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TWELFTH CIRCLE (level forty-nine)
Evacuate West Emergency teleport to West Karana Alteration 9.0 2.25 0 300 Uncommon
Ice Comet 1110-1120 damage to target (cold) Evocation 6.3 2.5 0 400 Research
Markar's Clash 200 damage plus 8 second stun Evocation 3.3 2.5 25.0 200 Uncommon
Paralyzing Earth Root spell (stops movement) Alteration 2.5 2.2 2.5 100 Common
Rend 774-784 damage to target (magic) Evocation 6.3 2.5 0 280 Uncommon
Supernova 854 damage PBAE (fire) Evocation 6.3 2.5 12.0 875 Common
Wrath of Al'Kabor 448 damage AE (cold) Alteration 6.3 2.5 9.00 500 Common

All of these spells can be found in any Wizards Guild

Evacuate: West Another emergency group port, this time to the pyramid in Western Karana. Why, precisely, you would desire to evacuate your party here is unknown. This has a slight chance of leaving someone behind, although not a very big one in most cases.

Ice Comet This is it, the big boom. until level 60 you will not see a single spell that does more damage than Ice Comet. The AE Rain spells in the 50s can do more but rely on 3 resistable waves of effect and can be physically left. Ice Comet goes up 10 points of damage per level, once. Why it doesn't scale up past level 50 is anyone's guess. At any rate, this almost doubles your damage output from Conflagration and is cold, which is less likely to be resisted than fire and magic in most cases. This also aggros heavily and casts VERY slowly, which sort of negates its value as an emergency spell, but it can really lay the boom down on those things that used to annoy you in the past. Can only be researched, requiring the runes of Astral and Frost. These drop off creatures over level 45, especially in the planes, but are rather rare (runes of Frost drop in Trakanon's Teeth off the tracker and hunter frogloks). The Staff of the Wheel quest is also a source of these runes. A warning however: the quest gives you no-drop versions of the runes, and will not combine with normal versions of the runes.

Markar's Clash Your second stun in 50 levels. Casts slower than Tishan's clash, does more damage, and costs a LOT more mana. This is not going to be the workhorse Tishan's was, because it is simply too expensive.
By the time you can reasonably afford it you'll have two new stuns in the 50s any way that are more efficient and faster.

Rend The store bought boom for this level. More than Conflaguration by a decent amount (not as big a leap as 44 was from 39, but Verant isn't terribly consistent). The damage is magic based, which will help when Ice Comet isn't an option (most of Velious, Vox, etc).

Supernova A titanic blast, this does more damage to each target around you than Rend. It also is an ugly mana sucking monster, very inefficient, but it sounds incredible when it goes off, and as it is a PBAE it can drop large crowds of creatures all in one happy pile. Consider this a trainstopper more than anything else, it just costs too much mana.

Wrath of Al'Kabor Another gem from Al. Mana inefficient, slow, and low damage for the level, it has the slight benefit of interrupting everything it hits, and has a slightly larger radius than other radius AE spells. Research with the Rune of Ap'Sagor and Concussion (high level version).


(you start with Shock of Frost and Minor Shielding)

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