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FIFTH CIRCLE (level sixteen)
Bind Sight See through target's eyes temporarily Divination 4.0 2.5 10.0 15 Common
Flame Shock 70+(lvlx2) damage, max 110, Direct Damage (fire) Evocation 2.5 2.5 0 75 Unknown
Heat Sight Infrared vision, self only Divination 5 2.2 7.5 30 Common
Identify Gather information about item held with mouse Divination 5 2.2 5.0 50 Common/Research
Invisibility Temporarily become invisible to most creatures Divination 5 2.2 0 50 Common
Lightning Bolt 85+(lvlx2) damage, max 125, Bolt (lightning) Evocation 2.7 2.5 0 85 Common
Pillar of Fire 41+(lvl) damage, max 62, Area Effect - radius (fire) Evocation 3.1 2.5 6.0 84 Research Only
Project Lightning 41+(lvlx2), max 62 damage, Area Effect - self (lightning) Evocation 2.5 2.5 6.0 85 Research Only
Shielding Armor Class (30+(1/2lvls), max 50), Hit Points (30+(1/2 lvls), max 50), and Magic Resistance (4+(1/2 lvls), max 12) Abjuration 5.0 2.2 10.0 50 Common
Shieldskin Absorb 27+(lvlx5) damage, max 55 - uses Cat's Eye Agate reagent Evocation 2.5 2.2 0 41 Common

[Pillar of Fire]


Some of these spells must be researched

Bind Sight: This spell allows you to cast on a target PC or NPC (including monsters) without them having any idea what you have done. With this in place you see whatever they look at, in essence looking through their eyes. This does not update well (consider how well the /follow command works sometimes) so you end up looking at something motionless then a sudden jump as it catches up with what you should see. All that said, it has an incredibly long range once cast (you can follow something running all over the zone) and the spell does not run out until you turn it off.

This was recently changed in the sense that it cannot be used to hop from creature to creature across the zone as you once could. You can still hop from PC to PC, but not to NPCs who are out of your line of sight. This can even be used to target corpses, PC bodies, and look through their eyes. Use F9 to look around from outside the body you are using and you can learn a great deal. One of the best uses is to see if something can see invisible. You can con monsters at long range this way, and their con changes even if they can't see you when you cast invisibility. Here is a nice trick comes into play.

If a party memeber who is bound elsewhere dies, their life bar remains an empty sad line on your screen. Click on that or use the F key to target that person, and it will target their corpse. Cast Bind Sight, and hop your vision to their corpse and you can see where they are, what is around them, and what is going on with their body! Suddenly you are supreme at corpse recovery, you can give your group a running account of what is happening and what is around the body. For best results, cast see invis on yourself so you can see CR guys at work.

Flame Shock: This is a continuation of the Direct Damage shock line. As it is fire, it does get resisted more than ice spells, but does a lot of damage for a decent amount of mana.

Heat Sight: Although I am a High Elf and have IR vision to start with and thus did not buy this, it enables the caster to see in the dark rather well. It can only be cast on one's self, in the tradition of selfish Wizards throughout literature.

Identify: This spell has very little practical use, there are only two things I have heard that it can be used on: it will let you know if an item is summoned (should you not really know), and it tells you some Lore about an item that might not be initially obvious (there is an illegible scroll that has the Lore of being a book for the Observer Robe quest). Other than that I don't know, it costs a lot of mana, so it is not as useful as other Sense spells for practicing. This can also be researched, although you can buy it at an Enchanter's guild. Requires Rune of Fahalem and Rune of Substance to research, perhaps this is a good one to practice with?

Invisibility: Has a very random duration, but warns you when it is going to shut off. Invisibility is quite useful, and it lasts longer with your increased Divination skill, plus can be cast on someone besides yourself that is in your party. Always cast spells BEFORE invis, as any spell, attack, or looting, dispels the invisibility. Note, if you use the LEFT mouse button to loot with, pick up the items and put them in your inventory, you do not lose the invis. This doesn't work on yourself, looting your corpse dispels instantly. You can also often trade while invisible, and the merchants will be indifferent to you.

Lightning Bolt: Another bolt spell, this time magic (lightning = magic resists) damage. Usual bolt caveat, this does more damage than Flame Shock. The only real interesting note about this is that it looks EXACTLY like Fire Bolt from level 8, down to the burst of flame on the target. Why Verant couldn't bring themselves to make it look different is beyond me, but I justify it by saying it's plasma.

Pillar of Fire: Excellent Area Effect spell, like Column of Frost. This line of AE spells is my favorite now, it does excellent damage for the mana, and is a small, controlled area.

Project Lightning: PBAE spells are very potent at higher levels, but at this point they are not especially effective. Use only if the monsters are well under control. This is an upgrade to Fingers of Fire at level 8.

Shielding: The next in line of the Shield spells, giving armor class, magic resistance, and hit points. Again, this won't make you a tank, its barely more than the armor you are probably wearing presently, but the added AC is very nice and it lasts a long time.

Shieldskin: The first spell for Wizards that has a reagent to cast. Each time this is successfully cast, it requires (and consumes) a Cat's Eye Agate. These cost a little over 2 gold, and you will find that the spell is very useful, inspiring you to buy more and more of the gems. Shieldskin grants up to 55 hit points of protection, that is, until 55 points of damage are done to you by melee or spells (not DOT), you will suffer no damage, somewhat fewer interruptions and no ill effects except stunning (not sure how this works, but its best not to ask -- the alleged invulnerability that Clerics can have with their spell leaves them vulnerable to stunning as well). This is not only fun at parties but can actually allow you to tank (briefly) in a sense.

Because you, as a wizard, will even if you are very careful do more damage than anyone else around you typically will. Thus, if you come up close to the monster, he will choose you above everyone else to beat on. Shieldskin allows you to walk up and talk trash to the monster as it flails away harmlessly at your force field. Meanwhile, the Tanks are beating the tar out of this idiot from behind, a rogues delight. Be careful, however, it seems to make you easier to hit in some oddly ironic manner, and will not last very long. Typically this should be used to get off a root or some such before the monster interrupts you repeatedly and you cannot.


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