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Atol's Spirit Shackles Area Effect slow target movement Alteration 2.0 2.2 0 125 Trade-In
Draught of Fire 643+5/lvl (max 688) fire based Evocation 3.0 2.2 0 215 Fironia Vie
Pillar of Frost 755+5/lvl (max 800) cold radius AE Evocation 4.5 2.5 6.0 325 Random Drop
Tishan's Discord 5 second stun plus 260 damage (magic) Evocaation 2.2 2.5 18.00 130 Random Drop/Trade-In

Atol's Spirit Shackles This is an upgrade to Bonds of Force way back at level 29. Like Bonds, this spell slows the movement of all targets that do not resist in the area of effect. Atols slows the targets by slightly more and is much faster casting. Further, it is resisted less than Bonds of Force, and holds for longer, which means that it is much more useful for solo work. In groups if you have to do snaring, use bonds because the duration and such won't be an issue. Note: this spell fizzles oddly, more than any other spell you will have at this level. It will cast reliably most of the time, then have odd streaks of fizzling repeatedly more than you are used to.

Draught of Fire This is your blast for this level. In fact, it is your blast for the next several levels, but you will love it. This is how Wizard blasts were supposed to be from the start. It hits hard, but not tremendously hard, hits fast, and costs less mana per point of damage than any Direct Damage spell you have to this point. As time goes on the mana efficiency gets better and better. Draught replaces Conflag in every way, and will use less mana.

Pillar of Frost The first time you cast Pillar of Frost your jaw will drop and you will just sit in awe. Not only is it beautiful (same as Column of Frost way back at level 8) but the damage is absolutely stunning. For not much more mana than Rend, this does far more damage to four targets. This takes your quad kiting to a new, awesome level and lets you kill pets with a snap of the finger while you damage their boss horribly. The damage just keeps soaring as you go up levels. Why it took 17 levels to get another column spell is beyond me, but this is a great addition.

Tishan's Discord This is the third stun you get, You waited 20 levels for the first, 29 for the second, and 3 for the third stun. It is more potent and faster casting than Markar's Clash, and with a third stun you can cycle nearly continuously to keep monsters out of action if you choose to. The damage is a bit high for a stun, making it aggro more than you probably are comfortable with.

No Purchase Order for Post 50 spells, get what you can and then find the rest.

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