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My family
My Family

About ME

Just a bit about me!
I am single, love the outdoors, especially walks along the beach and watching the sun as it sets over the waters. I love walks in the woods and absorbing everything God has to offer in this life.
I am a romantic and if I should ever fall in love again, he will be a lucky man, because I am a firm believer in truth, honesty, and loyalty. And if a man would give me the same love and understanding in return, I would spoil him rotten!
I love people and always try to be the best friend I can be.
I enjoy traveling, photography, writing, computers, boating, biking, horses, camping and rafting down the river. There are so many things in life to experience and enjoy I cannot possibly mention them all, but I will never give up trying to accomplish every single one of them. I am one who loves to experience new things in life, and thrive on knowledge. I love children, for I have three of them, and they've been my lifeline!
Just back from a fashion show in Kentucky...You'll never know what I'm up to next!

Day-dreaming me!


I like meeting new friends all over the world! One of my favorite pass times are being online chatting with others, but what I really enjoy the most is photography and web-design. Maybe one of these days I will master the two! I love to write,tho I do not claim to be a professional. I love the country life, or at least a more calm effect of life. I love music of many kinds, but my favorite is country music. I am adventureous & love meeting new people. Emails are welcome!!!

This is me in 1999...goofing off!
The good Ol' Days!!


I sure miss the good Ol' Days!!

The pic below is 'me', grandaughter Karlee, which is Jamie's daughter, then grandaughter Taylor, which is Marci's daughter. Taken at Christmas 2005.

This is a pic of My daughter Marci & Lance Eggemeyer. They have 2 children, Taylor,11, & Tyler 8.

Next pic is of my Son Jamie with his daughter Karlee, who is 6 yrs old.

This is a pic of my youngest son David JR.

Here's a pic of Tyler (my grandson) by my Christmas tree last year 2005.

Well this concludes all the pics that I can find for right now...Sorry I have no recent pic of myself...ewwwwww don't really want one either! LOL! Geezzz, I'm gettin' old! lol! I will see if I can get someone to take my pic one day soon & post it for you. As of now...take care & God Bless!!!

Hope you have enjoyed your visit. Thankyou for stopping by!

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