proc PAGEL {stem} { regexp "^(.*).html" $stem -> stem J [L $stem.html] ([L a/s/$ src]) } htmlize {Structure of this site} { [HLIST1 {Files and directories:} [J [MYL files.html a/] - \"angg files\". This directory contains copies of many files from my home directory (/home/root) in my home machine (angg). For example, [MYL a/.zshrc] corresponds to /home/root/.zshrc on angg.] [J [MYL a/s/] - holds the source for most html files on this site\; they are converted to html by a (relatively) small Tcl program.] [J [MYL escripts.html e/] - \"e-scripts\". Htmlized versions of my e-scripts files\; they have links to the unconverted versions, that are at [MYL a/e/].] [PAGEL debian.html] [PAGEL ebabble.html] [PAGEL eev-mails.html] [PAGEL emacs.html] [PAGEL escripts.html] [PAGEL files.html] [PAGEL forth.html] [PAGEL hacks.html] [PAGEL haskell.html] [PAGEL html.html] [PAGEL icon.html] [PAGEL index.html] [PAGEL linux.html] [PAGEL logic.html] [PAGEL map.html] [PAGEL math.html] [PAGEL mktclapp.html] [PAGEL music.html] [PAGEL other.html] [PAGEL perl.html] [PAGEL redhat0.html] [PAGEL tcltk.html] [PAGEL tese.html] [PAGEL tex.html] [PAGEL unclassified.html] [PAGEL zsh.html] ] [HLIST1 {Mini-FAQ:} [J [BF Q:] The links are broken. Why? [BF A:] The internal links, because I still haven't had the time to clean things up. For the external links, they're are only half-broken: they work on my home machine, where I keep local copies\; [TT http://aaa/bbb] becomes [TT /snarf/http/aaa/bbb], for example. Someday I'm going to fix the remote links too.] [J [BF Q:] What do you use to edit these pages? [BF A:] Emacs, some Tcl scripts I wrote ([AL s/Generate], [AL s/Htmllib.tcl], [AL s/Files.tcl]), this [AL s/Makefile makefile], [AL .zshrc.html#makeL some zsh aliases], and [ES page these e-scripts]. It's horrible to write directly in html.] [J [BF Q:] Can I download only the source files and remake the rest myself? [BF A:] Yes. Download [L http://www.angg.twu/a/s/page.tgz] and do like [ES {page twu_make_page} this]]. ] } # [L crashco.html]