Warning: this is a htmlized version!
The original is across this link.
# E-scripts on installing Debian on partitions, small partitions,
# floppies, etc.
# Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the
# ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file.
# Executing this file as a whole makes no sense.
# Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what
# you're doing.
# Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |&
# and the for loops may not work.
# Note 4: I always run as root.
# Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some
# never worked.
# Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my
# .emacs.
# Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may
# be defined there as a function or an alias.
# Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the
# sections with dates.
# This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/a/e/debian0.e>
#           or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/debian0.e.html>.
#        See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/a/.emacs[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/a/.zshrc[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>,
#             and <http://angg.twu.net/>.

# mini rootdir at /root

mkdir /root/bin/
mkdir -p /root/ZHTML/escripts/
cp -v /home/root/ZHTML/escripts/*.e /root/ZHTML/escripts/
cp -v /home/root/.zshrc /root/.zshrc
cp -v /home/root/.emacs /root/.emacs

# (find-fline "/etc/passwd")
# rroot::0:0:root:/root:/usr/bin/zsh

# Running dinstall from a chrooted directory

insmod $MODULES/loop.o

umount /rootdisk/proc

rm -Rv /rootdisk
mkdir /rootdisk
cd /rootdisk/
tar -xvzf /root/rootdisk.tgz

umount -a
mount -t proc proc2 /rootdisk/proc

chroot /rootdisk /sbin/dinstall

# From: /dev/hdd3 /deb20
# Use "killall dinstall" to make things go on

# mounting on b1 (jun99)

# (find-fline "/etc/fstab")
# (find-fline "/etc/init.d/")
# (find-fline "/etc/init.d/mountall.sh")

mkdir /b1/{big,c5}

# Remount /big and /c5 on /b1/big and /b1/c5:
umount /big
umount /c5
mount /b1/big
mount /b1/c5
rmdir /big /c5
[[ -e /big ]] || { ln -s b1/big /big && echo big on /b1/big }
[[ -e /c5  ]] || { ln -s b1/c5  /c5  && echo c5  on /b1/c5  }
laf -d /big
laf -d /c5

# Remount big and c5 on /:
umount /b1/big
umount /b1/c5
rm -fv /big /c5
mkdir /big /c5
mount /big
mount /c5
laf -d /big
laf -d /c5

# boot-floppies source (slink)

# slink src1
cd /cdrom/
cp -dipPv dists/slink/main/source/admin/boot-floppies_2.1.8.dsc \
	  dists/slink/main/source/admin/boot-floppies_2.1.8.tar.gz /debian

pdsc /debian/dists/slink/main/source/admin/boot-floppies_2.1.8.dsc
cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-2.1.8/
find * -type f | grep -v CVS > .files
glimpseindex -H . -F < .files

cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-2.1.8/
debian/rules binary	|& tee odrb

# (find-bfsrcfile "odrb")
# (find-bfsrcfile "debian/rules")

# (find-bfsrcfile "")
# (find-bfsrcfile "README")
# (find-bfsrcfile "scripts/rootdisk/")
# (find-bfsrcfile "scripts/basedisks/")

# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/")
# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/extract_kernel.c")

# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/dinstall.h" "KERDISKIMG")
# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/main.c" "KERDISKIMG")
# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/choose_medium.c" "kernel_image_filename")
# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/choose_medium.c" 244)

rm -Rv	/usr/src/boot-floppies-1.2.23
cd	/usr/src/
dpkg-source -x $DEBIAN/bo/source/admin/boot-floppies_1.2.23.dsc
cd	/usr/src/boot-floppies-1.2.23

cd /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30
cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-1.2.23
# (find-bffile "Makefile" "drv1440.bin:")
# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "floppy_split")
# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "unpack")
# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "Los_Angeles")
# (find-bffile "utilities/floppy_split.c")

# (find-fline "foo.sh")
# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/etc/rc" "fstab")
# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/sbin/dinstall" "fstab")

# cflow (slink)

# (find-fline "/usr/doc/cflow/")
# (find-vldifile "cflow.list")

cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-2.1.8/utilities/dinstall/
make -n |& tee ~/o
# (find-fline "~/o")

cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-2.1.8/utilities/dinstall/
cflow -D_GNU_SOURCE -DARCH=i386 -DARCHNAME='"i386"' -DKVER='"2.0.35"'	\
      -DLINGUA='"C"' -DINCLINGUA='"messages/lang_C.h"'			\
   *.c > ~/o
agrep -v '\{\}' < ~/o > ~/o2

# (find-fline "~/o")
# (find-fline "~/o2")

# Writing a boot floppy on a bad disk

# (find-es "floppy" "superformat")

# (find-diskscfile "")
# (find-diskscfile "install.bat")

mountloop0L $SLINKB1/dists/slink/main/disks-i386/current/drv1440.bin

umount /A
# mkdosfs -c /dev/fd0

mountloop0L $SLINKB1/dists/slink/main/disks-i386/current/resc1440.bin
cd /L
mcopy * a:
syslinux /dev/fd0

mount /dev/fd0 /A
diff -qrs /A /L

# Not working very well...

# b1

# mount | perl -nle 'm:/dev/(.*) on / type: && print $1;'

cd /
mkdir /b6
mount /dev/hdc6 /b6
mkdir /b1
mount /dev/hdc1 /b1
mkdir /big
mount /dev/hdd3 /big -o ro
[ -e debian ] || ln -s /b6/debian debian
[ -e snarf  ] || ln -s /c5/snarf  snarf
[ -e home   ] || ln -s /b6/home   home
[ -e /usr/0src ] || { mv /usr/src /usr/0src; ln -s /b6/6usrc /usr/src }

# Last update: 98nov21

cd ~/HASH/
dpkg -iE --ignore-depends=emacs /debian/bo/binary-all/web/w3-el_2.2.26-1.deb
dpkg -iE gnuserv
dpkg -iE elisp-manual
dpkg -iE /debian/non-free/binary-i386/utils/glimpse_4.1-1.deb
dpkg -iE /debian/local/icont_9.3-1_i386.deb /debian/local/iconx_9.3-1_i386.deb

# dpkg -iE xfnt75 xbase xfntbase xserver-svga
dpkg -iE xfnt75 xbase xfntbase /snarf/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/proposed-updates/xserver-svga_3.3.2.3-2_i386.deb
dpkg -iE xpm4g fvwm-common fvwm
dpkg -iE libpng0g /debian/non-free/binary-i386/text/gs-aladdin_5.10-9.deb
dpkg -iE gv

dpkg -iE dpkg-perl ed
dpkg -iE tetex-base tetex-bin
dpkg -iE tetex-doc
dpkg -iE tetex-extra

# Output of initex is in /tmp/tex01202aaa
# If you want to change the default settings,
# use /usr/bin/texconfig to configure teTeX.

dpkg -iE liblockdev0g dip fetchmail
dpkg -iE tcpdump libpcap0
dpkg -iE xlib6g-dev tcl8.0 tcl8.0-dev tk8.0 tk8.0-dev expect5.24 expect5.24-dev

# dpkg -i xfnt75 xbase xfntbase xserver-s3
# dpkg -i xpm4g fvwm-common fvwm

# dpkg -iE luxman shhmsg shhopt snake4 xlaby xtron xsok purity
# dpkg -r luxman shhmsg shhopt snake4 xlaby xtron xsok purity

dpkg -iE /debian/non-free/binary-i386/utils/unarj_2.41a-6.deb	\
	/debian/non-free/binary-i386/utils/unzip_5.32-1.deb	\

[ -e /dev/cdrom ] || ln -s mcd /dev/cdrom
[ -e /bin/zsh   ] || ln -s /usr/bin/zsh /bin/zsh
dpkg -iE workbone
dpkg -iE dosfstools mtools

# Netscape:
dpkg -iE libc5 libg++27 motifnls xlib6 xpm4.7
ln -s /snarf/ftp/ftp12.netscape.com/pub/communicator/4.07/shipping/english\
/communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz /tmp/
# dpkg -i /debian/contrib/binary-i386/web/netscape4_4.0-12.deb
dpkg -i ~/SLINKB2/netscape4
rm /tmp/communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz

# Oops, eu agora preciso de uma versão glibc!

dpkg -iE doc-debian doc-linux doc-linux-text

# Some standard configurations and links

[ -e /bin/zsh ] || ln -s /usr/bin/zsh /bin/zsh
ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl
# (find-fline "/etc/passwd")
# (find-fline "/etc/inittab" "tty6\n")
# (find-fline "/etc/fstab")
# (find-fline "/etc/ppp/options" "auth\n")

# Netscape plugins

gzip -cd /snarf/http/www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/5084/flash/npflash.so.gz > ~/.netscape/plugins/npflash.so

rm -Rv ~/tclplug20-x86-linux2/
tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/plugin/tclplug20-x86-linux2.tar.gz
cd ~/tclplug20-x86-linux2/

# No boto:
wget $F/linux20/professional_edition/communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 0
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 1
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 2
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 3
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 4
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 5
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 6
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 7
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 8
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 9
eb communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz 2400 n 10

# Em casa:
mkdir -p /snarf/ftp/ftp12.netscape.com/pub/communicator/4.07/shipping/english/unix/linux20/professional_edition/
cd /snarf/ftp/ftp12.netscape.com/pub/communicator/4.07/shipping/english/unix/linux20/professional_edition/
wget $FBOTO/n{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.gz

cd /snarf/ftp/ftp12.netscape.com/pub/communicator/4.07/shipping/english/unix/linux20/professional_edition/
gzip -dv n?.gz
gzip -dv n10.gz
cat n? n10 > communicator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz

sne $F/linux20/navigator_standalone/navigator-v407-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0_libc5.tar.gz

# Netscape floppies

eb $FULL 2500 n 0
eb $FULL 2500 n 1
eb $FULL 2500 n 2
eb $FULL 2500 n 3
eb $FULL 2500 n 4
eb $FULL 2500 n 5
eb $FULL 2500 n 6
eb $FULL 2500 n 7
eb $FULL 2500 n 8
eb $FULL 2500 n 9


mkdir -p /snarf/ftp/ftp.netscape.com/$D
cat n{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} > $FULL

# StarOffice

rm -Rv /usr/src/so50/
cd /usr/src/
tar -xvf /snarf/ftp/world-domination.mit.edu/pub/StarOffice/unxlnxi/so50_01.tar

# (find-fline "/snarf/http/www.stardivision.com/")
# (find-fline "/snarf/http/www.stardivision.com/office/so5_licenses_body.html")
# (find-fline "/snarf/http/www.stardivision.com/office/so5_licenses_body.html")
# (find-fline "/snarf/http/www.stardivision.com/office/so5linux_body.html")
# (find-fline "/snarf/http/support.us.stardivision.com/Registration/Download.asp?*Operation+System=09&Operation+System=09&*Language=01:49")

# (write-heredoc "~/o")

# Eduardo Ochs edrx@mat.puc-rio.br
cd /usr/src/so50/office50_inst/
# setup

# Your registration key is GNJU9WW7E2KJAQBIP63B2TOFZECJ
# Your customer number is 1008622

# (find-fline "/usr/src/so50/")

# diff'ing home dirs

diff -qrs /b1/0home /home > ~/o
# perl -nle '/Files (.*) and (.*) are identical/ && print $1' < ~/o
  perl -nle '/Files (.*) and (.*) are identical/ && unlink $1' < ~/o

diff -qrs /home/root /big/home981121/root |& tee ~/o
perl -nle 'm/Files (.*) and (.*) are identical/ && print $1' < ~/o |& tee ~/o2
perl -nle 'm/Files (.*) and (.*) are identical/ && print $2' < ~/o |& tee ~/o3

# (find-fline "~/o2")

# Samba

# (find-fline "/debian/debian/main/binary-i386/Packages-all")
# (find-fline "/debian/debian/main/binary-i386/Packages-all" "Package: samba")
# (find-fline "~/ICON/detrans2.icn")

# (find-fline "~/CB/bin-ls-lR.i")

alias smbclizabel='smbclient \\\\Izabel\\cd-izabel tv -U edrx'

function dl-izabel () {
  cd /debian/
  ~/ICON/detrans2 $* |& tee ~/toget
  smbclient '\\Izabel\cd-izabel' tv -U edrx < ~/toget

dl-izabel libwww-perl
dl-izabel libmime-base64-perl

# (w3-open-local "/usr/doc/lg/issue19/micro.html")
# (w3-open-local "/usr/doc/lg/issue24/nelson.html")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/samba/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/samba/faq/Samba-meta-FAQ.txt.gz")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/samba/faq/sambafaq.txt.gz")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/samba/examples/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/samba/examples/simple/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/samba/examples/printing/smbprint" 77)
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/smbfs/")

echo quit | smbclient '\\Izabel\cd-izabel' tv -d A -U edrx |& tee ~/osc
# (find-fline "~/osc")

smbmount //Izabel/cd-izabel /cdrom \
  -I -U edrx -P tv
# (find-fline "/proxy/usr/src/linux/")
# (find-fline "/proxy/usr/src/linux/")
# (find-fline "/proxy/home/var/src/linux/fs/smbfs/")
# (find-fline "/proxy/home/var/src/linux/fs/smbfs/sock.c" "server->data_ready == NULL\\n")

dpkg -L samba

mkdir /samba

# (w3-open-local "/usr/doc/samba/faq/sambafaq.html")

dpkg -i lg-base lg-issue19 lg-issue24 xserver-s3


# (find-fline "~/README.mirrors")

# (find-fline "~/PERL/promit")

# (find-fline "~/CB/bin-ls-lR.i")
cd /debian/
~/ICON/detrans2 $(<<'---'
---) |& tee ~/toget
smbclient '\\Izabel\cd-izabel' -U edrx < ~/toget

wget http://linux.if.usp.br/ftpmaster/.1/ftp.debian.org/debian/hamm/hamm/binary-i386/net/samba_1.9.18p8-2.deb

(find-fline "~/ZHTML/linux.ht" "-- debmi")
(find-w3node "Top")
(w3-open-local "http://www.debian.org/misc/README.mirrors")
(w3-fetch "http://www.debian.org/misc/README.mirrors")

(find-fline "~/README.mirrors")
(find-fline "/linux.if.usp.br:/debian/")

(w3-fetch "http://linux.if.usp.br/


cd /debian/
~/ICON/detrans2 $(<<'---'
---) |& tee ~/toget
smbclient '\\Izabel\cd-izabel' -U edrx < ~/toget

# /etc

# (find-zshnode "Conditional Expressions")
# (find-zshnode "Complex Commands")

function conffile () {
  [ -e $1.orig ] || mv -iv $1 $1.orig
  if [ -n ''$2 ]; then
    cp -v $2 $1
    cat > $1

# Net configuration
# "auth" -> "#auth":
# (find-fline "/etc/ppp/options" "auth\n")
conffile /etc/networks <<'---'
conffile /etc/hosts <<'---'          localhost            angg angg.nowhere
conffile /etc/resolv.conf <<'---'
search .
cd /etc/init.d/
/etc/init.d/netstd_init	stop
/etc/init.d/netbase	stop
/etc/init.d/netbase	start
/etc/init.d/netstd_init	start
/etc/init.d/apache	restart

echo 'tty1\ntty2\ntty3\ntty4\ntty5\ntty6\ntty7\ntty8\ntty9\ntty10\ntty11\ntty12' | conffile /etc/securetty

# (find-fline "/etc/init.d/")
# (find-fline "/etc/rc2.d/")
# lynx
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/HOWTO/NET-3-HOWTO.gz" "/etc/networks")

# inittab stuff
conffile /etc/securetty <<'---'
# /etc/securetty: list of terminals on which root is allowed to login.
# See securetty(5) and login(1).

conffile /etc/inittab /home/replace/etc/inittab.deb
telinit q


# Converting root.bin to other formats

insmod $MODULES/loop.o
mkdir /L

gzip -cd /big/deb20/debian/main/disks-i386/2.0.10_1998-07-21/root.bin \
  > /home/rootdisk

losetup /dev/loop0 /home/rootdisk
mount /dev/loop0 /L
# (find-k2file "Documentation/devices.txt")
cd /L/dev/
rm -v sd* {nst,st}[0-9]* xd* ed* hd[e-h]* hd[a-d]1? nrft* rft* *qic*
cd /L/
tar -cvzf /root/rootdisk.tgz *
umount /dev/loop0
losetup -d /dev/loop0

mkdosfs /dev/hdd2

mkdir /S
mount -t umsdos /dev/hdd2 /S
umssync /S
tar -xvzf /root/rootdisk.tgz -C /S

umount /S
mount -t msdos /dev/hdd2 /S
cd /S
zip -9 -r /home/rootdisk.zip .

# Linux on Ma

cd /home/
dd if=rootdisk.zip skip=$[1400 * 0] count=1400 bs=1k of=rootdisk.z0
dd if=rootdisk.zip skip=$[1400 * 1] count=1400 bs=1k of=rootdisk.z1
cp /big/deb20/loadlin.exe /home/boot/
cd /usr/src/linux-2.0.35/
cp arch/i386/boot/zImage	/home/boot/k2035
cp .config			/home/boot/cfg2035
cp modules/*.o			/home/boot/
cd /home/boot/
zip -9 /home/boot.zip *

mcopy -ot - a:bootmsg.txt <<'---'
Edrx's angg boot disk, using kernel 2.0.35.
Choose from: b1 b6 redhat
Default is b6.

# cp -dipvR /L/* /S
# mount -t msdos /dev/hdd

# (find-hamm "umsdos")

# Running dinstall from a chrooted directory (old)

metaproc /proc

rm -Rv /rootdisk
mkdir /rootdisk
cd /rootdisk/
tar -xvzf /home/rootdisk.tgz

cd /rootdisk/dev/
# (find-k2file "Documentation/devices.txt")
# rm -v sd* nst[0-9]* st[0-9]* xd* ed* hd[e-h]* hd[a-d]1? nrft* rft* *qic*

metaproc /rootdisk/proc
umount /big
# umount /dev/hdd2
# mke2fs /dev/hdd2
insmod $MODULES/loop.o

cd /b1/ &&
  rm -Rv [b-e]* [l-v]*
umount /b1

chroot /rootdisk /sbin/dinstall


umount /dev/hdc1
mount /b1
metaproc /b1/proc
# (find-fline "/b1/root/")
# (find-fline "/etc/inittab" "tty9")
telinit q

# Distribution top level ? [none]  /deb20/debian
# Using `/deb20/debian/main/binary-i386' as main binary dir.
# Using `/deb20/debian/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz' for main.
# `/deb20/debian/contrib/binary-i386' does not exist.

metaproc /proc

# Installing from a boot floppy and the HD

# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/install.txt" "The required disk")
# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/install.txt" "Writing the Floppy")
# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/install.txt" "Writing from a Linux")

# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/install.txt" "
# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/install.txt" "

fdformat /dev/fd0u1440

cd $BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/
dd if=resc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync ; sync

# Not working...

losetup -d /dev/loop1
losetup /dev/loop1 /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/resc1440.bin
mount -t msdos /dev/loop1 /A

mount -t msdos -o loop=/dev/loop0	\
  /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/resc1440.bin /A

# Debian 2.0 from a boot floppy and the HD

# (find-fline "/big/deb20/debian/main/disks-i386/2.0.10_1998-07-21/")

fdformat /dev/fd0u1440

cd /big/deb20/boot/
dd if=resc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync ; sync

# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/sbin/dinstall")
# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/sbin/dinstall" "base1_3")
# (find-fline "/big/deb20/debian/main/disks-i386/2.0.10_1998-07-21/install.txt")

cd /b6 && rm -Rv bin boot dev etc lib root tmp sbin usr var

# What the standard installation does

# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/sbin/dinstall" "syslinux.cfg")

DISPLAY message.txt
APPEND root=$Root ro

# How to symlink /proc safely

(find-fline "~/bin/metaproc")

(find-fline "/etc/inittab")

# inittab tricks

  man inittab
(find-fline "/usr/doc/kbd/")
(find-fline "/usr/share/keytables/")
(find-fline "~/replace/defkeymap850b.map")
	alt	keycode 103 = Spawn_Console

(find-fline "~/replace/etc/inittab.deb")

# (find-esfile "hardware.e" "svgatextmode")
# (find-repletcfile "TextConfig")

cp -b -V existing ~/replace/etc/inittab.deb /etc/inittab
telinit q

(find-fline "~/replace/etc/securetty")

# Debian 1.3

export DEST=b6
cd /b6 && rm -Rv bin boot dev etc lib root tmp sbin usr var
cd /b6 && tar -xvzf /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/base1_3.tgz

cd ~/replace/etc/
cp -v securetty /b6/etc/
cp -v passwd	/b6/etc/

# (find-fline "~/replace/etc/inittab.deb")
# (find-fline "~/replace/etc/inittab.deb+b6deb")

metaproc /b6/proc
cp ~/replace/etc/inittab.deb+b6deb /etc/inittab
telinit q

metaproc /proc
cp ~/replace/etc/inittab.deb /etc/inittab
telinit q

cd /

# (find-bffile "Makefile" "drv1440.bin:")
# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "floppy_split")

# (find-fline "~/dhelp")
# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "unpack")
# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "PACKAGE_PATHS")

# (find-bffile "basedisks.sh" "Los_Angeles")
# (find-bffile "utilities/floppy_split.c")

# (find-fline "foo.sh")
# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/etc/rc" "fstab")
# (find-bffile "scripts/rootdisk/prototype/sbin/dinstall" "fstab")

# umount /big
# mount -o ro /dev/hdd3 /b1/big

cd /home/replace/etc/
cp -iv HOSTNAME hosts mailname /b1/etc/
cp -iv HOSTNAME /b1/etc/hostname

cp -iv /home/replace/fstab.b1 /b1/etc/fstab
echo -n > /b1/etc/mtab

# (find-fline "/big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/")
# (find-fline "/b1/etc/securetty")
# (find-fline "/b1/etc/passwd")

# pkg-order

rm -Rv /usr/src/pkg-order-1.02
cd     /usr/src/
dpkg-source -x $DEBIAN/hamm/hamm/source/misc/pkg-order_1.02.dsc
cd     /usr/src/pkg-order-1.02

# (find-fline "/usr/src/pkg-order-1.02/debian/rules" "-p")
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc |& tee odb

dpkg -i /usr/src/pkg-order_1.02_all.deb
dpkg -L pkg-order

# (find-fline "/var/lib/dpkg/status")

# stopping and restarting everything that holds /proc in use

cd /etc/init.d/
sysklogd	stop
netbase		stop
netstd_init	stop
netstd_misc	stop
lsof | cut -b1-9,12-15,18-36,40-42,45-47,51-58,64-

cd /etc/init.d/
for i in sysklogd netbase netstd_init netstd_misc kerneld lpd cron
do echo $i:
   $i stop

lsof | cut -b1-9,12-15,18-36,40-42,45-47,51-58,64-

start-stop-daemon --stop sysklogd

# very rough test reinstallation

export DEST=/b6/debtest

rm -Rv $DEST
mkdir $DEST
cd $DEST
tar -xvzf /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/base1_3.tgz

dpkg --root=$DEST --list

A=( adduser ae base-files base-passwd bash bsdutils debianutils dialog
diff dpkg dpkg-ftp e2fsprogs elvis-tiny fdflush fileutils findutils
getty grep gzip hostname isapnptools kbd ldso libc5 libdb1 libgdbm1
libnet libreadline2 lilo login makedev mawk mbr modconf modutils mount
ncurses-base ncurses-bin ncurses3.0 netbase passwd ppp procps sed
setserial shellutils sysklogd syslinux sysvinit tar textutils timezone
update util-linux )

cd ~/BO/short
dpkg --root=$DEST --no-act -i perl

dpkg --root=$DEST --status $A
dpkg --root=$DEST --configure $A |& tee ~/o3

# (find-dpkgfile "dpkg/configure.c" "is not ready for configuration")

cd ~/BO/short

A=( adduser ae at base-files base-passwd bash bc biff binutils
bsdmainutils bsdutils cpio cpp cron dc debian-policy debiandoc-sgml
debianutils debmake deliver dialog diff dnsutils doc-debian doc-linux
dosfstools dpkg dpkg-dev dpkg-ftp e2fsprogs ed electric-fence
elvis-tiny emacs fdflush file fileutils findutils getty grep groff
gzip hostname iamerican ibritish info isapnptools ispell kbd ldso less
libbfd2.7.0.9 libc5 libc5-dev libdb1 libdb1-dev libelf0 libg++27
libg++27-dev libgdbm1 libgdbm1-dev libnet libreadline2
libreadline2-dev libtool lilo login lpr lsof m4 mailx make makedev
man-db manpages mawk mbr metamail mh mime-support modconf modutils
mount mpack mtools ncurses-base ncurses-bin ncurses-term ncurses3.0
ncurses3.0-dev ncurses3.0-pic netbase netstd passwd patch pdksh perl
perl-suid ppp procmail procps rcs rpm sed sendmail setserial sgml-data
sgmlspm sharutils shellutils slang0.99.34 sp strace sysklogd syslinux
sysutils sysvinit tar tcsh textutils time timezone update util-linux
wenglish wg15-locale zlib1 )

dpkg --root=/b6/debtest -E -i $A |& tee ~/o2

dpkg: error processing at (--install):
dpkg: error processing bc (--install):
dpkg: error processing biff (--install):
dpkg: error processing binutils (--install):
dpkg: error processing bsdmainutils (--install):
dpkg: error processing cron (--install):
dpkg: error processing elvis-tiny (--install):
dpkg: error processing libc5 (--install):
dpkg: error processing libc5-dev (--install):
dpkg: error processing libg++27-dev (--install):
dpkg: error processing lpr (--install):
dpkg: error processing mailx (--install):
dpkg: error processing man-db (--install):
dpkg: error processing netstd (--install):
dpkg: error processing perl (--install):
dpkg: error processing sendmail (--install):
dpkg: error processing sgml-data (--install):
dpkg: error processing sharutils (--install):
dpkg: error processing slang0.99.34 (--install):
dpkg: error processing sysklogd (--install):
dpkg: error processing zlib1 (--install):

# some extra packages:

cd ~/BO/short
dpkg -i	xfnt75 xbase xfntbase xserver-svga
dpkg -i	xpm4.7 fvwm-common fvwm
dpkg -i	tetex-base tetex-bin
dpkg -i tetex-doc tetex-extra

dpkg -i \

# boot floppies - some lixo

# (find-bffile "Makefile" "home/ftp")
# (find-bffile "Makefile" "updates::")
# ftp_archive=/big/deb13
cd	/usr/src/boot-floppies-1.2.23
dpkg-buildpackage |& tee odb

cd /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/

# Lixo:

# Como ele não consegue terminar, fica um monte de lixo em /var/tmp.
# Limpe manualmente:
umount /var/tmp/mnt.rootdisk
laf /var/tmp/
rm -Rv /var/tmp/*

# Fake dir:
rm -Rv /home/ftp
mkdir -p /home/ftp/pub/debian
cd	 /home/ftp/pub/debian
ln -s /big/deb13/stable .
ln -s /big/deb13/tools .
mkdir Incoming

dpkg-buildpackage |& tee odb

# (code-c-d "bf" "/usr/src/boot-floppies-1.2.23/")
# (find-fline "/b1/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage")

ftp_archive=/big/deb13 dpkg-buildpackage |& tee odb

# dpkg-deb

cd ~/BO/short
ar -tv xzoom
ar -p xzoom control.tar.gz | tar -tvzf -
ar -p xzoom control.tar.gz | tar -xOvzf - postinst control postrm

# some dpkg options

dpkg --help
dpkg --force-help
dpkg -Dhelp
dpkg-deb --help

# (find-fline "~/dhelp")
l ~/dhelp

# Upgrading to libc6

# (w3-open-local "/snarf/http/www.debian.org/2.0/autoup/HOWTO/libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO-2.html#ss2.1")
# (find-fline "$DEBIAN/ls-lR" "hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base")

function zsne () {
  cd /snarf/$1	&&
  mkdir -p $2	&&
  cd $2		&&
  echo cd /snarf/$1/$2'\n'echo $3 > $EEW &&
  wget $1://$2/$3
function zdeb () {
  zsne ftp ftp.us.debian.org/debian/$1 $2

zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base bash_2.01.1-3.1.deb
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base ldso_1.9.9-1.deb
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base libc6_2.0.7t-1.deb
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base libreadlineg2_2.1-10.1.deb
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/libs libg++272_2.7.2.8-0.1.deb
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base ncurses3.4_1.9.9g-8.8.deb
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/oldlibs ncurses3.0_1.9.9e-2.1.deb

zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base dpkg_1.
zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-all/utils dpkg-dev_1.

zdeb hamm/hamm/binary-i386/base libgdbmg1_1.7.3-25.deb

# Faltam:




# automake 1.3a

rm -Rv /usr/src/automake-1.3a/
cd /usr/src/
tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.cygnus.com/pub/tromey/automake-1.3a.tar.gz
cd /usr/src/automake-1.3a/

./configure |& tee oc
make install |& tee omi

# dpkg source

# (find-fline "$BO/Packages" "sgml")
cd $BOSH
dpkg -i debiandoc-sgml sp sgmlspm

rm -Rv /usr/src/dpkg-
cd     /usr/src/
dpkg-source -x $DEBIAN/dists/slink/main/source/base/dpkg_1.4.0.24.dsc
cd     /usr/src/dpkg-

dpkg-buildpackage |& tee odb

find * -name '*.[ch]' -or -name '*.cc' > .files.ch
etags -i $(<.files.ch)
glimpseindex -H . -F < .files.ch

# (find-dpkgtag "rundpkgauto")
# (find-dpkgfile "dselect/dselect.h" "urqresult falliblesubprocess")
# (find-dpkgfile "dselect/method.cc" "urqresult falliblesubprocess")

(defun find-libcf (&optional str)
  (interactive "slibc function name: ")
  (find-node "(libc)Function Index" str))

(defun find-libcf (&optional str)
   (format "slibc function name (default %s): "
	   (setq default (around-point-with-cset "0-9A-Za-z_"))))
  (find-node "(libc)Function Index" str))

(find-node "(libc)Function Index" "memset")

(debug-on-entry 'find-libcf)
(global-set-key [f9] 'find-libcf)

(setq debug-on-error t)
       (debug-on-entry 'find-etag)
(cancel-debug-on-entry 'find-etag)
       (debug-on-entry 'visit-tags-table)
(cancel-debug-on-entry 'visit-tags-table)
       (debug-on-entry 'tags-table-including)
(cancel-debug-on-entry 'tags-table-including)

(find-etag "find-tag")
(find-etag "find-tag-tag")
(find-etag "find-tag-interactive")
(find-etag "tags-table-including")

       (debug-on-entry 'find-tag-interactive)
(cancel-debug-on-entry 'find-tag-interactive)

# (code-c-d "dpkg" "/usr/src/dpkg-")
# (find-dpkgfile "dselect")

# source packages

# (find-fline "$DEBIAN/ls-lR")
# (find-fline "$DEBIAN/bo/source/README.source-unpack")
# (find-fline "/big/deb13/doc/source-unpack.txt")
# (find-fline "/big/deb13/bo/Packages")
# (find-efile "ange-ftp.el")

l $DEBIAN/bo/source/admin/boot-floppies_1.2.23.dsc

cd ~/DEBIAN && rm -Rv *
dpkg-source -x $DEBIAN/bo/source/admin/boot-floppies_1.2.23.dsc
cd boot-floppies-1.2.23

dpkg-source -b boot-floppies-1.2.23

man dpkg-source

agrep aclocal $BO/Contents


l $DEBIAN/dists/slink/main/source/base/dpkg_1.4.0.24.dsc

# bypassing dselect

# cd /big/deb13/bo/
# find * -type f > ~/o
# (find-fline "~/o")
# (query-replace-regexp "^\\(.*\\)_\\(.*\\)\\.deb$" "\t\\1\t\\2")
# (find-fline "/big/deb13/bo/Packages")

lynx /b1/usr/doc/debian/FAQ/debian-faq.html
lynx /b1/usr/doc/dpkg/programmer.html/index.html

rm -Rv ~/BO
mkdir ~/BO
cd ~/BO
ln -s $BOA boa
ln -s $BOI boi
ln -s $(find boa/ boi/ -type f -and -name '*_*\.deb') .

cd $BO
grep '^Package\|^Priority' $BO/Packages
grep '^Package\|^Priority\|^Status' /b1/var/lib/dpkg/status

agrep '^(Pa|Pri|Se|Ve|Dep|Pro|Des|$)' /b1/var/lib/dpkg/available
agrep '^(Pa|Pri|Se|Ve|$)' /b1/var/lib/dpkg/available > ~/o

# (find-fline "~/o")
# (find-fline "~/ICON/deblib.icn")
(cd ~/ICON/; icont deblib)
~/ICON/deblib Package:Priority:Section:Version ~/o 2.10:3.13:1.22:4
~/ICON/deblib Package:Priority:Section:Version ~/o

# (find-fline "/b1/usr/doc/debian/FAQ/debian-faq-7.html" "ss7.3")
# (w3-open-local "/b1/usr/doc/debian/FAQ/debian-faq-7.html#ss7.3")
dpkg --list

mount /dev/hdd2 /c2
dpkg --root=/b1 --list |& tee ~/odlb1
dpkg --root=/c2 --list |& tee ~/odlc2

cd ~/BO
rm -Rv short
mkdir short
'ls' *_*.deb > ~/o
# (find-fline "~/o")
# (query-replace-regexp "\\(\\([!-^`-~]*\\)_.*\\)" "ln -s ../\\1\t~/BO/short/\\2")

# (code-c-d "dpkg" "/usr/src/dpkg-")
# (find-dpkgfile "dpkg/main.c" "\"list\"")
# (find-dpkgtag "listpackages")

(find-node "(w3)Top")
(w3-open-local "~/ZHTML/index.html")


# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/")
# (find-fline "$BO/disks-i386/1997-05-30/install.txt")
# (find-fline "/big/deb13/doc/debian-faq.txt")
# (find-fline "/big/deb13/doc/debian-faq.txt" "reproduce the base disks")
# (find-fline "/big/deb13/doc/debian-faq.txt" "bootdisk.sh, rootdisk.sh")

(code-c-d "debfaq" "/usr/doc/debian/FAQ/" "debian-faq")
(defun find-debfaq (s) (find-fline "/big/deb13/doc/debian-faq.txt" s))

(find-debfaq "bootdisk.sh, rootdisk.sh")

(find-debfaqfile "debian-faq.txt.gz")

cd /b1
tar -xvzf /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/base1_3.tgz

# (find-fline "/b1/var/lib/dpkg/")
# (find-fline "/home/replace/fstab.0")
# (find-fline "/b1/etc/fstab")

# Debian in a 33M partition (as a rescue disk, maybe)

umount /dev/hdd2
mkdir /b1/c2
ln -s /b1/c2 /c2
mount /dev/hdd2 /b1/c2
cd /c2 && rm -Rv *
cd /c2 && tar -xvzf /big/deb13/bo/disks-i386/1997-05-30/base1_3.tgz
# (find-fline "/c2/etc/securetty")
# (find-fline "/c2/etc/passwd")
# (find-fline "/c2/etc/fstab")
# (find-fline "/home/replace/fstab.0")

cd /c2
rm -v b1 b2 b5 b6 c1 big c5 proc
mkdir b1 b2 b5 b6 c1 big c5 proc
rmdir c2
ln -s . c2

# Debian:
dpkg --root=/c2 -i /big/deb13/bo/binary-i386/shells/zsh_3.0.2-1.deb

# debmake (for making .debs)

(code-c-d "dmdoc" "/usr/doc/debmake/")
(find-dmdocfile "")

 (find-dmdocfile "examples/sample.multi/")
(find-fline "/usr/doc/alien/")

dpkg -L lynx

# (find-etag "backup-file-name-p")
# (find-etag "make-backup-file-name")
# (find-etag "save-buffer")

# lists

# (w3-open-local "/usr/doc/debian/FAQ/debian-faq-12.html#ss12.2")

sne http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-user-9607/threads.html
sne http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-devel-9701/threads.html

function lyd () {
  echo http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-devel-$1/msg0$2.html
echo 'a'$(lyd 9701 0104)'b'

cd /snarf/http/www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/
find * -type f

'mail' -s 'dpkg instead of dselect - how?' <<'EOF' debian-user@lists.debian.org
It is said that we can bypass dselect and the boot disks completely
and install a Debian system using only dpkg and its friends, but I
couldn't find any documentation on this anywhere... Can anyone give me
some hints/links on this? I'm trying to learn it the hard way, by
reading the sources and doing some experiments (which include trying
to patch dselect to make it report all its calls to dpkg), but I feel
I may be missing something obvious...

I'm using Debian 1.3.1, I have three bootable partitions (two Debian,
one RedHat 4.2 -- I tried 5.1, but it had some pathetic bugs; that was
the reason I decided to change to Debian), and other partitions with
/home and other big things, including a copy of the Debian-1.3.1 CD,
as my CD-ROM drive is very slow (2x).

  Any hint is very welcome.
  Thanks in advance,

	Eduardo Ochs

# pgp


# Samba

dpkg -i libpwdb0 libpam-util libpam0 samba
dpkg --purge libpwdb0 libpam-util libpam0 samba
dpkg --purge samba

Something wrong with the package order...

# dinstall source

# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/lang_C.h")
# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/lang_C.h" "MSG_NETWORK_CONNECTION_L")
# (find-bfsrcfile "utilities/dinstall/netconfig.c" "MSG_NETWORK_CONNECTION_L")

cd /cdrom/
cp -diPv $(<<'---'
---) /
debsource /debian/main/source/admin boot-floppies 2.0.11 ''
cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-2.0.11/

cd ~/HASH/
dpkg -i slang0.99.38-dev newt0.21-dev
cd /usr/src/boot-floppies-2.0.11/utilities/dinstall/
rm *.o
make |& tee om

# (find-fline "/b1/root/profiles/")
# (find-fline "/b1/root/tasks/")
# (find-fline "/b1/root/pkgsel")

# (find-fline "/etc/inittab" "tty9")

metaproc /b1/proc
chroot /b1 bash --login
