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The Basics

This is a fairly basic section, without a lot of extra bells and whistles, because it is a fairly basic concept and system. If you have studied kiting then you have most of the ideas you need to know. Fear Kiting is not soloing by anyone's definition, you must have another character around to cast fear. The basic concept is this: Fear is cast on a snared creature and as it runs away slowly you blast it to death. There really is not much more to it than that, if it breaks fear, it will come after YOU the Wizard in almost every case, so have fear ready. Now that Root doesn't over write Snare, it works for stopping monsters so you can get to safety as well, as does stun for most creatures.

Like normal Kiting, this requires a large open space to chase the monsters around. They will run away on a given path predetermined by the programmers, which you will need to learn before you really start working with this in earnest. If the pathing leads to a pile of bad guys, you will be in trouble. If it paths to somewhere dangerous to you, that isn't good because you might have to chase them there. So you need to test a few kills to get a handle on what the killing is going to be like. Once you get a good spot, you can kill things with little danger and little damage sustained.

There are actually quite a few classes who have fear of one sort or another, so finding someone to work with using this system is not a significant challenge. Most of them will be glad to share the experience (with a 2% bonus for being grouped) with someone who makes their kill time drop by a large amount. Some of these classes cannot practically hope to solo in most cases (rogue, cleric, etc) and will work with you gladly. Each one has different advantages for you as the Wizard.

The Classes

Here is a list of the classes in the game that get fear of one form or another, and the levels that they do. Choose carefully, my favorite is the Enchanter, but Clerics and Bards work well too.

Class Name Spell Level Notes
Area Effect, but like all bard songs is fairly effective, requires no mana, and can be used on the run. Bards aren't warriors but can hit fairly well, heal, and do nearly everything else in the game. When they are high enough level you even get mana regen. Bards are your friend.
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Clerics get good fear spells, versus undead and against any target. Against undead, the fear starts at level 1, but otherwise it is a bit later. Clerics also can heal, which is helpful in a pinch, plus root and stun. Their offense is often not significant, but they can be support for you while you blast things
Druid fears are only against animals, but they are very effective. Hunting outdoors Druids are a wonderful addition, if you dont want to fear kite you can just kite things normally with them around to SOW you. Druids also have a more powerful, longer lasting snare.
Enchanters get regular updates to fear every few levels and they are very good with it, due to the ability to reduce resistances to the spell. Further, Enchanters make some of your spells land better, give you mana regen, and have a pet that they can get into the action if they are brave enough. Enchanters are always good.
Instill Doubt is a handy skill but is not only not very reliable to take effect, it doesn't last long. This isn't your best choice for fear kiting but if you want to experiment it is an odd option.
Necromancers get a lot of fear spells across their levels, can heal a little, and have a powerful pet to hammer the monster as it runs away. Further, he can lower resistances and eventually even give you mana in a pinch. Between the two of you things will die rapidly, so much so he might start complaining about wasting DOTs
Paladins only get fear versus undead, but it is fairly effective nonetheless. Working with Melee types allows them to beat the thing up while it runs away, and also will finish the deal when it is nearly dead and standing there snared.
Instill Doubt is very unreliable, see monks.
Shadow Knight
Shadow Knights are a rare breed, but they get fear and are good at hacking things down. Their Harm Touch is a nice help in a pinch, and the pet is like a DOT that walks.

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