B.D. Wong - Linus


Linus Van Pelt inspired the term "security blanket" with his classic pose. He is the intellectual of the gang, and flabbergasts his friends with his philosophical revelations and solutions to problems. He suffers abuse from his big sister, Lucy, and the unwanted attentions of Charlie Brown's little sister, Sally. He is a paradox: despite his age, he can put life into perspective while sucking his thumb. He knows the true meaning of Christmas while continuing to believe in the Great Pumpkin.
B.D. Wong

B. D. Wong won a Tony Award for his performance as Song Liling in David Henry Hwang's M. Butterfly and also appeared on Broadway in Hwang's Face Value. His film and television credits include Seven Years in Tibet, Mulan, Father of the Bride, The Ref, And the Band Played On, Jurassic Park, The Freshman, "Oz," "The X-Files," "All American Girl," and "Sesame Street," among many others.
Profile and biography taken from Snoopy.com and youragoodman.com respectively.

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