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Recent Changes & Announcements

(In order for you to see any recent changes or additions, I will attempt to update this page at least once a month.)


    I have finally got around to updated many parts of my web page.  Sorry for any inconveniences.

  1. I have updated the Main Page, WebRings Page, & 2003 Events Page.

  2. I have also, mostly for my own pleasure, added a page for my collection of Conan comic books:


  1. Check out the August (very late) issue of the ChivalryDaze Newsletter!



  1. ChivalryDaze now has its own WebRing which can be found on the WebRings Page.  This WebRing is for sites providing information on medieval and renaissance history and/or persons or groups that engage in living-history activities at renaissance festivals and other history oriented gatherings. SCA and Merchant related welcome.  (Merchants must have primarily period items only) -- Add your site here: ChivalryDaze WebRing Hub


  1. Check out the July issue of the ChivalryDaze Newsletter!

  2. On July 7th we will be in attendance at the Court of King Christian III of Denmark (St. David's Guild) at A Royal Afayre Renaissance Festival located at Discovery Park in Sacramento, California.


  1. ChivalryDaze Classified Ads page added to the web site.  Check out the listed items or you can even add your own items to place up for sale.


  1. Attended the Fair Oaks Fayre and joined St. David's Guild (a Danish royal court).  We had participated with St. David's on some events a few years back and are looking forward to our future with them.

  2. Some changes made to various pages.


  1. Link added to A Royal Afayre Renaissance Festival We will be attending on July 7th.



  1. New event added to our 2002 Events Page.



  1. The June issue of the ChivalryDaze Newsletter went out yesterday.  You can also view the latest issue online at: ChivalryDaze Newsletter Remember: If you haven't yet signed up for the mailing list/newsletter you can do so from the bottom of the main page by filling out the Join the mailing list form.

  2. If you would like to recommend a website (on any topic) for review, so that it may be listed as a Website of the Week, please contact me via e-mail at:

    Additionally, If you'd like to help, we are also accepting submissions, to the ChivalryDaze website and newsletter, of articles, photos, etc on Medieval and Renaissance related topics.



  1. The June issue of the ChivalryDaze Newsletter will be sent out in the next day or two.  If you haven't yet signed up for the mailing list/newsletter you can do so from the bottom of the main page by filling out the Join the mailing list form.

  2. I soon hope to have information online (and an article in next months newsletter) on the resurrection and reconstruction historical European/Western medieval martial arts.


  1. Our Willits Celtic Faire pictures are now online:  Faire Picture Page


  1. A Scottish themed section has been added to the Links Page.


  1. This announcement page was created.  8)

  2. There have been various pages (mostly cosmetic) throughout the site.  With much more work over this next week.

  3. A separate Links Page has been created with hundreds of links added into various themes.

  4. A page for the many WebRings I am a member of has been added.

  5. Pictures from our trip to Willits Celtic Faire are being developed at this time & will be online in the next day or two.

If you have a question or a suggestion,

 Email Me

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