#!/usr/bin/zsh # (find-es "page" "vcsa2pnm") # (find-fline "~/MTA/Makefile") # (find-fline "~/MTA/vtutil" "Examples of usage") if [[ -e /tmp/ncaptures ]]; then N=$( /tmp/ncaptures cd /home/root/MTA/ ./vtutil vcsa2pnm /dev/vcsa1 256 8 math1.8 /tmp/$N.pnm pnmtopng < /tmp/$N.pnm > /tmp/$N.p.png /usr/X11R6/bin/convert /tmp/$N.pnm /tmp/$N.c.png rm /tmp/$N.pnm exit # 99dec06: but when I tried to use these pngs in netscape I noticed # that it (netscape 4.5) really really really doesn't like the pngs # generated by convert; so, use the ones created by pnmtopng for # anything serious. # Old stuff: #!/bin/sh # (find-es "console" "svgatextmode") # This silly script doesn't check the machine on which it is # working!!! Argh!!! Lazy idiot, me. SVGATextMode -t /home/root/replace/TextConfig.angg > /dev/null # chvt 1