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Choosing a name

Different ways you could choose a name

Choosing a Gorean name is the first step in getting involved in Online GOR.i have included here a list of names from the books in apalphabetical by no means have to choose a name from the list.If you do choose a name from the list email me so I may post on here that the name is taken.also if you see a name on here that you are using and it isnt posted that it is taken please notify me immediately so i may correct the error.The email is that the histories provided are from the books if you chose a name you dont get the postion with it(for example:if you Choose Marlenus does not mean you get to become the Ubar of Ar)so enjoy if nothing else read through you will learn a little about the books.If you make up your own name thats ok too...but then you will have to decide a caste so then just go back to the start pages and decide on your caste.This is a complete list of books 1-7 and some of 8 it is taking me time to compile all the names.


Albrecht- A warrior of the Kassar.
Al-Ka-a slave of the Preist-Kings whom later after the nest war Misk freed.he is identical twin to Ba-Ta.
Andreas-He was of the Caste of Poets from Tor.He was imprisioned and enslaved in Tharna.
Antisthenes- A Captain of the Council of Captains of Port Kar .
Aphris-A Freewoman of Turia whom Kamchak takes as slave then frees her to become Ubara of the Tuchuks.


Ba-Ta-a slave to the Preist-Kingslater freed ater the nest war by Misk.He is the indentical twin to Al-Ka.
Bejar- A Captain of the Council of Captains of Port Kar( This name is taken in Online Gor) .
Bosk- This was the name given to Tarl Cabot when he was slave to telima.He retained the name in Port Kar to become one of the highest ranked Captains in the city.


Callius- He was a tarnskeeper for the steel faction in Ar.
Caprus- He was the chief accountant for the House of Cernus in Ar.He is of the Caste of Scribes.
Centius-A player of kaissa from Cos.
Cernus- A slaver of Ar that was for a short time named Ubar of the city.He was master of the House of Cernus.He was also a agent of the Kur.
Chenbar- Ubar of Tyros
Chung- One of the Ubars of Port Kar that was replaced by the Council of Captains.
Clark- A warrior of Thentis.Master of the House of Clark.
Claudia Tentia Hinrabia-She was the daughter of the Adminstrator of Ar.She was captured and made slave.
Claudis- Once of Tyros,Regent of the House of Sevarius in Port Kar . He betrayed the house trying to kill the Master of the House.
Clitus- A fishermanand master of the net and trident.One of Bosk most trusted men in Port Kar.
Conrad- Ubar of the Kassars.(This name is taken in online GOR.)


dina- a slave girl owned by the Kassar.(This name is taken in online GOR.)
Dorna The Proud-She was second in Tharna.She conspired with Thorn and sold Lara into slavery thus becoming Tatrix only to be defeated by the forces headed by Tarl Cabot.( this name is taken in online GOR)


Eechius- A boy of the rencersthat was killed by slavers.

elizabeth cardwell- A woman of earth brought to GOR by black slavers and captured by the Tuchuks.She was made slave and ended up slave of Tarl Cabot.
Eteocles- One of the Ubars of Port Kar that was replaced by the Council of Captains


Falarius- He was a guard in the House of Cernus in Ar.
fish- the slave name of Henrius Sevarius while he was slave to Bosk of Port Kar( this name is taken in online Gor).
Flaminius- A physicain of the House of Cernus in Ar.


Gladius- He was a tarn racer for the steel faction.He was from Cos.He was actually Tarl Cabot.


Ha-Keel- A mercenary Tarnsman from Port Kar.
Hakimba- Ubar of the Kataii.( This name is taken in online Gor)
Harold- A warrior if the Tuchuks.
Henrak- He was a rencer that aligned himself with the slavers of Port Kar to help in the capture raid of the rence islands.
Henrius Sevarius- One of the Ubars of Port Kar that was replaced by the Council of Captains. He was betrayed by his own men and they attempted to kill him.he was rescued by Bosk then made slave.Later Bosk freed him and he became one of his most trusted men.
Heraklites-Admistrator of Cos.(This name has ben taken and killed in online Gor)
Hereena-A freewoman of the first wagon of the Tuchuks.She later becomes slave to Harold.
Hersius- Legendary hero of Ar.( This name has been taken in online GOR)
Ho-Bar- A guard of Turia that Harold was asking for on top of a keep.
Ho-Hak-He was leader of the Rencers in the Vosk Delta outside of Port Kar.He was once a exoctic bred slave from the galleys.
Ho-Sorl- He was a guard in the House of Cernus in Ar that helped Tarl Cabot defeat Cernus and restore Marlenus to power.
Ho-Tu-The Master Keeper of the slaves in the House of Cernus in Ar.
Hup-he was considered a fool and a beggar on the streets of Ar.In actuallality he was on of the greatest kaissa players on GOR and a agent of the Preist Kings.He was a small dwarf of a man that was badly disfigured.




Kamchak-Ubar of the Tuchuks.Sword brother to Tarl Cabot.
Kamras- Champion of Turia of the Warrior Caste.
Kazrak- a warrior ofPort Kar.He helped Tarl Cabot and became his sword brother before the seige ofAr.When Marlenus was exiled from the city he was named admistrator ofAr.( This name istaken in Online GOR.)
Kliimus-he was a tavern keeper of a tavern in Ar that favored the green faction of the tarn races.
Kron- He was a member of the Caste of Metal Workers from Tharna.He was used in the games of amusements and was help to Tarl Cabot in the revolt of the silver mines.
Kurrus- this name was used twice in the books, Once as the name of a guard on top of a keep in Turia.But most noteably as the name Tarl Cabot used as a asassin when he went to Ar.
Kusk- the Preist-King that worked on genetic experiments on humans.
Kutaituchik-the one who Kamchak fronted as Ubar of the Tuchuksto Tarl Cabot.(This name is taken in online GOR.)


lana- a slave in the House of Cernus of Ar.
Lara-Tatrix of Tharna.She was once a cruel leader of the city,but after being betrayed and sold as a slave then being restored to power by Tarl Cabot she reigned as a true leader.
Linna-She was one of the high council of Tharna.She was sentenced to slavery during the early years of Laras reign for loving a man.
luma-the name of the slave Bosk won when he killed Surbus in Port Kar. She became the cheif accountant of the House of Bosk and was later freed. She was of the scribes.
Lurius- Ubar of Cos
Lysias- A Captain ofPort Kar that over saw the slave raid on therencers .


Marlenus- Ubar of Ar.He is considered to be the Ubar of Ubars.
Matthew Cabot-Originally of earth.Tarls father,Adminstrator of Koroba.Once Ubar of the City in times Of war.He is of the warrior caste.
Maxiumus Hegesius Quintilius- He was First Sword of Ar.He was killed when he spoke against Cernus.
melanie- she was a slave girl of Ar that once dropped a mirror and had her ears and nose cut off.
Melipolus- One of the great tarn Racers.He was from Cos.
Menicus- from Port Kar.He was considered to be one of the best tarn racers on GOR.
midice- a rence girl that Bosk took as slave in Port Kar.
Miles- He was A kaissa player from Cos.
Mintar- Merchant of Port Kar.Tarl Cabot joined his caravan after besting Kazarak in a challenge.
Mip- He was a tarn keeper in the tarncots of Ar.He was once one of the greatest tarn racers on GOR.
Misk- the Preist-Kingthat is close to Tarl Cabot.He was the one that became in charge of the nest after Sarm was defeated.
Minus Tentius Hinrabian- Adminstrator of Ar. He took over after Kazrak left.He was of the Caste of Builders.
Murmillius- This is the name Marlenus took when he fought at the Stadium of the Bladesin Ar.

Nar-one of the 8 legged spider people of the swamps near Ar.It has the ability to speak.a peaceful,rational creature.
nela-a slave of the capacian baths in Ar.
Nigel- One of the Ubars of Port Kar that was replaced by the Council of Captains.


Om- the high initiate of Ar.
Ost- was one of the conspirators with Dorna the Proud to overthrow Lara but was first caught before his plans could be carried out.He was of Tharna.

Pa-Kur-Master Assasin of Ar.Tried to overtake the city as Ubar when Marlenus was exiled but was defeated by Tarl Cabot.(This name is taken in online GOR.)
Parp-He was the one who greeted Tarl Cabot when he entered
nest of the Preist-Kings in the Sardar Mountains.He was once of the Caste of Psychians.
phais-she was a slave girl from the Streets of Pots in Ar.
Phanius Turmis- Administrator of Turia. He was of the Warrior Caste.
Philemon- He was a scribe of Tyros.
phyllis robertson- a earth girl taken by the black slavers to the House of Cernus in Ar.
Portus- He was a slaver of Ar.Master of the House of Portus.


Qualius- A blind kaissa player from Ar.
Quintus- A player of kaissa from Tor.


Relia- A Freewoman of Koroba.
Relius- He was a guard in the House of Cernus in Ar that helped Tarl Cabot defeat Cernus and restore Marlenus to power.
Rena- this name was used several times in the books for Freewomen and slaves but the first time it was mentioned in the books it was scrawled on the side of the Sardar Mountains.


Samos- He was First Slaver of Port Kar.He also held the seat of First in the Council of Captains.(This name is taken in Online GOR.)
sana-a slave of Koroba.She was the first slave Tarl Cabot ever saw whom he later freed.
sandra- a slave of Port Kar that Bosk bought from a tavern.
Sandros-He was a warrior of Thentis that was slain in Tarl Cabots place.
Saphrar- A merchant of Turia that was aligned with the Kur to take over the city.He was defeated by the wagons people and Tarl Cabot.
Saphronicus-Captain of the Guards in Ar.
Sarm-The Preist-King that inspired to take over the nest but was defeated by Misk and Tarl Cabot.
Scormus- From Ar.He is one of the greatest kaissa players on Gor.(This name is taken in Online GOR.)
Seremides- He was First sword of Ar.
Serus- A Priest-King who was one of Sarms chohorts in the nest war.
Spindus-A tavern keeper in Ar.
Stam-First gaurdsman to the North gate of Tharna.
Strius- A guard who does the branding of the slaves in the House of Cernus in Ar.
Sullis Maximus- One of the Ubars of Port Kar that was replaced by the Council of Captains.

sura- A slave who was First Girl and slave trainer in the House of Cernus in Ar.(this name is taken)
Surbus-The Captain that Bosk killed when he first came to Port Kar.


Tab - One of Bosk men that was a Captain of one of his ships in Port Kar.

Tai- A tarnsman of Tharna.
Talena-was Tarl Cabots First Love on GOR.she was a Freewoman of Ar.She was daughter of Marlenus.She later becomes a slave.
Targo- A slaver who bought Lara, Tatrix of Tharna from Thorn and sold her to Tarl Cabot.(This name is taken in online GOR)
Tarl Cabot- Brought To Gor from earth by the Preist Kings. He is the Main Character in the 25 novels Of Gor.His city is Koroba.He is of the warrior caste.( This name is Taken in Online GOR)
Tarl-Master of Arms of the City of Koroba.It was he who Tarl Cabot was named after.He was refered in the books as the older Tarl.It was he who taught Tarl Cabot weapons and swordmanship and to ride a tarn.
telima-a escaped slave that was of the rence islands that once owned Tarl Cabot but then became his slave.
tenchika- a slave of the Kassar.
Tendite-The name of tenchika when she was a Turian Freewoman.
Tenrik- Captain of a ship in Tyros that bought Bosk as a galley slave.
Tersites- A brillant shipwright,thought to be mad. he was of Port Kar .
TetharAphris father,he was the richest merchant in Turia.he was killed in a caravan raid.
tethrite- a slave who was First Girl and slave trainer in the House of Portus in Ar.
Thorn-Captain of Tharna who with Dorna the Proud decived Lara and sold her to slavery.
thura- a rence girl that thurnock took as slave in Port Kar.
Thurnock- he was of the caste of peasants and a master of the long bow.He was one of Bosk most trusted men in Port Kar.
Tolnus-Ubar of the Paravaci.
Torm-Head scribe of Koroba.Tarl Cabots teacher of the Gorean language and laws and such.
tuka- a slave owned by the Tuchuks.


ula-a rence girl that Clitus took as slave in Port Kar.


Vancius-A guard in the House of Cernus in Ar.
vella-the slave name elizabeth cardwell took as a slave to Tarl Cabot.she used it alot in Ar.
vera- a girl Tarl Cabot encountered outside of Tharna.She scorned Tarl Cabot and submitted as a slave to the Captain of Tharna.
verbina-a slave that was sold on the blocks of Ar.
vika-She was the chamber slave used by the Priest-Kings to tempt Tarl Cabot.
virginia kent-a earth girl taken by the black slavers to the House of Cernus in Ar.
vivina- was the ward of Chenbar that Bosk made slave in Port Kar .




Yachi- A Tuchuk who was of the Caste of the Leather Workers.


Zosk- A member of the caste of woodsmen that Tarl Cabot encountered on the way to Koroba.

The World of Gor Online