Warning: this is a htmlized version!
The original is across this link.
# E-scripts on http servers, clients, cgis, etc.
# Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the
# ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file.
# Executing this file as a whole makes no sense.
# Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what
# you're doing.
# Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |&
# and the for loops may not work.
# Note 4: I always run as root.
# Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some
# never worked.
# Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my
# .emacs.
# Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may
# be defined there as a function or an alias.
# Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the
# sections with dates.
# This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/a/e/http.e>
#           or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/http.e.html>.
#        See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/a/.emacs[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/a/.zshrc[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>,
#             and <http://angg.twu.net/>.

# Apache installation/configuration (basic)
# 1999aug09

apti apache apache-doc

# (find-vldifile "apache.list")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/")
# (find-vldifile "apache-doc.list")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache-doc/")

# (find-fline "/etc/apache/httpd.conf" "ServerType")
# ServerType standalone
# (find-fline "/etc/apache/httpd.conf" "#ServerName host.some_domain.com")
# ServerName angg

# (find-fline "/etc/apache/srm.conf" "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi")
# AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
# (find-fline "/etc/apache/access.conf" "\nOptions")
# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

/etc/init.d/apache restart

# Test if apache is working:

# Test if CGIs are working
# (with "showquery"; 1999aug09)

apti data-dumper

cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
heredoc showquery.cgi -m 0755 \
# (find-pl5file "CGI.pm")
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
use CGI;		my $query = new CGI;
use Data::Dumper;	sub pdump { print "\n$_[0]:\n", Dumper($_[1]); }
pdump "ENV", \%ENV;
pdump "query", $query;

lynx $LH/cgi-bin/showquery.cgi'?foo=bar'

cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
cp -v showquery.cgi /var/www/
lynx $LH/showquery.cgi'?foo=bar'

# wikits as CGIs - short version
# 1999aug09

#  «wiki_apache»
# (find-es "tcl" "wikit_cgi")

cd /var/www/
rm -Rv wikit/
mkdir wikit/
chmod 777 wikit
cd /var/www/wikit/

gzip -cd < $S/http/mini.net/cgi-bin/wikit.gz > wikit_cgi
chmod 777 wikit_cgi
heredoc wikit.cgi -m 0555 <<'---'
exec /usr/local/bin/tclkit /var/www/wikit/wikit_cgi wikit
chmod 755 wikit.cgi

lynx $LH/wikit/wikit.cgi

# (find-fline "/var/log/apache/")
# (find-fline "/var/log/apache/error.log")

# Comparing conffiles:
cd /o/etc/apache
for i in *.conf; do echo "\n\n  $i:\n"; diff $i /etc/apache/$i; done

# (find-vldifile "" "apache.")
# (find-vldifile "apache.list")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/")

# A question: if the default for apache is "inetd", shouldn't the port
# 80 be trapped by inetd?

# Notes on debugging:
# (find-fline "/etc/init.d/apache")
# (find-fline "/usr/sbin/apachectl")
bash -x /etc/init.d/apache restart
bash -x /usr/sbin/apachectl start
echo $?

echo $?

strace -f -o ~/s /usr/sbin/apache

laf /o/etc/apache/
laf /etc/apache/

--> Restarting apache daemon... failed.

# (find-fline "/etc/apache/httpd.conf")


# Apache's main packages

# (find-vldifile "apache.list")
# (find-vldifile "apache-common.list")
# (find-vldifile "apache-dev.list")
# (find-vldifile "apache-doc.list")

# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache-common/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache-dev/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache-doc/")

# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/examples/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/examples/printenv")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/examples/test-cgi")

apti apache-doc
# (find-vldifile "apache-doc.list")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache-doc/")
edrxnetscape /usr/doc/apache/manual/index.html &

# (find-fline "/etc/apache/")
# (find-fline "/etc/init.d/apache")
bash -x /etc/init.d/apache restart
bash -x /etc/init.d/apache reload-modules

# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/manual/invoking.html" "the files are:")
cd /etc/apache/
for i in httpd.conf srm.conf access.conf; do
  echo "\n  $i:"
  egrep -v "^(#|[ \t]*\$)" $i

# (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/manual/invoking.html")

# Apache and demo cgis

dpkg -iE apache
# (find-fline "/etc/apache/httpd.conf")
#   no final: ServerName
# (find-fline "/etc/apache/access.conf" "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks")
#   appendar ExecCGI
# (find-fline "/etc/apache/srm.conf" "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi")
# (find-esfile "perl.e" "/var/www/perlex/")
ln -sf /usr/bin/perl	/usr/local/bin/perl
ln -sf ~/mycgis		/var/www/mycgis
/etc/init.d/apache restart

rm -Rv /var/www/perlex/
mkdir /var/www/perlex/
cd /var/www/perlex/
cp -iv /usr/doc/perl/examples/cgi/* .
gzip -dv *
perl RunMeFirst

chmod 755 *.cgi
chown edrx:edrx -Rc /var/www/perlex

# boa (slink)
# 99oct24

#  «boa_install»
apti boa

# (find-vldifile "" "boa")
# (find-fline "/etc/init.d/boa")
# (find-fline "/sbin/start-stop-daemon" "Usage:")
# To keep apache as the default web server:

cd /etc
find init* rc* | egrep 'boa|apache'
find rc* | egrep 'S..boa'
rm -v $(find rc* | egrep 'S..boa')
/etc/init.d/boa stop
/etc/init.d/apache start
sleep 1
lsof | grep :www

# To let boa be the web server (temporarily):
/etc/init.d/apache stop
/etc/init.d/boa start
lsof | grep :www

# (find-es "general" "lsof-2.0.37")

# boa as a secondary web server (slink)
# 99oct24

#  «boa_secondary»
# See the previous chunk for installation on Debian.

# (find-vldifile "boa.list")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/boa/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/boa/docs/")
# (find-fline "/usr/doc/boa/examples/")
# (find-fline "/etc/boa/boa.conf")

egrep '^#?[A-Z]' /etc/boa/boa.conf	|& tee ~/o

rm -Rv /tmp/boa/
mkdir /tmp/boa/
cat > /tmp/boa/boa.conf <<'---'
Port 8080
User nobody
Group nogroup
ServerAdmin root@localhost
ErrorLog /var/log/boa/error_log
AccessLog /var/log/boa/access_log
#ServerName www.your.org.here
#DocumentRoot /var/www
DocumentRoot /tmp/boa
UserDir public_html
DirectoryIndex index.html
DirectoryMaker /usr/lib/cgi-bin/boa_indexer
KeepAliveMax 100
KeepAliveTimeout 10
MimeTypes /etc/mime.types
DefaultType text/plain
#AddType application/x-httpd-cgi cgi
Alias /doc /usr/doc
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
kill $(pidof boa)
boa -c /tmp/boa
lsof | grep boa

cp ~/TH/L/*.html /tmp/boa/
lynx http://angg:8080/
lynx http://angg:8080/cgi-bin/

# lynx complains with "Bad partial reference! Stripping lead dots.". Why?
# (find-es "lynx" "lynx_patch_turbo")
# (find-fline "/var/log/boa/")
# (find-fline "~/EXPECT/")
# (find-fline "~/EXPECT/httpc1")

cd /usr/src/lynx-2.8.1/
agrep 'Bad partial reference! Stripping lead dots' $(find *)
agrep 'BAD_PARTIAL_REFERENCE' $(find *)
# (find-lynxfile "src/LYCharUtils.c" "BAD_PARTIAL_REFERENCE")

expect -c '
  spawn telnet 8080
  expect -re "Connected to \[^\n\]+\n\[^\n\]+\n"
  send "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n"
  expect eof

# boa - recompiling
# 99oct24

pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/web/boa_0.93.15-1.dsc
debian/rules binary	|& tee odrb

# (code-c-d "boa" "/usr/src/boa-0.93.15/")

# (find-boafile "")
# (find-boafile "odrb")
# (find-boafile "debian/rules")
# (find-boafile "src/")

# dustmote
# 99nov15

#  «dustmote»
# (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.unicamp.br/pub/simtelnet/win95/webbrows/dumo104.zip")

rm -Rv /usr/src/dustmote/
mkdir /usr/src/dustmote/
cd /usr/src/dustmote/
unzip -a $S/ftp/ftp.unicamp.br/pub/simtelnet/win95/webbrows/dumo104.zip

# (find-fline "/usr/src/dustmote/")

cd /usr/src/dustmote/
cp dustmote.tcl dm8080.tcl
ed dm8080.tcl <<'---'
vwait forEver
set root     /home/root/TH/L
set default  index.html
set port     8080

tclsh dm8080.tcl  |& tee /tmp/odm

lsof | grep tcl


# (find-fline "/usr/src/dustmote/dm8080.tcl")

diff -e dustmote.tcl dm8080.tcl

(progn (find-fline "/usr/src/dustmote/dustmote.tcl")
  (indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)

# http from Tcl
# 99nov14

#  «tcl_http»

# (find-es "page" "angelfire")
# (find-fline "~/TCL/httpwiki")

# (find-fline "$S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/")

expect -c '
  set afpasswd xxxxxxxx		;# PUT THE PASSWORD HERE!
  package require http 1.0
  set answer [http_data [http_get \
    https://www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit -query [http_formatQuery \
      fullhpd or2/edrx \
      password $afpasswd \
      login submit]]]
  puts $answer
' |& tee /tmp/bedit.html

# (find-fline "$S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/")
# (find-fline "$S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit.html")
# (find-fline "$S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit")
# (find-fline "/tmp/bedit.html")

lynx /tmp/bedit.html
lynx $S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit.html

cp $S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit.html /tmp/bedit.html
getforms < /tmp/bedit.html

diff /tmp/bedit.html $S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit.html

agrep -i input /tmp/bedit.html
agrep -i input $S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit.html

cat $S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit.html | \
expect -c '
  while {[gets stdin li]!=-1} {
    if {[regexp {<input [^>]*>} $li inp]} {
      puts $inp
' | \
tee ~/o

# (find-fline "~/.zshrc" "getforms")
getforms < $S/http/www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit

# Sending and receiving files
# 99nov16

# (find-es "tcl" "cgi.tcl")
# (find-cgitclfile "")
# (find-cgitclfile "example/")
# (find-cgitclfile "example/upload.cgi")
# (find-cgitclfile "example/uploadbin.cgi")

# (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/")
# (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/http1.0/")
# (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/http2.0/")
# (find-fline "/tmp/upload.html")

# (find-fline "/usr/src/dustmote/dm8080.tcl")

cd /tmp/
wget -O upload.html


# Logging everything on a http connection
# 99nov16

# set info [fconfigure $socketChannel -peername]
# set peerName [lindex $info 1]
# set when [clock format [clock seconds] ]
# puts stdout "$peerName  $when"

# (find-fline "~/EXPECT/eheaders")
# stty -icanon min 1 echo

expect -c '
proc answer {socketChannel ip port} {
  puts "$ip $port"
  spawn -open $socketChannel
  puts "(closed)"
socket -server answer 8080
vwait forEver

# On other window:
expect -c '
  spawn telnet 8080
  interact timeout 10 exit

# On still another window:
kill $(pidof telnet)

# CGI.pm-2.56

#  «cgipm-2.56»

rm -Rv /usr/src/CGI.pm-2.56/
cd     /usr/src/
tar -xvzf $SCPAN/authors/id/LDS/CGI.pm-2.56.tar.gz
cd     /usr/src/CGI.pm-2.56/

# (code-c-d "cgipm" "/usr/src/CGI.pm-2.56/")
# (find-cgipmfile "")