I also won't be updating or doing as much work on this TC until the World War II: No Return Total Conversion is finished... :( ALTHOUGH there may be acceptions... :)
James Bond - The World Is Not Enough was REALLY good!! (as usual... :)) AND I'm gonna be working on one TC at a time, so this one I won't be doing as much work on... Sorry :(
James Bond-The world Is Not Enough is out today!! Click here to visit the Official Site... =Ø]
Nothing new and I think that I'm gonna put the TC on hold... :(
Nothing new today either, sorry and I'm done carving pumpkins so um... You know... :)
-Torando 99-10-23
Nothing new today either, sorry and I still wont be updating for a little while because I'll be carving pumpkins and stuff... :(
Nothing new, sorry and I wont be updating for a little while because I'll be carving pumpkins and stuff... :(
I havn't done a whole lot... sorry. :(
I havn't really been doing too much lately... I didn't even update all my sites yesterday!!! :( Oh well... I'm gonna help out with the Millennium TC though... :) Mainly the weapons. I'll also be working on he Unreal Weapons Patch when I can get time, after all I did make a couple of weapons and stuff... :) Oh and I finally got time to check out the weapons at Total Chaos, the TC that just got hosted at DukeWorld and those weapons are SWEET!!! Esapecially the Shotgun thingy... :)
I've been playing Quake mods today... :)
Nothing new today, sorry :(
I'm just fixing some bugs in my HTML creation that I found... Anyhoo, not much else to say, so catch ya later... :(
JUST finished re-modeling my Ultima Total Conversion Site... :) It looks a lot better than that old piece of crap... :) Let me know what you think. Anyhoo, c ya again some other time... :(
Nothing to report today other than the fact that Chris Day hasn't replied to about 30 of my requests to get hosted @DukeWorld.com... :(
I finished my World War 2: No Return TC site!! :) Go check it out, it rocks!! :) I also took 102 screenshots for the WW2 TC and will be uploading them when I can get time to convert them into .gif upload them and finally do all that HTML coding!! :( few... Anyhoo that's all that's new for today... :(
I found a few bugs in The Cool Gunz Weapon Patch... I'll release a zip file with the fixes when I can get time to fix & upload it... :) Oh, I JUST started my World War 2: No Return TC site... :) I havn't finished the main page yet, oh well... at least I started it today... :) Anyhoo, that's all I can think of for now so see ya some other time... :(
I FINALLY FINISHED THE COOL GUNZ WEAPON PATCH!!!!!!! :) Click here to Download it... :) It's a WHOLE LOT BETTER than My Firts Gunz Weapon Patch believe me!! :) Anyhoo, that's all there is for today, so c ya some other time... :(
Nothing to report today other than I'm working on a BRAND SPANKIN NEW weapons patch called "The Cool Gunz Weapon Patch"... :) And it's almost finished!! ;) Anyhoo, c ya... :(
I've been doing a pile of work on The Ultima TC, since today is a PD day for me!!... :) I've mainly been testing out the levels and one got totally frigged up so I replaced it with another better level... :) I might also add all new weapons for it, if I'm in a good mood... :) Oh and like I said on news from a few days ago that I'd change the pics on the weapons page and some other stuff? Well I'm not going to switch the pics on the weapons page after all!! :) The "Mob" weapons are going to be in one of my future releases: Total Mafia or Mafia Chaos or something like that... :) If you're good at drawing weapons, let me know... :) I sure could use some for my future TC's... :) I also added an alternate download location for that first weapons patch of mine in the downloads section... :) I'll also be releasing another weapon patch in a little while... :) Anyhoo, c ya... :(
I'm just updating for the heck of it... Oh, Vixens Ressurection RULES!! :) I hope that V1.4/V1.5 patch comes out soon... :) I was just at the World War 2 TC site and they havn't updated in a dogs age, or at least I don't think so...!! And neither has Canadian Carnage, or at least I don't think so either... :( Oh and that WW2 TC isn't the one i'm working on either... Anhoo, that's all I can think of for now, so c ya! :(
I JUST signed up for a free chat applet at www.hearme.com/mychat... :) I think it has voice chat too, and it was free!! :) I just tested it out and it didn't work for me. Let me know if it works for you and click here to try it out... :) I also won't be adding it to the picture links at the bottom until someone can get it to work or whatever... :( Anyhoo c ya! :(
Vixens Ressurection Released!! :) Click here to get your free copy! :) It is for Version 1.3D ONLY!! :( Oh, and When Scum Returns was released a while ago too and it's for V1.4 or V1.5... ;) Click here to get your free copy of that... :) Anyhoo that's all I feel like saying for now, I might update todays news tonight... Oh and one last thing; I started the links page but it's still not finished... :) Anyhoo, c ya... :(
Ok, so where do I start?... Oh, the weapon art that I uploaded for that Doom 2 TC, was successful... :) However when I tested it, it didn't work very good... :( I got one heck of a better name for it to: Doom: The Final Chapter... :) I also have a "purple problem" with all of the art that I make, if you know how to use that purple stuff, let me know... :) I got a cool new weapon for my World War 2: No Return TC, it's some sort of mackine gun, it it's sweet!! :) I need help and if you want to become a member or help out, e-mail me... :) I will also add a members page if someone wants to become one or help out... :) Anyhoo, c ya! :(
There's not a whole lot to report today... :) I got a reply from Dukeland.com and they said that they only hosted Duke Nukem Forever sites... :( Oh well... I was thinking about that Doom 2 TC and what I would use for the weapons... :) Well... I'll be taking art from LizDog, Duke Nukem Meets Doom 2 and some other weapon patches I found with Doom guns... :) Oh, and like I said on yesterday's news "I might actually do some work on the TC today" well, I didn't get around to that because my parents went shopping and I had to tag along... :( Oh Well... Anyhoo, I'm probably gonna go work on that Doom 2 TC and mabey make some sites for my other TC's... So c ya later! :(
There's a LOT to report today!!! :) I made an attempt to get hosted at Dukeland.com... :) I hope all goes well... :) Oh, and I might also work on the TC today!! ;) I just checked out the Vixens 2 TC site. I can't wait for that one to be released, It looks awesome, so far!! :) I also still can't wait for TWITL (The War Is The Life) and The Critical Mass TC to be realeased.. :) Oh well... Don't forget to try out my First Weapons Patch in the downloads section... :) It isn't that great but the stripper weapon's pretty funny... I also might work on the WW2, WW7 and if I decide to go through with that Doom 2 TC, well mabey that site too... :) I watched "The Mummy" last night... :) It was pretty dang cool!! :) You gotta rent it!! :) Oh and please sign my guestbook if you happen to be reading this... And if you have any questions/coments/ideas post a note at my message board and or e-mail me... :) I was looking at the 00Duke TC weapons and they made a new gun. :) The PP7. :) I also noticed that he's already started a new gun... :) I tried the demo a long time ago and it's ok. I liked it, but when I didn't do my objectives and finshed the level I exited even though it said I hadn't finished my objectives!!! I don't like the Minigun. It's really cheap and doesn't look right at the top. I hope the two new weapons are gonna be better then that stupid minigun... :) I have this WICKED tank game called RECOIL. :) I love it, but it takes up too much dang space... :( Roughly 240MB... :( I can't even beat the first level!!! :( Oh well... I also have this cool game called Carmageddon... You don't like race or anything, you run over pedestrians and try to kill the other vehicles!!! :) The graphics aren't that good, but it's still really fun... :) I also have an official addon for it called the Splat Pack... :) It has new race tracks, new pedestrians, new vehicles, new environments and some other stuff... :) The only thing that I hate about Carmageddon is it always jams. :( Although it might be because I'm doing a minimum install... Oh well... I was playing a dethmatch only level in NAM a long time ago and I collected a pile of soldiers... :) It's a good thing I saved the game when I did because one of the stupid soldiers had a rocket launcher and blew a pile of them up!! :( I think he was trying to shoot at a jet fighter or something... :) I was mad at that point, so I blew him apart!! :) Oh well... I guess I had better stop writing all this mumbo jumbo so catch ya later!! :(
There isn't very much to report today... I'm going to try out the SG1 TC: Beta 2... :) I sure hope it's good... :) I might also be working on a TC called The Doom 2 TC thanx to Wad2Duke..., site coming sooner or later if I decide to create the TC... :) If I think of a better name, I'll let you know... :) Anyhoo, that's all there is for today so catch ya later! :(
There's a bunch to report today... :) I got that Wad2Duke Program to work now... :) The only thing wrong with it was the .ini files which it needed to edit were read only!!! Now how stupid is that??? I also have a shareware version of Exeno or whatever and it doesn't work either, I think it has the same problem too... Anyhoo like I said "I FINALLY got editart to work" and I said that I'll probably be releasing some future weapon patches??? :) Well, I made my first weapon patch!!! :) It really sucks though, but I think the stripper weapon's kinda funny... :) Click here to download it. I was also working on my World War 2: No Return TC last night and I uploaded all of the new weapons. :) I'm not sure if you noticed or not but the weapons for the Coolio TC are not in the screenshots... Well, I'll be changing the weapons page and the weapons on the screenshots page will be on the weapons page and I'll be uploading some more weapons besides the ones that are on the screenshots page. :) And as for the weapons on the weapons page, well I'll be putting them on one of my future TC's like Nuclear Acropolypse... :) Anyhoo, that's all there is for today so c ya! :(
There's quite a bit of new stuff today... :) I just checked out the Pray Your Prayers TC site, I can't wait for that one to be released... :) The only thing left that he has to do is finish off the last 2 levels... :) I am also woking on the Ultima TC, This TC, The World War 2: No Return TC (site coming soon) and the World War 7 TC (site coming sooner or later... :) My personal site: Kevland, really sucks, and I havn't updated it in a while either... :( It's mainly cause I can't find the time! :( I got a handbook for duke called "The Official Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook. Click here for a picture of the cover... :) It also comes with a CD... :) It has a program to convert Hexen and Doom levels into Duke levels, however, it doesn't work because my computer can't read .ini files... :( And my computer also sucks because it can't play .mid music in windows :( only in dos :) , but it used to play them on the internet :) , but now it doesn't... :( That's all the new stuff that I can think of for today so c ya! :(
Not much to report today either... :( I FINALLY got editart to work, thanx to Kenneth Finegan who is working on a TC called TWITL (The War Is The Life), of which will probably be my FAVOURITE TC!!!!! :) Now, like I said... "Not much to report today either..." well, that's all there is to report today, so c ya! :(
There isn't a whole lot of new stuff today... I was going to get a chat applet at http://www.parachat.com, but I didn't because you had to pay for it. :( I'm not sure if this is true or not but I think that the Critical Mass TC is going to be out in a couple of weeks... :) And I tried to go to the Terrorist Terror 2: Nuclear Threat but it didn't exist although they said they'd already started it too so I don't know whats going on there... :( Anyhoo I'll hopefully have some new updates for tomorow, if I don't have any homework that is... :)
I will be adding some new stuff:
1) A Links Page
3) And An Info Page.
That's all that's new for today...
I fixed up the site so it doesn't open up a new browser and make you have to continue surfing from that browser... Nothing to new to really report about the TC other than there are now 26 screenshots instead of 15. I was going to see if the weapons patch that the Bounty Killerz dude was working on was out yet but he must have gotten kicked off because the site didn't exist!!! Oh well... Anyhoo that's all that there is to report...
I FINALLY got the site up!! I've been pretty lazy and havn't been working on the TC, Just tryin to think of ideas... I fixed the problem where when you go to the site and then use a picture link it'll open up a new browser, but if you just leave the new browser open and continue to surf my site from that browser it won't keep re-opening browser after browser... :) That's all there is for today so c ya! :(