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Abscond Evacuate self to safe point in zone (clears aggro, zones) Alteration 7.0 2.2 10.0 600 Trade In
Lure of Frost 640 damage low resist Evocation 4.5 2.5 0 320 Fironia Vie
Manaskin 521-591 damage absorption plus 1 mana regen Evocaation 2.0 2.2 0.0 330 Fironia Vie
Tears of Druzzil 600x3 (fire) AE Rain Evocation 5.0 2.5 12.0 380 Random Drop
Translocate: Group 600x3 (fire) AE Rain Evocation 5.0 2.5 12.0 380 Random Drop

Abscond This spell will teleport you to a safe spot in the zone, clearing aggro from you. Note here, however, sometimes the 'safe spot' isn't especially safe, in some zones it is every bit as deadly as the one you left. The best use for this spell is not to save your life, rather to move with. At the expense of zone time, you can cut a great deal of hassle and travel time going to specific points in the zone. A full chart of Abscond Points can be found at Graffe's Wizard Compilation.

Lure of Frost The first real Lure you get. Enticement was difficult to resist, but not as much so as the full Lure line. This spell sacrifices casting time and mana efficiency for a much more reliable chance to hit, but is all-or-nothing. The spell is resisted more than you'd think from it's press but will land on creatures that others just can't get anything to hit.

Manaskin The new upgrade to Diamondskin. Again, this takes a Peridot to cast, but unlike Diamondskin is a significant upgrade to Steelskin and gives a rather impressive level of protection. As an added bonus it adds a tiny mana regeneration (1 per tick), which while nearly meaningless it is a handy addition.

Tears of Druzzil Due to Verant's terror of giving Wizards more damage, this will be your big gun for a while. There is no upgrade to Ice Comet until level 60, but Wizards have always found a way to work around the limitations of the class. Tears does three waves of 600 damage, a rather impressive amount at any level. As an AE Rain spell, it becomes weaker as more targets are introduced, but a careful look tells you something you have known for a while if you read this page: AE Rain spells do more damage if all three waves hit than any blast their level. In this case, Tears does ENORMOUSLY more damage than any spell their level, one wave hitting is nearly as much as Draught of Fire, two waves exceeds Ice Comet (for less mana) and 3 waves is 1800 damage.

Note here: Wizards are able to do up to 1800 damage with this spell, which destroys any possible complaint of doing more damage from the class and thus not adding a normal blast that does more. Verant doesn't even allow a level 60 Direct Damage blast to do this much damage, yet at level 52 it is possible. It is limited to a single target and the normal AE requirements, but the fact that it is used as a single blast is just a joke in the face of the company and its inability to understand the game. In order to catch up and contribute against the rediculous hit point totals of the monsters, Wizards have to use rediculous tactics.

Translocate: Group

I do not have this spell yet, apparently it drops off fairly powerful creatures in Velious but I am not sure. Since Verant's line on this is that only Al'Kabor came up with these spells, it is curious we find it off monsters and not him or a vendor, but what can ya do. The only real use for this spell is at the end of a raid, sending everyone but you to their bind point in the group at once. Fairly limited and specific, but could save time.

No Purchase Order for Post 50 spells, get what you can and then find the rest.

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