# (find-fline "$PAGE/") # (fooi "{\\al" "[$L" "{\\hlist" "[$hlist" "}" "]") htmlize {Edrx's Linux page} { [H2 Some Linux tricks] [P (Note that the things here are migrating slowly to the [L hacks.html list of my favorite hacks]).] [P ...please don't ask me to explain everything in terms of \"press this, type that, do that-and-that\"... essentially all my tricks of the last five years are stored in my e-scripts files\; they can be executed from emacs by marking a block and running the adequate eev command, and they generally have comments near them with hyperlinks to places I considered relevant at the time. Here I will mostly keep links to some of the nicer e-script chunks.] [P [ES {kernel compile20} Here]'s what I do to recompile the kernel. By keeping some timestamps I'm able to determine which source files were used to build the kernel and the modules, and to index them with glimpse. I compile with debug symbols, so that I can use [TT gdb vmlinux /proc/kcore] to inspect its vars. I still don't know how to debug modules or how to use kdebug and kgdb. (Help!)] [P I've been able to connect a little DOS laptop to my computer via PLIP (using a \$12 cable and no extra hardware) by booting a modified Debian rescue floppy on it. [ES {mini plipnfs} Here]'s how, but my notes are a mess.] [P [BF Dual Linux.] My notes on Dual Linux have moved and now lie on the other side of [L duallinux.html this link].] [P I'm trying to write a Tcl interface to the libpcap library, as I don't have neither the time nor the money to learn how the internet works by the books. [L ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/bpf-usenix93.ps.Z Here] is a link to what seems to be one of basic papers on BPF.] [P It would be nice if I could pack the minimum tools plus zsh and a stripped-down emacs in few Mb using one of the mini distributions, but I still don't know how... If I remember well, [L http://www.linuxrouter.org/ The Linux Router Project (LRP)] was the nicest mini distribution I tried, and it (?) used a [L ftp://ftp.psychosis.com/linux/initrd-arch/ lovely kernel patch] that allowed simple .tgzs instead of filesystem images as initrds. No pointers at this moment, sorry. Anyway, see my [L duallinux.html Dual Linux page].] [P [ES {x auto-xf86config} This e-script] may be useful if you want to install Linux quickly on a new machine: it uses XFree86's video card probing abilities to discover the machine's video card.] [HLIST1 {Kernel-land links:} [L http://www.kernelnotes.org/ LinuxHQ: kernel stuff] [L http://www.linuxmama.com/ LinuxMama - kernel patches] [L http://www.toms.net/rb/ Tomsrtbt] [L http://sunsite.auc.dk/mulinux/ mulinux] [LR http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/LDP/lkmpg/node2.html Linux kernel module programmer's guide] [LR http://www.kt.opensrc.org/KC/debian-hurd/ Kernel Cousin debian-hurd] ] [P I'm addicted to [L zsh.html zsh] and [L emacs.html emacs].] [HLIST1 {Games:} [L http://www.csd.uwo.ca/Infocom/ A page on the Infocom games.] [ES {games frotz} An e-script on installing Frotz and running Zork I.] ] [HLIST1 {Linux console stuff:} [L /usr/doc/HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO.html] [ES {console chars256to511} Notes on using VGA fonts with 512 chars instead of 256.] [AL {.zshrc.html#underline_as_green} Making underlined chars appear as green chars.] [AL {.zshrc.html#lesschars} Making less display most chars in the range 128..255 directly.] [J Programs to change characters in a font: [AL MTA/vtutil], [AL MTA/vtutilsh.c]\; they use mktclapp to make the interface between TCL and C simpler. See my [L tcltk.html Tcl/Tk page] and their makefile: [AL MTA/Makefile]. ] [J See my [L emacs.html Emacs page] for more.] ] } # [$hlist1 Emacs: # [$L http://www.landfield.com/faqs/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/index.html # Emacs FAQ] # [$L http://www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/gnu/gnu.emacs.help.html # grp] # [$L ftp://ftp-mailing-list-archives.gnu.org/ # mlarq (offl)] # [$L ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/GNU/elisp-archive/ # LCD] # ] # # # [$hlist1 Lynx: # [$L http://www.crl.com/~subir/lynx.html # Extremely Lynx] # ] # # # # [$hlist1 {Some Linux links:} # [$L http://www.ghg.net/crholmstrom/linux.html # Linux Beginners Page] # [$L http://www.pit-stop.com/linuxland/web.html # LinuxLand web links] # [$L http://www.linux.com/links/ # www.linux.com's links] # [$hlist2 [$L http://www.linuxlinks.com/ # www.linuxlinks.com/] # [$L http://www.linuxlinks.com/Docs/ # www.linuxlinks.com/Docs/] # [$L http://www.linuxlinks.com/Kernel/ # www.linuxlinks.com/Kernel/] # [$L http://www.linuxlinks.com/Projects/ # www.linuxlinks.com/Projects/] # [$L http://www.linuxlinks.com/UserGroups/Brazil/ # www.linuxlinks.com/UserGroups/Brazil/] # ] # [$L http://visar.csustan.edu/giveaway.html # Free Unix Giveaway List] # [$L http://www.linux.trix.net/ # http://www.linux.trix.net/] # [$L http://linux.cos.ufrj.br/ # http://linux.cos.ufrj.br/] # ] # # # # [$hlist1 {On connecting to M$ boxes:} # [$L http://www.csn.ul.ie/~caolan/docs/MSWordView.html # MSWordView] # ] # # # [$hlist1 Games: # [$L http://internetter.com/titan/mess/ # The Official MESS Home Page] # [$L http://www.davesclassics.com/ # Welcome to Dave's Video Game Classics] # [$L http://mess.emuverse.com/ # The Official MESS Home Page] # ] # # [$hlist1 {Etc:} # [$L http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-user-9905/msg00092.html # 92] # [$L http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/3328/paper/Debian-is-Da-BOMB-53.html # ker] # [$L http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-user-9905/msg00138.html # 138] # [$L http://www.linux.is/ # The Icelandic Linux user group (so beatiful!)] # [$L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/ddp/index.html # Debian Documentation Project] # [$L http://www.debian.org/~elphick/manuals.html/maint-guide/index.html # Debian New Maintainers Guide] # [$L http://www.debian.org/~joeyh/debiannews.html # Debian Weekly News - 29 Dec 1998 to 4 Jan 1999] # [$L http://www.debian.org/~dunham/CD/ # Miscellaneous Debian CD Stuff] # [$L http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/mhonarc.html # MHonArc] # [$L http://contest.gimp.org/view.cgi?month=1999-02&mode=show&graphic=gautamnlad-2 # The gimp.org Contest] # [$L http://contest.gimp.org/view.cgi?month=1999-02&mode=show&graphic=idsfa-0 # The gimp.org Contest] # [$L http://contest.gimp.org/view.cgi?month=1999-02&mode=show&graphic=gautamnlad-2 # The gimp.org Contest] # [$L http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~philipc/ # Copyleft Debian GNU Linux Hurd CD-ROM] # [$L http://www.greenbush.com/linuxcd/ # Greenbush Technologies Corporation - Linux CD Products] # [$L http://www.cs.princeton.edu/software/lcc/ # lcc, A Retargetable Compiler for ANSI C] # [$L http://www.cs.princeton.edu/software/lcc/doc/ # Additional lcc Documentation] # [$L http://www.uk.linux.org/ # UK.LINUX.ORG] # [$L http://www.blender.nl/download/download.html # Blender Download] # [$L http://www.blender.nl/download/loadlinux1.html # Blender Download Form] # [$L http://www.linuxresources.com/cgi-bin/apps/display.pl?cat=web:lti # Linux Links] # [$L http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver/linux.html # Linux] # ] # # # [$p ...[$L redhat.html things about Redhat],] # # [$p [$L /usr/doc/postgresql-doc/index.html # Postgres docs (local)]] # # # # # }