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SIXTH CIRCLE (level twenty)
Elemental Shield Increases Resistance to Fire and Cold by 5+(1/2 lvl), max 15, self only Abjuration 3.0 2.2 6.0 50 Common
Enstill Root upgrade, prevents target from moving Alteration 2.5 2.2 0 65 Research*
Fay Gate Teleports self to the huge arches in Greater Faydark Alteration 7 2.2 10.0 150 Uncommon
Fire Spiral of Al'Kabor 51+(lvl) damage, max 76, Area Effect - radius (fire) Evocation 3.6 2.5 9.0 150 Research
Force Shock 131+(lvlx2) damage, 179 max, Direct Damage (magic) and 1 second stun Evocation 2.5 2.5 12.0 120 Common
North Gate Teleports self to the huge arches in North Karana Alteration 7 2.2 10.0 150 Uncommon
Sight Stronger Remote View Divination 2.5 2.2 12.0 20 Common
Tishan's Clash 10+(lvl) damage, max 50, direct damage - magic, Stuns target up to 5 seconds Evocation 2.7 2.5 18.0 65 Common
Tox Gate Teleports self to the huge arches in Toxxulia Forest Alteration 7 2.2 10.0 150 Uncommon

[North Karana Wizard Spire]


Some of these spells must be researched

Elemental Shield: Increases your personal resistance to Fire and Cold by 15. This stacks with Endure Heat and Endure Cold, making Wizards truly impressive in their ability to absorb elemental attacks. I don't know if the bard resistance songs stack with this or not.

Enstill: An upgrade to Root, which lasts longer and will work on more powerful creatures, supposedly. If you Enstill a creature that does not resist and do not attack it, this spell will hold it a very long time. From what I have heard, the saves on this are twice as long apart from root, so the monster gets a save every 4 ticks, every 2 ticks if attacked. In practice so far it does not hold any more reliably nor often than Root, which costs half as much mana. This spell can be researched (Rune of Neglect and Rune of Oppression) but since you can buy it at any Cleric's Temple, don't go out of your way to obtain these runes unless you just want to practice.

Fay Gate: At this level, nothing in Greater Faydark will even TRY to attack you, let alone succeed, so this is a very very safe place to gate to. The teleport sends you nearby the Lesser Faydark zone in those huge stone arches. North along the road leads to Felwithe and Kelethin, south leads to the zone to Butcherblock Mountains.

Fire Spiral of Al'Kabor: Costing 150 mana, Fire Spiral does about 75 damage to everything in about a 10 foot area, compared to Pillar of Fire from the previous level (75 damage in same area for 85 mana). The only advantages to this one is that the (blue?) sparkles are less clutter on the screen than the fire, and as such will not lag as bad, plus it has a slightly larger radius and can hit a few more targets. Research only, with Rune of Velious and Rune of Al'Kabor.

Force Shock: A controversial spell. Does excellent damage and stuns the target very briefly when it goes off, but is also unlike any other direct damage spell you have learned thus far. Force Shock either has full effect, which is incredibly high for your level, or it does nothing at all. This leads many Wizards to mistakenly believe the spell is resisted more often than other spells, but in fact all your damage spells of the same type (fire, cold, magic) are resisted about the same, assuming no extreme resistances on the target. Watch Flame Shock, for example, and you will see that often it does lower than full damage. On low resistance creatures this is very effective, but be aware that even if a creature resists your damage it knows you tried to do a lot and stun it and will be very displeased with you.
This line of spells (you get 3 total before level 50) is designed to interrupt casting, and as such is useful for stopping healer type monsters or even things that gate (some monsters do at high levels).

North Gate: Teleports you to the huge stone arches near the stone bridge on the south border of North Karana. There are fairly powerful guards here, and the tower has a healer in it for Worshippers of the healer god Rodcet Nife. North from here leads to the crossroads with the Gypsy camp, you can head East to East Karana or West to West Karana, and south from the arches to South Karana.

Sight: The next spell in the vision line of spells, granting even better magnification than Gaze or Glimpse, lasting as long as Gaze. Slightly useful for places like the Karanas or Lake Rathe.

Tishan's Clash: A very small direct damage spell that also stuns the target and unless resisted always disrupts spellcasting. Casts quickly and does not use up a lot of mana, but is resisted a lot like Force Shock. The stun effect makes it very good for your initial attack. When it works, Tishans stuns the target for 5 seconds or so, during which time the tanks can tool him over good. By the time the stun is done with, the monster has forgotten all about you and hates the tanks. The long recycle time is frustrating though, I'd use it continuously if I could.

Tox Gate: Teleports to Toxxulia Forest so you can visit Erudin if you want, handy for a lot of spells. Head exactly north from this and you will eventually reach the north wall of the zone, the city zone is usually to the left (west) of this, if you went straight.

A Note on Teleports: Teleports have more uses than you might initially think. First off, you end up with effectively four gate spells at this level including Gate, which means you can basically bind all over creation. The Teleport spells like this take a long time and a lot of mana to cast, so they are no good in an emergency, but give you more options. In addition, these will usually get you near to a good spot for you to sell things, most Wizards will be Gnomes, Erudites, or High Elves, and as such you can sell and buy at your home. In addition, two of the three portals send you into a VERY safe area (no monsters above 8th level in the entire zone of Greater Faydark) and the third sends you to the safest area in North Karana.


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