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Venus of Willendorf Gallery of Beauty!

Welcome! The objective of this Gallery is to provide validating imagery of women's bodies that include larger and fat women. American society is obsessed with thinness, costing women their health and lives. The resulting body hatred from the weight slavery and beauty industries is astounding and destructive to women's empowerment. Women FEAR fat. This Gallery help you LOVE your body just the way it is and rob the beauty industry of your self-hatred dollars! You do not need to shed chunks of yourself! Take up all the space you need AND MORE today!

Items featured on this page:
  1. Laussel Goddess Rubber Stamp...$6.00
  2. Ishtar/Inanna Rubber Stamp

You can get a rubber stamp of this Laussel Goddess, to stamp diversity on letters and envelopes, for only $6.00!

To order any of these products, send money order or check to:
By Goddess/Mama Sutra Productions
10115 Greenwood Ave. N., PMB 218
Seattle, Wa. 98133

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