Where you can check out my
Coin Collector's Guide to Metal Detecting
Currently being offered at Dutch Auction on Ebay
(at $4.00 a copy plus the obligatory $2.00 for
shipping, handling, and detector batteries)
I am tired of seeing people quit the hobby before they learn the ins and outs
So this is my way of sharing some hard-learned how-to's.
Learn from more than 20 chapters of advice on subjects like:
Search Patterns
Pin Pointing and Target Recovery
Under the Boardwalk
Gold in Them-There Hills
Available as a digital document
In .html format
Check out some sample pages and decide for yourself whether it's worth a tiny investment.
A Coinshooter, Not a Treasure Hunter
Similar how-to detector books usually run for more than $8.00 a pop as paperbacks.
And are written by authors with ties to particular brands of metal detectors.
Join the ranks of successful coin-shooters
If an idiot like me can do it, So can YOU!
Comes on floppy diskette
1+ megabytes of timely advice
Good Hunting!
p.s. This is an interactive guide. I will try to answer two metal detecting questions for every buyer.
Just email me at bamferns@eoni.com
Or order a copy directly from
Mark L. Ferns
3975 Campbell
Baker City Oregon 97814