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[The Spells]

All spells are written up in a standard format, using certain terms that may require definition.

All spells that are listed here give all the basic information that is needed, including specific effects, casting time, and mana cost. Included are some times that are not given in the game, but are very helpful, and as Wizards, knowledge is power.

Casting Time is the amount of time the spell takes to actually cast. This will be reduced slightly over time as your Channelling skill increases, so the time given is only for the first level the spell is learned.

Recovery Time is the amount of time before you can cast ANY spell, the time before the icons turn from gray to the full icons again.

Hold Time is the amount of time before you can cast that SPECIFIC spell again. While you might be able to cast another spell before this time is up, a spell with a Hold Time will take a while to be ready again, even if all your other spells are ready.

Note: None of the Wizard's straight Direct Damage and Bolt spells have a hold time, meaning as soon as you can cast a spell, you can fire off that blast again. Other damage dealing spellcasters have hold times on many of their spells and thus cannot be cast as often nor quickly. This is a slight advantage, but it can be noticable.


This is modified from a post by Geoffrey Zatkin, the primary programmer for the spells and magic section of Everquest.

There is always a 5% chance of succeeding (regardless of how low your appropriate skill is) and a 5% chance of failure (regardless of how high your appropriate skill is). What modifies the chance to fizzle check is the appropriate skill (Abjuration, Evocation, etc.), your Wizard's Intelligence, the difficulty of the spell, and the level of the spell. Spells have a toughness rating, so that some are less difficult to cast than others. According to GZ, none are more difficult than the average to cast.

When you gain a new rank of spells, any spell that you cast of that rank has a 20% chance of fizzling. This is adjusted by your skill and INT, and the toughness rating of the spell. If your INT is greater then 75 the chance of fizzle is reduced by 1% for every point of your statistic above 75. Each spell assumes that you have a skill equal to (5 * level you go the spell). A Wizard getting Bind Affinity (a Wizard gets 4th rank spells at level 12, so 5 * 12 =60) would have that spell assuming that he had a 60 Alteration skill for purposes of casting. With a 60 skill in Alteration (the appropriate skill) and a 75 intelligence, our wizard would have an 80% chance of successfully casting Bind Affinity. For every skill point that our Wizard has above 60, the percent chance of fizzling goes down by 1%, to a minimum of a 5% chance of fizzling.

Thus, three levels (15 skill points) after our Wizard gets Bind Affinity, he will be able to max out Alteration for that spell, and have a mere 5% chance of fizzling the spell. Higher Intelligence will also help with this.

This explains why when you first get spells you will see more fizzles with that spell. It also notes why it is important to have a higher INT, not just for mana, and why it is good to practice your skills up before you head out into the cruel world to try them out.

All Spells that do damage have a type of damage listed with them so that the caster can determine what sort of resistance it is likely to be affected by (such as cold, fire, magic). Each level has a list of what spells are suggested for purchase, and notes by Grimstaff are given for each spell for better strategy and usage. Each spell has been carefully examined for accuracy by casting and noting the effects, casting time, etc. Choose below for which spell level you desire to look at. Wizard spells are divided up into circles, like all other magics, with the first 7 circles every 4 levels, starting with 1st. The remaining 7 circles occur every 5 levels, so there are new spells at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, and 49.

[First Circle] [Second Circle] [Third Circle]
[Fourth Circle] [Fifth Circle] [Sixth Circle]
[Seventh Circle] [Eighth Circle] [Ninth Circle]
Tenth Circle of Spells Eleventh Circle of Spells Twelfth Circle of Spells
Fiftieth Level Spells Fifty-first Level Spells Fifty-second Level Spells
