# (find-fline "Files.tcl") # To get the list of descriptions, run this: # cd ~/TH/; Generate - "edescrs " | tee ~/o # (find-fline "~/o") proc escr {stem str} { J [ES $stem $stem] ([AL e/$stem.e orig]) - $str } proc escr' {stem str} { J $stem $str } htmlize {E-scripts index} { [P TO DO: indicate the date, the size and the relevant pieces in each e-script.] [P To understand what an e-script is, take a look at the [AL eev-manifesto.html eev Manifesto], at [L emacs.html my Emacs page], at [AL eev.el.html eev.el itself], or at the links at the header of any of the html files below. This page is just an alphabetical index of my e-script files.] [HLIST1 {} [escr anatocc {on the anatomy of compiled C programs}] [escr angg {about the special settings on my main machine (angg).}] [escr anggsmil {on installing a local net at home.}] [escr bis {on some BIS work.}] [escr cfengine {on cfengine.}] [escr console {on vcs, terminal emulation, etc.}] [escr contas {sobre as contas da minha fam¡lia.}] [escr crim {on Crim.}] [escr debian {on some Debian things}] [escr debian0 {on installing Debian on partitions, small partitions, floppies, etc.}] [escr debiandev {on making ".deb"s.}] [escr dos {on DOS stuff.}] [escr emacs {on emacs things}] [escr escripts {on e-scripts.}] [escr ethernet {on putting my ethernet card to work at home.}] [escr expect {on Expect.}] [escr fl {on functional languages.}] [escr floppy {for floppy things}] [escr forth {on PForth, TinyScript/Minotaur, PFE and GForth.}] [escr fortho {on "other" Forths.}] [escr games {for making games}] [escr gdb {on gdb.}] [escr general {for things that didn't fit anywhere else.}] [escr gimp {on Gimp.}] [escr greenmatrix {sobre o cgi que eu estou fazendo pra GreenMatrix.}] [escr hardware {on configuring hardware.}] [escr html {on generating and reading html.}] [escr http {on http servers, clients, cgis, etc.}] [escr hw-cdrw {on hardware: the Acer 4x4x32 CD-RW}] [escr hw-eth {on hardware: ethernet boards}] [escr hw-parport {on hardware: the parallel port}] [escr hw-sound {on hardware: soundcards}] [escr icon {on Icon}] [escr icq {on trying to put ICQ (puah!) to work.}] [escr k22 {on moving to kernel 2.2 (mostly bugs and fixes).}] [escr kernel {on building the kernel and some related things.}] [escr localnet {on connecting the computers at my house.}] [escr lynx {on lynx.}] [escr mail {on dealing with e-mail.}] [escr maple {for Maple.}] [escr math {on programs for math.}] [escr mini {on using very small Linux systems to connect to Dos boxes.}] [escr modem {on modem/fax stuff.}] [escr music {on sound and music (on a very wide sense)}] [escr net {on net-related things.}] [escr netscape {on Netscape.}] [escr nonfree {on compiling and installing non-free packages.}] [escr oldpage {on making my homepage (old).}] [escr page {on maintaing my home page.}] [escr perl {on Perl, Apache and cgis.}] [escr perl1 {on some specific topics on Perl.}] [escr print {on printing.}] [escr ps {on PostScript.}] [escr raven10 {on raven10 stuff.}] [escr raven10b {on raven10 stuff.}] [escr redhat {on installing RH on partitions, small partitions, floppies, etc.}] [escr rest {on ...}] [escr scheme {on Scheme.}] [escr slink {on installing a Slink system.}] [escr snarf {on keeping my local "mirror" of parts of the internet (on /snarf).}] [escr sql {on SQL.}] [escr tcl {on Tcl/Tk.}] [escr tese {on coisas da minha tese.}] [escr tex {for TeX-related things.}] [escr todo {on some importantant things that I'm still trying to do.}] [escr transp {on packing and transporting}] [escr wiki {on wiki.}] [escr x {on X.}] [escr yard {on making very small Linuxes}] [escr zsh {on the Z shell.}] ] }