# (fooi "{\\al" "[$L" "{\\hlist" "[$hlist" "}" "]") htmlize {Edrx's Icon stuff} { Icon is the best language I've ever met. It's not as fun to program in as Forth and it's not very good at interacting with the system, but. [HLIST1 {Pages:} [L http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/index.html The Icon home page] [L http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/docs/ipd263.htm Building Source-Code Processors for Icon Programs] [L http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/index.htm The Icon home page (old, local copy)] [L http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/www/reference/ref.html Icon Language reference] [L http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/docs/docs.htm Icon Language Documentation (tech reports, mainly)] [L http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/docs/itweak.htm itweak, an interactive debugging utility] [L http://www.nmt.edu/tcc/help/lang/icon/tricks.html The Icon trick bag (John Shipman, New Mexico Tech)] [L http://www.cs.utsa.edu/research/icon/cgi.html Writing CGI Scripts in Icon] [L http://www.cs.utsa.edu/research/idol/index.html Idol] [L http://www.cs.utsa.edu/research/idol/idol.html \"Programming in Idol\" (Idol language reference)] [L http://segfault.cs.utsa.edu/index.html Clint Jeffery] [L http://www.drones.com/unicon/index.html Unicon (apr97 doc)] [L http://icon.cs.unlv.edu/ The Unicon home page] [L http://ringer.cs.utsa.edu/research/icon/ Icon projects at the University of Nevada] [L http://icon.cs.unlv.edu/ib/ib.pdf Draft of \"Programming with Unicon\" (pdf)] ] [HLIST1 {Local things:} [J some functions on my [AL {.zshrc Icon} .zshrc]] [ES icon {} icon.e] [AL ICON/header.icn] [AL ICON/zinc.icn] [AL ICON/zlib.icn] [J [AL ICON/dednat.icn]\; see my [L tex.html TeX page].] ] }