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Ping Pong is the system where two casters stand apart and fire blasts on a creature until it dies. This is a very basic combat skill, one which takes advantage of the great aggro that big blasts cause in monsters. It requires to casters at least, although you can set up a triangle between three or a box with four, etc. Each caster uses their biggest, best blast on the monster, and it gets mad at one after the other, running around like an idiot. Eventually it dies, and you can split up the loot.

There are a few warnings, again you need the room for the monster to run between you, so it usually works best outdoors, and the monster will tend to put the hurts on you if your timing isn't perfect, so you will take more damage with this than usual. Stock up on skin spell components and try not to get hit too much, the further you are apart the more safety you have, but if you are too far apart you will have to aggro them more to get them to change targets. Often this works best if you circle around each other and stay in communication, one stands in place and fires while the other kites the creature. To do this, you both need either a very slow monster or Spirit of the Wolf, or both.

This can be used in dungeons also, if you need to keep a monster busy while someone meditates or you get jumped while the tank pulls. Two casters can alternate the monster's attention until the tanks are ready or around to do the job. Ping Pong is more a tactic to use on the spur of the moment than prepare for, it tends to be used by the circumstances and without any kind of system between casters.

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