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NINTH CIRCLE (level thirty-four)
Cazic Portal Group port to Cazic Thule Alteration 16.0 2.2 10.0 300 Uncommon
Circle of Force 100 + (LVL x 3), max 216 damage Area Effect - Radius (magic) and throwback Evocation 4.5 2.5 6.0 175 Research
Combine Portal Group port to Kunark Alteration 16.0 2.2 10.0 300 North Karana
Evacuate: Fay Emergency teleport to Greater Faydark Alteration 9.0 2.2 0 300 Uncommon
Greater Shielding adds HP 60+1/2 LVLs max 100, 16 magic resistance, AC 36+1/2 LVLs max 75 Alteration 6.0 2.5 10.0 120 Uncommon
Ice Shock 170 + (LVL x 4), max 320 damage - (cold) Evocation 4.2 2.5 0 160 Uncommon
Iceclad Gate Teleports self to Velious Alteration 7.0 2.5 10 150 North Karana
Iceclad Portal Group port to Velious Alteration 16.0 2.2 10.0 300 North Karana
Lava Storm 128 damage Area Effect - Rain (fire) Evocation 4.5 2.5 12.0 200 Research
Nek Portal Group port to Nektulos Forest Alteration 16.0 2.2 10.0 200 Uncommon
Nullify Magic cancels up to 4 spells on target Alteration 4.5 2.2 6.0 150 Uncommon or Research
O'Kiels Flickering Flame 5 point Damage Shield Alteration 4.0 2.5 6.0 115 Velious
Steelskin 230 point protective aura Alteration 4.5 2.2 0 149 Uncommon
Thunderclap 120 + (LVL x 3), max 232 damage Area Effect - Point Blank (magic) plus interrupt Evocation 3.1 2.5 12.0 175 Research


All notes from Grimstaff

Cazic Portal Teleports your whole group to the pyramid in the maze of the Cazic Thule dungeon. Like Cazic Portal, this isn't safe, the lizards will aggro on ANY level of character there, but with a group you can make the trip without much trouble.

Circle of Force (202 damage starting) An Area Effect at range blast, also has a small interrupt effect. This is essencially a pillar, and probably should be called Column of Force or Pillar of Force instead. Does great damage, consider this to be akin to your 16th level Pillar of Fire that was so very useful. This spell may only be researched using the runes of Concussion, Banding, and Catalyst.

Combine Portal Teleports your whole group to the Dreadlands, in the small, fairly safe pocket where the Druid Porter is as well. From here it is a dangerous run for even a whole party your level to anywhere in Kunark. Be advised nearly everything in Kunark seems to see invisible, sometimes given creatures will see or not see at random, basically negating the value of invisibility entirely. This can be purchased at the gypsy camp in North Karana.

Evacuate: Fay Another Evacuate, again this might leave someone behind when you use it. This is a safer landing spot than the North Karana port, but otherwise is the same.

Greater Shielding Adds a lot of AC and hit points to you, for protection. Again, always have this up.

Ice Shock (306 damage starting) Your only blast for the level. Magicians actually will out damage you with their bolt spell at the same level until level 39. Because this is cold it tends to be resisted less than other blasts in most places, but casts very slowly.

Iceclad Gate This teleports you to the portal in the Iceclad Ocean on Velious. The area is exceptionally dangerous, have an escape and invisbility spell ready when you arrive, there are swarming snow dervishes that hit for 80s, giants, and other things. It can be purchased from the gypsies in North Karana, the same spot as the Combine Portal.

Iceclad Portal Teleports your group to the portal in the Iceclad Ocean on Velious. The area is exceptionally dangerous, have an escape and invisbility spell ready when you arrive, there are swarming snow dervishes that hit for 80s, giants, and other things. It can be purchased from the gypsies in North Karana, the same spot as the Combine Portal. Be a good Wizard, don't charge unless someone takes you well out of your way, especially to this dangerous spot.

Lava Storm Area Effect rain spell, broken again, but can be powerful in the right setting. When they fix these, AE Rain might rule the game. This spell may only be researched, using the runes of Conception, Solusek Ro, and Cyclone.

Nek Portal Teleports your entire group to Nektulos Forest. It is a fairly safe run straight south to the zone to East Commons from here, watch out for the occasional guard on the bridge or zone, but by this level all but the dragoons will be green to you. Northwest from here along the road leads to Lavastorm. Again, this portal has undead around it that are very green to you but idiotically will attack.

Nullify Magic Cancels up to 4 spells on a target, good to open up with against casters or monsters that have been buffed. Nullify works SIGNIFICANTLY better than Cancel Magic, it is very reliable. This can be Researched using Rune of Consumption, Rune of Sorcery, and Rune of Arrest, but can also be purchased at Enchanter guilds.

O'Kiels Flickering Flame This is a very small but long lasting damage shield. It lasts 5 minutes, more than twice as long as other damage shields. It also has the unique benefit of stacking on top of other damage shields of any type, including Feedback and thorn damage shields of Druids. In addition, it adds 20 points to fire resistance, which can be be handy (both o'kiels and elemental armor stack for a pretty impressive fire resistance). However, it costs an ENORMOUS amount of mana for such a small amount of damage. This can only be purchased at the gnome pirate camp in Velious, the Iceclad Ocean. The guy that sells it is standing outside the igloos wearing a robe.

Steelskin Uses a jasper each cast, which costs about 8 gold. Gives enough protection for a few hits against blues and will allow you to ignore entire trains of low greens.

Thunderclap (222 damage starting) Area Effect Point Blank spell, the first of the really powerful PBAE Wizards see. This begins the ability to actually hurt things notably around you with an AE again, something you haven't had since level one. This has a small throwback effect like Thunderbolt at level 29, causing any target that doesn't resist to be shoved away from you. While comical, it also has tactical use, in that it will actually allow you to corral targets into a handy corner or pocket to keep them nearby an enchanter casting stun, for example. This spell may only be researched using the runes of Conception, Howling, and Contortion.


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