... i decided to have my own little section here to ramble on aimlessly..... and as lots of little god forbiden innocent little lemmings follow one another as they jump off a cliff to their doom at this very moment..... i will begin.....

u know me..... or you should.... if u dont..... go back and there is pointless info on me in my bio section..... so dont ask questions here..... ya know..... i like to use 5 of everything. Like i will use five little dots..... or 5 exclamation points!!!!! yannow? its just habit. and in real life. if i take things..... like sugar packs for my lemonade at nun camp ill take 5 (except by the end of the 4 days i was on a sugar high and using 8 everytime i passed the wonderful little lemonade room!)

The Backstreet Boys are like gods on earth. I mean..... no one can compare to them. I mean ill miss them during their break but i cant WAIT until 2003 when they starting working together on songs again..... it will be so GREAT!!!!!!

I use the word 'like' ALOT. I mean ill be like..... "its like so cool its not like funny....." and i do it without even noticing either. I pointed this out to sum friends once... and they told me not to think about it..... but when i dont think about it, i do it, so that didnt work either. I have lots of friends. But only a few a good enuff to be real friends..... ya know? yeah..... Laury and kt are friends..... like kt even put up with me stuck in virginia and PMSy..... but we had fun n e wayz!..... and we are gunna sing at sum kick ass weddings LOL! Laury..... i am looking forward to making many movies with you including..... your lesbian adventur with sammi ken and the girl scouts..... and the re-enactment of that arisoCATic nite..... oh my..... Leigh ur mean..... sumtimes.... lol u and that teen workout video! Tiger-prances and 80s hair! and YOU DONT LOOK LIKE CONNIE CHUNG (but field rats are still a possiblity)..... and im not coming back to ur house until u mom gets the electronic mouse killer..... not those STICKY TACK ONES THAT SO CLEVERLY GET STUCK TO ME FEET..... everytime i look at those jeans i feel bad for them cuz there is so much missing from them..... =0( AH! Gretchen..... I have WAY TOO MUCH fun when im with you.... espcially in the car *BEEP*BEEP*JOSH'S DAD* LMAO!!!!! omg u are a great girl (eve tho i think of you as a man)..... Janell..... ive know u forever and u are so cool cuz of that..... i luv ya!!!!!..... or hate you..... im not sure...... cuz now you are a putname county FREAK..... COME BACK TO ST BEDE!!!!! Erin..... you only get this sentence cuz you stole MY janell..... I have male friends..... but they dont deserve to go here..... most of them are GAY..... but ken is a sweetie cuz hes giving his hair to locks of love.... and joshua.... my wrestling fanatic friend..... oh my..... just you me and the great wide open..... LMAO!!!!!..... uhhhhh..... and anyone else..... if i forgot you tell me.......

Boys..... cant live wif em..... cant live without em..... but i believe my view of guys is much different than the view of most other girls i know. Most other girls are like "oh guys suck, one guy did sumthing bad to me, now they all suck". Well i personally have a lot of respect for guys..... I mean sum of them ARE assholes and thats true..... and why bother with them? Im not gunna be hating every other guy just cuz of one. Oh blah i think guys are great..... but i cant tell this paragraph is going nowhere so on to the next.....

     3 things to remember:
          keith is JESUS
          dustin is SANTA and
          sammi is WILLY WONKA/BRO LUKE

well..... i must bid u farewell now..... happy trails (dont that make u think of poop?)..... hasta lavista..... heres looking at u kid..... every time a bell rings an angel gets it wings..... and god bless us everyone!!!!! =0)