Text of Pat Smith Speech. Today is a historic day for Lyme disease.  Today marks a turning point in the war against our doctors.  Today, we draw a line in the sand with our treating doctors  on one side and the “ivory tower establishment” on the other. Whoever dares to cross this line from this point forward and threaten our doctors’ right to treat needs to understand that we will no longer sit idly by.  We, as a  community, a united national Lyme community, will bring all the forces we have at our command, whether they be political, medical, scientific, legal,  or otherwise, against them. The GAO investigation taking place in Washington, DC, right at this very moment is only the first step.  State by state, we will get legislators, governors, and other officials to listen to us by educating them and presenting not only the science but also the overwhelming numbers of chronic Lyme patients coast to coast.   The LDA has already helped initiated this  process in several states through health commissioners and  state boards.  Additionally, we have begun to focus Washington’s attention on Lyme disease through the Lyme Disease Initiative. We will deluge our legislators with information and with patient horror stories, forcing them to acknowledge the grave situation, which exists for our patients and our treating doctors.  We will continue to demand bias investigations of all agencies and/or licensing boards who place our doctors’ right to treat Lyme in jeopardy.  These boards operate with public funds, and we after all, are members of that public, and we must demand the same rights as all other disease victims have:  the right to be treated with antibiotics and the right to be treated with dignity. We will deluge those who espouse, without science, that 28 days of treatment is enough with cases and literature to prove otherwise.  We will leave no stones uncovered in the search for consultants who may be paid with public dollars who advocate this unsubstantiated treatment regimen.  We will raise funds for researchers whose minds are open to the complexity of the Lyme disease organism.  We will support our doctors who are organizing through ILADS or other organizations to become an effective force in our battle to regain the rights of our doctors to treat. This national disgrace perpetrated upon us by vested interests must end.  It began in New Jersey ten years ago with one of the most knowledgeable Lyme doctors hauled before the medical board and branded a “quack.”  It continued in New Jersey with another prominent Lyme doctor who was driven to his death  after being charged.  Another, and another, and yet another followed until our doctors in New Jersey began to leave the state or go in hiding and not treat Lyme.  This sent a clear signal to Insurance companies  who have had a field day turning down patient claims and forcing doctors to withdraw from medical plans which cut patients off from more treatment. Alabama, Michigan, Oregon, Texas, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New York followed suit.  Licenses were revoked, fines levied, stipulations were attached to licenses.  Most often, it has been the doctors who are in the forefront of treatment who have suffered.  Why?  To scare the remainder.  Up until now, that strategy may have been effective, but it will work no longer. Dr. Burrascano, like those who went before him,  has stuck out his neck for the Lyme community and he has produced sensible, clinically based published guidelines to help other doctors help us. Now, we must help him and all his colleagues. The message needs to be a clear one:  Leave our treating doctors practice the medicine they have been trained to practice, which involves all the knowledge, skills, and clinical judgement they possess.  If you cross that line in the sand to attack our doctors, we in turn will attack you with all the science, bodies, and medical and legal expertise it takes to eradicate you as a threat to our treatment and, indeed, to our very lives and the lives of our children. Back
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