# (fooi "{\\al" "[$L" "{\\hlist" "[$hlist" "}" "]") htmlize {Edrx's Forth links} { [HLIST1 {Pages:} [L http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/ PForth] [IFL J [L /usr/doc/pforth/docs/ Local PForth docs]] [J [L http://www.ultratechnology.com/ Jeff Fox / UltraTechnology] (temporarily at [LR http://www.value.net/~ut/])] [L http://mini.net/pub/ts2/minotaur.html Minotaur - using Forth to glue Tcl, Perl, Lua and other languages] [ES {forth ts2} my e-scripts on compiling Minotaur] [L http://www.dnai.com/~jfox/color4th.html Color Forth] [L http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/forl.html Forth Online Resources List] [L http://mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at/projects/forth.html Forth Research at Institut fur Computersprachen] [L http://grail.cba.csuohio.edu/~somos/forth.html Forth WWW and FTP Links] [L http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/dpans-html/dpansf.htm x3j14 (words)] [L http://www.jwdt.com/~paysan/index.html Bernd Paysan (bigForth/Minos) home page] [L http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/mind-fpc.html Project Mentifex] [L http://www.eleves.ens.fr/home/rideau/Tunes/index.html the Tunes project] [L http://www.eleves.ens.fr/home/rideau/Tunes/Review/Languages.html Tunes: Review of existing Languages] [L http://www.forth.org/index.html Forth.org (Taygeta)] [L http://www.forth.org/fig.html FIG] [L http://www.taygeta.com/skip.html Taygeta] [L http://www.forth.com/index.html Forth, Inc.] [L http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/projects/forth.html Anton Ertl] [L http://www.iaehv.nl/users/mhx/ Marcel Hendrix] [L http://www.iaehv.nl/users/mhx/i4faq.html iForth FAQ] [L http://playground.sun.com/pub/1275/home.html Open Firmware] [L http://www.taygeta.com/skip.html Skip Carter (Taygeta)] [L http://victoria.tc.ca/~uj797/aisource.html Source Code of Mind.forth AI] [L http://www.tefbbs.com/spacetime/index.htm Space-Time Productions - Design Your Own Processor - Real Time Controls - Hardware/Software - Stack Processors] [IFL L http://www.value.net/~ut/forth.htm ] ] [H2 Some of my projects:] [HLIST1 {Crim1:} [L crim1.html] [ES {forth crim1_on_pfe} putting it to run (on PFE)] ] [HLIST1 {Crim2:} [J (no public docs yet)] ] [HLIST1 [BF Project Forth Everywhere:]] [P [BF Status:] I can call PForth from inside Tcl\; I haven't written the code to exchange data between Forth and Tcl, to eval Tcl code from Forth or to eval Forth code from Tcl without the need of an intermediate file. [BF The stuff:] [ES {forth pforth_and_tcl} this e-script], [AL PFORTH/tclpforth.c tclpforth.c], [AL PFORTH/mtamacros.h mtamacros.h] and [AL PFORTH/Makefile this makefile]\; it is only glue code, so it is very small. [BF The future:] I want to turn this into a general debugging tool, callable from any C program and having access to the program's variables and functions, just like GDB. [BF Mini Schedule:] march 2000, full Tcl[Q <->]Forth interface\; mid-2001, Icon[Q <->]Forth interface\; late 2002, Forth embedded in GDB\; late 2004, TeX with a primitive to call an interactive Forth debugging system\; mid-2005, TeX with primitives to eval lists of tokens as Forth.] [P See also: [L http://mini.net/pub/ts2/minotaur.html Minotaur], my [L mktclapp.html mktclapp page] and my [L debian.html Debian page].] [P As always: if you are interested, get in touch!] } # [AL crim/index.html # index.html] # [AL crim/1-autod.4th.txt # 1-autod.4th.txt] # [AL crim/1.4th.txt # 1.4th.txt] # [AL crim/1.aud.txt # 1.aud.txt] # [AL crim/2-autod.4th.txt # 2-autod.4th.txt] # [AL crim/2.4th.txt # 2.4th.txt] # [AL crim/2.aud.txt # 2.aud.txt] # [AL crim/ETC.txt # ETC.txt] # [AL crim/announce.txt # announce.txt] # [AL crim/autodoc.4th.txt # autodoc.4th.txt] # [AL crim/crim.c.txt # crim.c.txt] # [AL crim/crimcomp.4th.txt # crimcomp.4th.txt] # [AL crim/letter.txt # letter.txt] # [AL crim/patchpfe.txt # patchpfe.txt]