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PIcs of Cher & friends from High school

Pics from High School!!

Thurston High

awwwww What a wholesome school....

My high school could say was wholesome~Full of sports, making fun of dumbasses, homework up the ass,Out of control partying (sometimes during lunch, or activity period & trying to look 'normal' in class)I went into high school acting like I was 18, and came out of high school with the attitude of an 8 year old. Meaning, I was a snob to say the least, and didn't act like my true self until end of sophomore year when I decided...who gives a fuck?? I am being a kid and having fun! I started out with the reputation of a gossip queen...and tried my hardest to live that one down by dangling juicy stories in people's faces and refusing to tell them and making them wish I still were the same old gossip queen. Those hypocrytes! Well of course Micha & Em & Kallie are always my trash talking sisters who I confide everything to!:)That will never change. What a wholesome school...yes...with a plethora full of weed smokers especially my class, and a vibrant batch of partying, alcoholic, nymphomatic girls (me and my friends), And probably one of the whitest schools you could go to. I notice that now, that I go to CSUN down here in the LA area...where 75% of the school's population is either Armanien, Jewish, Asian, Filapino, Black, middle eastern, or a little bit of both. I love it! It makes my hometown look like boring, America. Anywho... Here are some photos of weirdos, friends..and fun/crazy/adorable memories!

Click on the jar of 'bouncing balls' to see some hot and sexy SENIOR PORTRAITS of my friends in my class of 2000 woohoo !!!!As well as some of my senior portraits.

Family Values car ride up....Lacy, Lindsey, Kurina, & Emily...baked beyond belief in Micha's Landcruiser

IN choir class...front to back...Alison,Lacey,Heather,Me,Angie, Cassie, Krystal, Angela. Feb-2000

Click on the little photo of the Brownie Bunch to see and read a little about the Brownie Bunch GIRLS!

Jason....actually doing something me at least..he stayed there for a long time!

awwww...Anson embracing his little minature (mark) hahaha. Striking the "Soulful Sexton Stance"