# (fooi "{\\al" "[$L" "{\\hlist" "[$hlist" "}" "]") # (find-fline "/o/home/root/TCL/PAGE/casa.th") htmlize {Edrx's page on other important things} { [HLIST1 {Some (mostly old) links on politics} [L http://www.cyberus.ca/~baker/pal_plo_1.htm Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)] [L http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/ Liberation Movements, Terrorist Organizations, etc. (John Pike)] [L http://www.skalman.nu/seven/ The Seventh Seal (a collection of links)] [L http://rvl4.ecn.purdue.edu/~cromwell/lt/terror.html Terrorists, Freedom Fighters, ..., on the net (Bob Cromwell)] [L http://dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Crime/Crimes/Terrorism/Web_Directories/] [L http://inac.org/IrishPeople/cols/internet.html No Ceasefire on the Web: Basque Website Under Attack. Are Irish Republican Sites Next?] [L http://www.contrast.org/mirrors/ehj/index.html Euskal Herria Journal: a publication of the Basque Congress for Peace] [L http://www.contrast.org/mirrors/ehj/html/intlinks.html ehjl International resources] [L http://www.lbbs.org/weluser.htm ZNet (main frame)] [L http://burn.ucsd.edu/~ats/mrta.htm Tupac Amaru] [L http://www.mst.org.br/ MST] ] [HLIST1 {Body (?):} [L http://users.lanminds.com/~contact/ Contact Improvisation] [L http://www.bachcentre.com/centre/remedies.htm [Q The Bach Flower Remedies (s‚rio)]] [L http://www.holisticmed.com/www/bach.html Bach Flower Remedies Internet Resources] [L http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/bach-flower.html [Q1 {Bach Flower Remedies ("at a glance..." + addresses)}]] [L http://www.rainbowcrystal.com/bach/bach.html [Q Bach Flower Remedies (esse ‚ meio farofa.)]] [L http://www.rainbowcrystal.com/bach/bfr/ Bach Flower Remedies: Expanded Descriptions (detalhes, meio farofados)] [L http://www.goodvibes.com/index.html Good Vibrations] [L http://www.goodvibes.com/fyi/fyiindex.html Good Vibrations - FYI] [L http://www.bme.freeq.com/index.html BME (Body Modifications E-Zine)] [L http://www.landfield.com/faqs/bodyart/piercing-faq/new-pierce-care/0.html rec.arts.bodyart: Piercing FAQ 5--Care of New Piercings] [L http://www.landfield.com/faqs/bodyart/piercing-faq/problems-hazards/0.html [Q rec.arts.bodyart: Piercing FAQ 6--Problems & Hazards]] [L http://www.best.com/~ardvark/photog/kbnw.jpg A smashingly beautiful picture of Anne Greenblat, the coordinator of the Piercing FAQ.] [L http://www.ccil.org/~esr/writings/dancing.html Something (good) from Eric Raymond.] [L http://web.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/~franza/taiji/index.html T'ai Chi Chuan stuff] [L http://www.life.uiuc.edu/jeff/alextech.html Alexander Technique] [LR http://www.geocities.com/Baja/8133/ ABTA] [L http://www.voyager.co.nz/~tara/visionimprovement.html A page on AT and vision improvement] [L http://www.fanaticus.com/ Mushroom growing information] [L http://www.hyperreal.com/drugs/ Hyperreal] [L http://www.hyperreal.org/map.html Hyperreal: map.html] ] [HLIST1 {Etc:} [LR http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/teletubbies/ Time for Teletubbies!] [L http://leaohp1.epfl.ch/~warkent/go/golinks.html The Web Go (WeiQi, Baduk) Page Index] [J [L http://users.uniserve.com/~sbarclay/holiday.html The Sea Monkeys on Holiday]\; [L http://users.uniserve.com/~sbarclay/parttwo.htm The Sea Monkeys on Holiday, 2]. Probably the best non-technical site on the entire internet.] [L http://www.fortunecity.com/tatooine/lucas/339/page1.html Star Wars in AsciiMation] [L http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Jardin/8366/ Biblioteca do Daniel] [L http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Jardin/8366/memo.htm [Q1 {"Vida de Daniel". Os nomes sÆo verdadeiros mas as hist¢rias foram distorcidas. Fascinante mas MUITO deprimente.}]] [L http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Jardin/8366/ Topo da pagina do Daniel] [L http://members.xoom.com/lovercao/ [Q Lover CÆo]] ] [H3 URGENT:] [P [BF I need money for drugs.] Please buy this picture for \$20,000.00. It is a picture of that \"Daniel\" person that I mentioned a few links ago. It is somewhat stylized (he had a spiky [IT belt], not a bracelet). PNG, 400x400, 3 colors, 2399 bytes. Made with the Gimp. XCF version available on request.] [IMAGE a/DANIEL/daniel.png] [P There's also this other picture\; I'm selling it for just \$14.000.00. It's a scene from Nelson Rodrigues' novel [IT [Q1 {Asfalto selvagem, vol. 2: Engra‡adinha, seus amores e seus pecados depois dos 30}]]. PNG, 256x256, 10147 bytes, made with the Gimp. XCF version and more info available on request.] [IMAGE a/DANIEL/engrac-p173.png] }