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FOURTH CIRCLE (level twelve)
Bind Affinity Set gate and respawn point for yourself or another in your group Alteration 6 2.2 12.0 100 Common
Cancel Magic Removes one random magical effect on target Abjuration 3.5 2.2 5.0 30 Common
Firestorm 28 damage, Area Effect - Rain (fire) Evocation 2.5 2.5 12.0 62 Common
Frost Spiral of Al'Kabor 36+(lvl) damage, max 44, Area Effect - Radius (cold) Evocation 2.5 2.2 9.0 100 Common
Gaze Zooms in vision longer than Glimpse Divination 2.5 2.2 12.0 15 Uncommon
Halo of Light Creates a No Drop crown that gives armor class and light Divination 5 2.2 10.0 5 Common
Resistant Skin Increases Disease and Poison resistance 5+(lvl), max 15, self only Abjuration 4.5 2.2 9.0 35 Common
Shock of Lightning 66+(lvl) damage, 83 max, Direct Damage (magic) Evocation 2.2 2.5 0 60 Common

[Shock of Lightning]


All of these spells can be found in any Wizards Guild

Except where noted, these spells are available in any Wizards Guild.

Bind Affinity: Wonderful spell, was the one I most looked forward to at this circle (wow I can do something for someone besides O'Keils Radiation (see above), and make money! Plus very nice for camping, everyone dies, you show up and are working while they come back.

This spell can typically be found outside the usual Spell Merchants, as it is shared by so many spell casters.

Cancel Magic: Any time you expect monster spell casters, have this memorized. Removes one harmful spell from the target (such as root, charm, etc), will not work against disease or poison, at random. As you go up levels you will notice that it takes 2, 3 or more casts to actually cancel an effect off the target. Useful to strip off protective spells a monster has had cast on it by its shaman buddy.

This spell can typically be found outside the usual Spell Merchants, as it is shared by so many spell casters.

Firestorm: As a Rain spell, this is a useful Area Effect spell, but has problems until they are fixed one day (we hope). Target the tank and all the monsters he fights in that pile take damage up to 3 times, plus it looks really nifty. Like all area effect spells though, be careful, it seems to annoy the monsters.

This spell is available in every Wizards Guild except Felwithe.

Frost Spiral of Al'Kabor: for a LOT of mana, does less damage than Firestorm, but in a large area of effect. If you need a group of really low green monsters dead faster, use this, but otherwise avoid it. Does not, sadly, have a spiral effect (why not?? dang it, spells should look cool). Al'Kabor will become synonymous for incompetent putz as you go up levels.

Gaze: Same effect as Glimpse, but with a much longer duration. Maybe you have a lot of platinum laying around and are bored.

This spell is available in every Wizards Guild except the Academy in Freeport.

Halo of Light: Handy not only if you are human but if you have humans nearby. The light it puts out is truly prodigous, and it adds more ac than that stupid cloth cap, but use the Savant Cap if you find that (even if its ac value is less).

Resistant Skin: Rather effective at keeping disease and poison off you. Takes a few moments to memorize and cast, then replace with something more useful all the time like Shock of Lightning. Very useful in areas such as the Deserts of Ro.

Shock of Lightning: Big damage, nifty new effect (although if you have been with enchanters, the sound effect is very familiar). Good if you need the monster dead in a hurry. If not, stick to your lower level blasts in groups, and conserve mana. Like all your big damage spells, keep them aside for emergencies, like your tank at half life.


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