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The Cottage's Very Own
Little Mischievious ones

shh! if you're really quiet, you might hear sounds of whispering
and giggling of our little mischievous ones, telling silly secrets
while hiding just inside the hollow of their favorite old oak tree
Or you just might hear melodies of songs they make up in play

Perhaps you'll see them dancing and doing summersaults later on
today. This is where you will find the most precious Cottage Fae's
Our little mischievious ones, Angels Emily and Ashly hard at play


I'd like you to meet our Angel Pixies,
Emily and Ashly

OH NO! Where did they go? They were just here a moment ago!
SHH! I think I can hear them splashing in the old shallow tide pool
I think I see Freckles, Ashly's Guardian friend, let's ask if she
knows where our mischievous angels have been. "Freckles, where
are our little angels? The ones you are supposed to be watching?
Don't tell me only Bitty Bear is keeping an eye on them playing
in the pool. We told you only a Cottage Fairy can bend a rule!


Now Freckles, Don't give that sad look! You know the rules
Go and get Angels Emily and Ashly, and bring them right back!


Tigger you are not supposed to be here
You're supposed to be on Emily's Page!

See why we call our youngest fairies Our Mischievous ones?
they are so sweet and gentle, and so full of love. They see
only goodness and they are such trusting souls, However when
you meet these two angels you'll understand why they must be
constantly looked after, and must be kept safe, for not only
are they the Cottage's fairies, but heaven's own special gifts

I'd like you to meet our Angel Pixies,
Emily and Ashly


Both girls were born with a type of Lysosomal storage disease
Angel Emily has i-cell disease, also known as mucolipidoses 2
Angel Ashly has Geleophysic Dysplasia, enzyme missing unknown


Mucopolysaccharidoses and Mucolipid disorders are a group of
disorders labeled "Lyosomal Storage Diseases" that are caused
caused by a defiency of needed Lyosomal Enzymes that are used
to break down the sugar molecules within the cells of the body, so
because their bodies can't adequately dispose of the sugars and
fats (lipids + saccharides) they accumulate within the cells, leaving
stored deposits of enzyme material. This Causes slow progressive
damage then death of cells, then to the physical body as its stored

There is no cure for either, though gene replacement therapy
and bone marrow transplants are being used in experiments
by taking out errored genes and inserting healthy enzymes.
It's helped by keeping the symptoms from progressing or by
reversing some of the tissue damage in a few storage diseases
We Hope research studies finds a cure for these disorders


Look for both Emily's and Ashly's Personal Story
find out who these mischievious angel pixies are,
meet the courageous Lady's who have taken care of
our angels and their stories of unique love and courage


A Few Related Links

Bone and Joint Sources

Genetic Conditions &
Rare Conditions Information Site

Short Stature


Canadian MPS


For a Large Detailed List of Medical Resources Visit ASHLY'S
Medical Pages by clicking below on the link you want to see
Loads of medical Links              Tons of Medical links
Ashly's Medical search Engines

bottle of dreams


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Bottle of Dreams came from
Camomile's World

excellence award

Happy Fairy award

I'd like to thank Fiona from A Home for Fariesfor these awards for this page!!


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angels cottage

Ashly's World of Wonders

find a cure
Angels of the Faerie Cottage
Together We Will Find a Cure!


click here to go to
Angel Ashly's StoryAngel Emily's Story

click here to go to
The Cottage Fairies

This Ashly's World of Wonders site
is owned by shilo young.

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