\." (find-fline "/usr/man/man1/gcc.1.gz") \." (find-fline "/usr/man/man7/man.7.gz") \." (find-fline "/usr/share/groff/tmac/tmac.an") \." .TH MKTCLAPP 1 .SH NAME mktclapp \- a tool for building C/C++ programs that use Tcl/Tk .SH SYNOPSIS .B mktclapp .I "arguments..." .SH "DESCRIPTION" This manual page documents briefly the .BR mktclapp command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in HTML placed in /usr/doc/mktclapp. .PP .B mktclapp is a program that... .SH OPTIONS The programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options are included below. For a complete description, see the Info files. .TP .B \-version print the version number of mktclapp and exit .TP .B \-header print a header file and exit .TP .BI "\-srcdir " dir Prepend .I dir to all relative pathnames .TP .BI "\-tcl-library " dir directory holding the TCL script library .TP .BI "\-tk-library " dir directory holding the TK script library .TP .B \-notk built a Tcl-only program. No GUI .TP .B \-autofork automatically fork the program into the background .TP .B \-strip-tcl remove comments and extra white-space from subsequent TCL files .TP .B \-dont-strip-tcl stop stripping TCL files .TP .BI "\-main-script " FILE run the script FILE after initialization .TP .B \-read-stdin read standard input .TP .B \-console create a console window .TP .B \-shroud hide compile-in TCL from view .TP .B \-enable-obj use TCL Obj commands where possible .TP .B \-standalone make the "source" TCL command only work for builtin scripts .TP .BI "\-f " FILE read more command-line parameters from FILE .TP .I FILE.c scan this file for new TCL commands .TP .I FILE.tcl compile this file into the generated C code .\" .SH "SEE ALSO" The programs are documented fully by .IR "The Rise and Fall of a Fooish Bar" , available via the Info system. .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Eduardo Ochs , for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). .SH "Quick Reference" .\" .RI "To create a new Tcl command named " "abcdef" "in C code, do this:" .\" int ET_COMMAND_abcdef(ET_TCLARGS){ .\" ... .\" } .\" .\" .\" The ET_TCLARGS macro declares four parameters:


.\" .\"

.\" The C implementation of Tcl commands must return one .\" of the following integer values: .\" TCL_OK, .\" TCL_ERROR, .\" TCL_CONTINUE, .\" TCL_BREAK, or .\" TCL_RETURN. .\" .\"

.\" To create a new Obj_Tcl command named ghijkl in C code, do this: .\" .\"

.\"    ...
.\" }
.\" .\"

.\" The following extra C functions are available: .\" .\" .BI "int Et_EvalF(Tcl_Interp *" "interp" ", const char *" "zFormat" ", ...);" .\" int Et_GlobalEvalF(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *zFormat, ...); .\" int Et_ResultF(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *zFormat, ...); .\" int Et_DStringAppendF(Tcl_DString *, const char *zFormat, ...); .\" char *mprintf(const char *zFormat, ...); .\" char *vmprintf(const char *zFormat, va_list); .\" .\" .\"

.\" Global C variables:


.\" .\"

.\" Global Tcl variables:


.\" .\"

.\" Mktclapp will create suitable implementations of the following functions .\" if you fail to do so yourself:



.\" If you make your own main, but sure it calls the routine .\" Et_Init(argc,argv) at some point in order to create and .\" initialize the Tcl interpreter.

.\" To run the graphical application builder, type .\" .\"

.B "wish xmktclapp.tcl" .\"
.\" .\" To run from the command line (or from within a Makefile) enter .\" "mktclapp options..." For information on .\" available options, type "mktclapp -help". .\" .\"

.\" See complete documentation on mktclapp at .\" .\" http://www.hwaci.com/sw/mktclapp/mktclapp.html. .\" .\"