detectorhead is the hyperspace handle for Mark L. Ferns, a native Oregonian from southwestern Oregon's Fern Valley. As you might guess from the names, the family's Oregon roots run deep. Although raised on stories of lost gold mines and hidden outlaw loot, I eventually got educated and grew up-much to the surprise of friends and relatives- and in 1979 began a professional career as a geologist for the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Currently serving as Resident Geologist for the Baker City Field Office in northeast Oregon, I have been responsible for over 30 geologic maps, reports, and field trip guides. Some of these publications are geared to the general public with information both on both the geology and mining history of some of the older northeast Oregon gold fields.
For those of you interested in geology, current mining practices, and past mining history, check out the DOGAMI website at:
As DOGAMI conflict of interest rules are strict and inflexible, the author has concentrated on coin shooting in residential yards, reluctantly avoiding old gold camps and nugget fields. Against our rules -as it should be for all government agencies- for a DOGAMI employee to personally profit from information that he has collected as part of his job. Otherwise I would have an unfair advantage over the rest of the nugget shooters. Serious nugget shooting will have to wait until after I retire. In the meantime, I will continue to hunt for uptown treasures.
Over the years, a surprising number of good collector coins and tokens have made their way into my goodie pouch. A surprisingly large number compared to other coin shooters in the area. Question that comes to mind, am I just lucky, or is there some skill involved? Certainly luck has a lot to do with it, but a bit of hard-won knowledge based on personal experience hasn't hurt. The Guide is my way of passing on that bit of experience-based learning.
Each of these have a story to tell!