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Quad Kiting is the practice of gathering several monsters together, then kiting them as usual, but with Area Effect spells rather than with single target blasts. If you have read the kiting section, you have a basic idea of the foundation in this skill, but there is more to Quad Kiting than normal kiting. This technique has gained a great deal of notice lately, primarily from melee classes who look at someone attempting it and assume it is simple and common. It also drew some fire from Absor, who was mistaken on how it worked and how easy it was to do.

Quad Kiting is very dangerous, it is a skill that requires even more specific settings, spells, and skills than ordinary kiting. As such it is not something simple and basic that allows some casters to rocket through levels while other classes are simply worthless by comparison. All of the following things must be true for Quad Kiting to work:

Adding all this up means it is only useful and possible in certain areas with certain level ranges. Once you are set up in the right spot with the right gear and within the right level, then you can make very good experience, if things don't go wrong.

How To Quad Kite

To do this you must be at least level 29, sorry you can't quad kite normal monsters until then. Beetles or other very slow monsters you have a chance to at lower levels using only SOW, but you will need Bonds of Force against anything else. First, memorize Bonds of Force and your best, most powerful AE Pillar spell. Assuming all of the above is true, choose up to four of your desired target. These must all be the same kind, because different creatures have different hit point and resistance levels. This means that they will die at different rates, which ruins the whole effect of Quad Kiting (some of them might be stopped, snared and running, others still chasing you and this negates the entire benefit of using AE spells). Get each of these creatures' attention by using a small spell or your Staff of Temperate Flux.

Once your monsters are all mad at you, begin to make wide circles around them (this is why you need Spirit of the Wolf) until they bunch up together. What you are looking for is the odd illusion that Everquest can give where several of the same monsters stack up on top of each other until there is only one showing, or nearly so. Either use an outside view or run away a bit and turn to look, it takes a few loops to get them to bunch up enough. When you see this, you have them all so tight together that they will stay on the same path following you and not break up, ruining the AE benefits.

Hit this monstrosity with your Bonds of Force spell, and watch for the hits, EVERY ONE of the monsters must be hit or you will have a problem on your hands. If one or two resist, you will have to either use wierd timing to get them gathered up again, circling and running about, or you will have to run to a zone and get them to stop thinking of you. If you get all of the creatures snared at once, start up. Using the same technique as with ordinary kiting, determine your distance from the monsters and begin to cast with your AE spell to hurt each of the monsters at once. Ideally, they will all die at the same rate and end up standing around in a pile for the coup de grace.

This is not an ideal world, however, and you will rarely, if ever, see them all die at once. So once one or more of the monsters has stopped because he is so damaged, you must do mop up (this is why you need a lot of mana and INT gear). Leaving the non moving creatures behind to stand and heal, quickly kite the remaining monsters. You can even, if your timing is exceptional, drag the monsters over the top of the standing one and blast them all with the AE again, but this is not easy to do. Once all the monsters have died, return to their bodies and loot, then meditate, preferably invisibly or at a place no aggro monsters are, because you will be very low on mana in most cases.

Issues and Notes

Now, reading this, I hope some facts are starting to present themselves. First, you cannot do all this running around with monsters unless the area is clear of other creatures and especially other players; they don't appreciate a stampede of creatures over their head. I watched a Druid quad kite several skeletons through some ruins in the Burning woods and end up with an assortment 6 extra things on him, try to avoid this, it annoys people whose camp you just emptied and gets you killed.

Also, this isn't something for the faint of heart, the creatures don't want to behave, they resist, try to stray, and don't really want to bunch up nicely for you. Your SOW must not shut off while gathering them or you will be a crumpled little robe on the ground in short order. You need a zone or safe spot nearby or the ability to outrun the monsters until they forget you, or you will die if something goes wrong. And as you can guess, many things can go wrong, I ran out of mana several times trying to get this system working correctly, for instance.

Further, your AE spells do MUCH less damage than your main blast, and as such you will find that your Bonds of Force does not hold long enough for one fight. If this happens, use that instead of your AE spell to get them slowed down again, and hope it sticks on all of them. You will note that the damage to mana ratio on your Area Effect spells is not as good as your blasts. As such, to make the attack efficient enough, you will need to have at least 3 targets, anything lower and you are not gaining any efficiency benefit from Quad Kiting. You will use up more mana per fight (but kill more targets) than killing one creature at a time.

Unless you have a ready supply of the right kind of monsters in close proximity to gather and kill, you will spend almost as much time looking and gathering than you saved by hunting four single targets. Resistances can utterly eliminate the chance of killing the monsters, especially as you go up levels and your AE spell become less and less efficient. Due to the ragged and uneven progression and additions of AE spells there are level gaps where you do not get a valuable upgrade to the spell you are using.

All this adds up to one conclusion: While killing four monsters at once is not only fun and very good experience, it is very risky, limited, dangerous, and difficult to pull off regularly. There are some areas such as the Spiroc islands in Timorous Deep that are practically designed for this kind of thing, but they are not common in the game and are scattered and usually high level. This is excellent experience, when it works, and that is why despite the dangers and difficulty you see Druids and Wizards doing this.

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