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Yea well, I come to the conclusion that I might as well have a section here about myself here :)
My name is Or Levy, I live in Israel, I was born in July 9 in 1982. I am the oldest child, I have a 15 years old sister and a 5 years old brother, I enjoy acting, drawing, reading, have fun with friends and of course, Y&R and the net.
I am currnetly out of school and about to join the army, yes, girls in Israel go to the army, it's a must, but no, most likely I wouldn't shoot anyone, although I will learn how to, I'm going to be in the defence ministery and that means nothing remotely dangouras, I will be around for updates because it's close to him (although, since Israel is 8 hours driving from north to south, everything is rather close to home).

I have been watching Y&R since the episodes of early 88 - but since we get everything 4 years behind I only began watching in 92.
Victor and Nikki, as you probably understand - have always been my favorite couple.

I keep track of the Y&R states storyline through the internet and with the help of a very good friend named Sue McLean who send me tapes on a regular basis ever since Y&R 98 prime time episode on march 10 - So I watch two shows these days, the Israeli shows, which is August of 1996, and the states showsYou can usually find me in the Y&R SOC BOARD

This is the greatest discussion board around which I have been a regular in for almost 4 years, and I might as well thank all the old regulars for putting up with me for so long :) <P>

I have been to the Y&R fan's event this year, and I have a few pictures, Eric wasn't there and Melody left early so I didn't get the pictures with them I wanted so much, sob.

But I did get to see her really closely, outragous Lime suit, lime beg, flippy hair, really really high (lime) heels, how very Nikki :).
But I won the Trivia, you know, where they put people on the stage and ask questions about the show, I did real well with questions about the past, but real bad with questions about the present, they asked them kinda fast... and I was so stupid at times, when Scott Reevs (Ryan) asked 'Who did Olivia meet in the afterlife" I thought "What's the afterlife, is that a club, since when do LIV go to clubs??" I am like, so incredibly Duh....

Another silly question I missed was "Where wereVictor and Diane when they heard Nikki had been shot" and if you haven't realized it, I have watched that scene about a 100 times, I know the lines by heart but instead of jumping up and down and say airplane I started to wonder what was (EWW) their honeymoon destination, again -  Duh.

But I still won.

I got pictures with Don (Brad), Alex (Diane),  Christian (Michael baldwin) and Peter Bergman (Jack) as well as Jeannie cooper and the teens.

Yea, I know, as a V&N fan I have a strange choice for people to take photos with - all the characters they play came between V&N at one time or another.
But, big person that I am, I can seperate reality from the soap life, and everyone were very sweet and good looking, but since there are limits to everything, I didn't get a picture with Eileen Davidson, sorry Eileen, nothing personal, I just wouldn't have been able to look at myself at the mirror later.

I have a few in here and I will add more as soon as I've finished scanning them.

   Me, friends and Raul

  Me and the shyster, LOL - Christian is adorable.
   Me on the stage, Heather to my right, Scott to my left.

Me and ol' Smilin' Jack...I caught Peter outside after following him outside of the event...  since I didn't get the chance to talk to him there,I  just sneaked out, hiding behind walls and such, he is very, very tall,  and notice how he dresses, not like Jack at all, LOL.

Guys, I implore you, do not ask, he was good sport about it.
Okay, I still need to scan the rest of the pictures, so that's all for now.