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Welcome to my Awards Page. 

Below you will find awards graciously granted to me from other webmasters.  You can visit there sites by clicking on their award.

Celtic Translation: "The work recommends the craftsman."    Awarded on 08/13/2003    Art Castle: Original Oil Paintings, Web Design and Graphics.    Duilleag lìonraidh mhath means "Excellent web page."        Phantasia Noble Site Award    "The Page - All things Medieval, Renaissance, and Fantasy"  Award by A Celtic Heart Remembers - Awarded on 8/30/2003  Award received 08/12/2003

Awarded 09/07/2003



If you'd like to apply for an award for your site or you would like to nominate a site, please email me at with [chivaly_awards] in the subject line.  Please include the following information:


Website Owners Name

Web Site Name

Web Site Address





Bucaneers all the way, baby!