elp^'s Homepage
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elp^s Homepage


Hello and Welcome to my homepage. My name is elp^ and I've
created this site to share with you my interests,
links to my favorite sites and my art work that
I have created in Mirc_rainbow.

As you might have guessed, elp^ is not my real name.
Elp^ is the nickname I use in Mirc_rainbow.
Mirc_Rainbow is a channel in Mirc chat where we create and
play ascii art and chat with wonderful friends
from around the world. We also help people new to Mirc with
any problems they may have or
how to play the artwork our talented artists
have created for everyone's enjoyment.

If you would like to get an idea of just what it is we
do in Rainbow,
you can click on the image below to visit the
Mirc_Rainbow Website.
This site was created by our wonderful friend
and owner of Mirc_Rainbow, Patches.

made by Osirus

At This site you can download the newest version of Mirc chat
and alot of other real cool stuff.

I would like to wish my friends from rainbow a very warm
and special welcome.

Well now a little about myself.
I live with my wonderful wife ( aka MisBhavn )
and my three beautiful children in Bend, Oregon.
Bend is a city in central Oregon better known as the high desert,
surrounded by the cascade mountain range.
We live at the base of the Mt. Bachelor ski resort.
Home of the U.S. ski team and the National
snow board championships.