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SECOND CIRCLE (level four)
Fade Teleport random distance and direction Alteration 1.0 2.2 5.0 10 Common
Gate Return self to Bind Point Alteration 5.0 8.0 8.0 70 Common
Glimpse Zoom in view by about double Divination 1.5 2.2 12.0 5 Common
Icestrike 10 damage, Area Effect - Rain (cold) Evocation 1.8 2.5 12.0 30 Common
O'Keils Radiation Damage Shield to target (2 damage), also gives 5+(1/2 lvl) 10 fire resistance Abjuration 3 2.2 6.0 15 Common
Root causes target NPC to stop movement Alteration 2 2.2 0 40 Common
See Invisible Allows target to see invisible Divination 2 2.2 0 25 Common
Shock of Fire 11+(lvl) damage, maximum 16, Direct Damage (fire) Evocation 1.3 2.5 0 15 Common

[Root Hitting]


All of these spells can be found in any Wizards Guild

Fade: Practice this a lot, because it makes your Root work better. Also looks neat and drops you on top of improbable spots sometimes for a good view and/or screen shot. Occasionally can be used to jump away from a monster and flee, especially on hills because it goes a random distance horizontally and drops you safely on the surface wherever that might be (lava, valley, ect). Fade wil not teleport you up, only down or across. Otherwise does not have much utility, because it is too random. In addition, close items such as buildings and trees limit how far you can teleport.

Gate: Gate is very very handy, always buy this right after shock of fire. Saves time walking to the store, and looks very wizardy. Note, in many cities, you might be more than one zone from the outside where you are bound. Gate will send you there with one zone, saving time.

This spell is typically found outside the normal spell merchants for your Wizard, as it it shared by all caster classes.

Glimpse: Novel, but remarkably useless. See further away, somewhat, for a little while. Handy for practicing divination, for Invisibility at level 16.

This spell can be found in any Wizards guild, except the Academy in Freeport.

Icestrike: Rains sleet down on your target and anyone nearby, will actually hurt you if you use it too close. Looks a lot like fire to ME, perhaps I am expecting sleet to be a lot less red and orange. This does more damage than any single target blast you have if all three waves hit. As such, you can use it to hit a single target and do a lot of damage to it, if it stays put and doesn't resist any of the waves.

O'Keil's Radiation: My favorite spell from this circle, one that is often overlooked. Target a friend and cast this, and they erupt with fire, causing damage to any monster that hits them. Its not MUCH damage, 2 per hit, but it makes the beast pay for his aggressiveness, and it cannot be resisted. This effectively negates the monster's natural regeneration ability. In addition it gives the target increased fire resistance. The Hold Time is slow, however, limiting its usefulness. Don't get too used to this spell, its the only one of its type you will ever see as a Wizard.

Root: This will suck royally at first. You will fail to stick almost anything, and they will merrily break free to beat upon you once again. Casts slow enough that some creatures are very difficult to re root in time. However, practice it, practice it a lot. In time it will be your best friend, allowing you to solo stuff that would slaughter you up close. As a note on Root: in addition to the save initially, the monster then gets a save every time it takes damage. The more damage done, the more likely the creature is to break free. If undamaged, a creature can remain rooted for a very long time. Root will be your friend for many levels to come despite its unreliability.

See Invisible: Very useful for travel, in a group with anyone who casts invis. While we Wizards (apparently) have better stuff to learn than Invisible for a long time, others have it early and its nice to be able to see them. Also fun on the docks, seeing evil races sneak into nice places. You'll be using this spell for a long, long time.

Shock of Fire: At 14th level I was still using this spell. Does a reliable, flat amount of damage in a hurry. Yes, you still don't do the most damage with a single blast, but you do it quicker, and for slightly less mana. This spell is very very useful for wizards many levels higher, because it is so very cheap, and thus can be fired off when you are almost out of mana.


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