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TENTH CIRCLE (level thirty-nine)
Chill Sight Self only Ultraviolet Vision buff Alteration 5.0 2.5 0 75 Uncommon
Common Portal Teleport group to huge stone arches in North Karana Alteration 16.0 2.2 12.0 300 Uncommon
Concussion Interrupts and lowers aggro list Alteration 2.0 2.5 0 25 Quest-only
Evacuate: Ro emergency teleport to South Ro Alteration 9.0 2.2 0 300 Uncommon
Force Spiral of Al'Kabor 166-172 damage, Area Effect (magic) Evocation 5.0 2.5 9.0 250 Research Only
Immobilize Stops Movement Alteration 1.75 2.5 0 80 Uncommon/Research
Invisibility to Undead see the name Alteration 4.0 2.5 4.0 100 Drop
Lightning Strike 381-405 Damage - magic Evocation 4.8 2.5 0 180 Research
Markar's Relocation emergency teleport (only works in Kunak Dungeons) to Emerald Jungle Alteration 9 2.5 0 300 Fironia Vie
Ro Portal Teleport group to huge stone arches in Greater Faydark Alteration 16.0 2.2 12.0 300 Uncommon
Shifting Sight Bind Sight with IR vision Divination 4.0 2.5 0 30 Uncommon
Tishan's Relocation emergency teleport (only works in Kunak Dungeons) to Skyfire Alteration 9.0 2.5 0 300 Fironia Vie
Translocate: Combine Teleports group member to Dreadlands Alteration 10.0 2.5 6.0 225 Temple of Solusek Ro
Translocate: Fay Teleports group member to Greater Faydark Alteration 10.0 2.5 6.0 225 Temple of Solusek Ro
Translocate: North Teleports group member to North Karana Alteration 10.0 2.5 6.0 225 Temple of Solusek Ro
Translocate: Tox Teleports group member to Toxxulia Forest Alteration 10.0 2.5 6.0 225 Temple of Solusek Ro
West Karana Portal Teleport group to Pyramid in West Karana Alteration 16.0 2.2 12.0 300 Uncommon


All notes from Grimstaff

Markar's Relocation This spell is an evac that only works in Kunark dungeons. It teleports the entire party to the Emerald Jungle at location -1259, 3504 with a slight chance of leaving someone behind. The Emerald Jungle is swarming with creatures blue to you or worse at this level, but you are near to the stairs that lead up to the Field of Bone. From here you can run to the City of Mist or other locations, and is usually better than evacing the whole group to the other continents. This spell is only available in Fironia Vie, at a vendor in a building that is difficult to find. Look on the side of the city nearest the huge statue, behind a large building with the water-flooded tunnel. It is very close to the other building and not easy to spot.

Tishan's Relocation This spell is an evac that only works in Kunark dungeons. It teleports the entire party to Skyfire at location -3097, 787 with a slight chance of leaving someone behind. Skyfire is crawling with monsters deeply red to you at this level, and some of them use this evac point as a crossroads. I strongly advise you use this as a travel spell only, and not an emergency escape unless the prospect of fighting deep red wurms and such with low mana and hit points appeals to you.This spell is only available in Fironia Vie, at a vendor in a building that is difficult to find. Look on the side of the city nearest the huge statue, behind a large building with the water-flooded tunnel. It is very close to the other building and not easy to spot.

A Special Note on Relocation: Evacuates will only work out of Kunark DUNGEONS. Some places you go to and call a dungeon, Verant does not. City of Mist, for example, is not a 'dungeon' for the purposes of this spell. Kaesora is probably the same way. The fact that both of these are near the Emerald Jungle probably is no coincidence.

Concussion This spell requires an extensive quest taking you to places no level 39 Wizard can possibly survive in without a full group or more of friends of level 45+. As such I don't have the spell but as I understand it, with a cast or two you can pull the monsters off you like a Rogue evade spell. In other words it has no effect unless you are in the group, it simply lowers your aggro rating and anyone that has a higher one becomes the new target. It also seems to interrupt casting, which sounds to me like its most tactical use.

Common Portal Group Teleport to Greater Faydark. Teleports everyone closeby to you in your group to the stone pyramid in West Commons. Took you long enough to get it eh? Very handy as this is a useful location for reaching many places. This can be researched with Embrace, Combine, and Conception runes, but also sells in Felwithe and Erudin.

Immobilize Your next upgrade to root. Casts quicker than Root and tends to hold even longer than Enstill, this is actually an upgrade that you will keep memorized. Can be researched (with the runes of Paralysis, Petrification, and Tyrrany) but is also for sale in most Cleric Temples (not Felwithe or Ak'Anon, however).

Invisibility vs Undead Oddly enough Wizards get this spell at level 39. While I'm all for nice stuff for Wizards, why on earth Verant thought Wizards should get this spell is baffling to me. This is NOT the same spell that other classes get,it is self-only and drops off Holgresh in Velious. The Holgresh live in the Wakening Lands, and are winged monkeys. They are Magicians and Wizards, and most live in a cave in the south west of the zone.

Shifting Sight The same as the spell Bind Sight in the level 16 (5th circle) spells, but with Infrared Vision. This staggering upgrade in power launched this spell to level 39 where it is safe from the hands of weaker Wizards.

Ro Portal Group Teleport to North Karana. Teleports everyone closeby to you in your group to the stone pyramid (sometimes called the 'sunken temple') in North Karana. Be a good Wizard and don't charge unless someone really pulls you away from something important.

Force Spiral of Al'Kabor Another one of Al's fine spells that uses up huge mana and does less damage than spells several circles lower. Research only, using Infraction, Helix, and Al'Kabor Runes. For being the greatest Wizard on Norrath, this guy sure takes a lot of abuse from actual playing Wizards.

Lightning Shock Your big blast for this level. It uses up a lot of mana, but not too much for the damage. However, it casts very slowly, this is a hint of things to come as your blasts get notably slower and slower each level. Also a very slight upgrade to damage, especially considering next spell circle you get a spell that does almost 200 more damage.

Translocates This spell line teleports the target group member to a different location, with a yes/no dialog box. If they say yes, they are transported to the given location alone. This saves a lot of effort and time, especially when building a raid or ending one. Each sends the member to one of the basic port locations (Greater Faydark, North Karana, and Toxxulia Forest) plus the Dreadlands in Kunark. As of yet there is no Translocate to Velious. No reason to charge people for this, you don't even go along. All of these are sold at a gnome in the Temple of Solusek Ro, right up where the two quest givers are for Wizards on the balcony.

West Karana Portal Group Teleport to West Karana. Teleports everyone closeby to you in your group to the stone pyramid in West Karana, which is about 3 minutes west of the North Karana porter. This saves time zoning into West Karana, and gives you a tiny jump in speed racing to Western Antonica. Be a good Wizard and don't charge unless someone really pulls you away from something important.


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