# (fooi "{\\al" "[$L" "{\\hlist" "[$hlist" "}" "]") proc NMG0 {t {ch {}} {sec {}}} { set url2 [expr {$ch==""?"index.html":"ch-$ch.html"}][section $sec] L1 http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/maint-guide/$url2 $t } proc DDR0 {t {ch {}} {sec {}}} { set url2 [expr {$ch==""?"index.html":"ch-$ch.html"}][section $sec] L1 http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/developers-reference/$url2 $t } proc DPG0 {t {ch {}} {sec {}}} { set url2 [expr {$ch==""?"index.html":"ch-$ch.html"}][section $sec] L1 /usr/doc/debian-policy/policy.html/$url2 $t } proc NMG {ch {sec {}}} { return ([NMG0 NMG $ch $sec]) } # (eeman "3tcl switch" "examples") htmlize {Edrx's Debian page} { [HLIST1 {User stuff:} [L http://www.debian.org/ Main Debian page] [LR http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/ Debian News] [L http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/index.html Debian Mailing List Archives] [L http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-devel-9903/msg02288.html Essay: \"Clueless users are bad for debian\"] [L http://www.debian.org/README.mirrors Debian mirrors] [J on using [ES {net netselect} netselect] to choose a mirror] [L /usr/doc/debian/FAQ/debian-faq.html The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ (local)] [L /big/slinkb1/install/install.html Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 For Intel x86 (local)] ] [HLIST1 {Some manuals:} [L http://www.debian.org/~hp/tutorial/debian-tutorial.html/ Debian tutorial (incomplete, but excellent!)] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/user/ Debian User Reference Manual] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/system-administrator/ Debian GNU/Linux System Administrator's Manual] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/network-administrator/ Debian GNU/Linux Network Administrator's Manual] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/ddp/ Debian Documentation Project] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/ ] ] [HLIST1 {On making new Debian packages:} [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/maint-guide/ Debian New Maintainers' Guide] [L /usr/doc/packaging-manual/packaging.html/index.html Debian Packaging Manual (local)] [LR http://www.internatif.org/bortzmeyer/debian/sponsor/ Sponsorship of future Debian developers] [HLIST2 [J Steps on debianizing a new package (e.g. [L mktclapp.html mktclapp]):] [ES {debiandev mktclapp_raw} Make it compile well.] [J [ES {debiandev mktclapp_dh_make} Use [TT dh_make] to generate a [TT debian/] directory.] [NMG first s-naming] [NMG first s-dh_make]] [ES {debiandev mktclapp_dh_make} Make it compile with [TT debian/rules binary]. [AL Makefile.mta Here] is the makefile I used.] [J [ES {debiandev mktclapp} Adjust the control files in debian/]\; see the mktclapp-3.8/debian/ directory in my [L files.html angg files]. [NMG crules] [NMG dother]] [J [ES {debiandev pgp2.6} Install pgp and configure it], as dpkg-buildpackage will need it to sign the package. Note that pgp2.6 ang pgp5 have different interfaces and slink's dpkg-buildpackage only deals well with 2.6's (and GPG is even harder).] [J [ES {debiandev mktclapp_dbp} Build the source debian package.] [NMG final s-build]] [ES {debiandev lintian} Run lintian.] [ES {debiandev writing_pods} Use pod to make a manpage!!!] [J Upload the (temporary) package to a public place. [NMG final s-upload]] [J Ask for a sponsor...] ] ] [HLIST1 {Other advanced things:} [L http://www.debian.org/devel/ Debian Developer's Corner] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/developers-reference/ Debian Developer's Reference] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/dpkg-internals/internals.html dpkg Internals Manual] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/maint-guide/ Debian New Maintainers' Guide] [L /usr/doc/packaging-manual/packaging.html/index.html Debian Packaging Manual (local)] [L /usr/doc/debian-policy/policy.html/index.html Debian Policy Manual (local)] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/programmer/ Debian Programmers' Manual] [L /usr/doc/debiandoc-sgml/debiandoc-sgml.html/index.html Debiandoc-SGML manual] [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/debian-bugs/ Debian's Bug Tracking System] [L http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~stevem/DebianCD/ Steve McIntyre's Debian CDs page] ] [IFL1 {HLIST1 {Threads:} [LR http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-user-9909/threads.html] [LR http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-devel-9909/threads.html] [LR http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-doc-9909/threads.html] [LR http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-mentors-9909/threads.html] [LR http://www.debian.org/doc/prospective-packages.html] }] } # [L /usr/doc/siagoffice-common/siag/docs/howto.html # Siag HowTo] # [J The Debian Linux User's Guide, 2nd ed: # [L http://www.linuxpress.com/0-9659575-1-9.html toc], # [L http://www.linuxpress.com/debusered2.html book].] # [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/project-history/ # The Debian Project History] # [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/book-suggestions/ # Debian GNU/Linux Book Suggestions] # [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/dictionary/ # Debian GNU/Linux Dictionary] # [L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/meta/ # Debian META Manual] # [L http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~stevem/DebianCD/slink_cd/ # Tools to make the Slink CDs]