Hi! Welcome to the lovely part of my page dedicated to the photos I took of the Japanese exchange students while they visited here in the US. Because I want everyone to be able to read this, half of every page will be in Japanese. If your computer doesn't like this, tell it to eat cheese or just deal with the craziness. Good luck!
By the way..Hirona was my exchange student, therefore there are quite a few pics of her. Feel free to use the pics, but I'd like to know who's using them, so just tell me. If you have pics that I don't I'd like them too (=.
今日はみなさん! Lia です。いらっしゃいませ。私のウェブサイトです。カッコイイですか? ぜんぶしゃしんは日本語にあります。分からなかったら、しつもんをしてください。メールをしてください。
Why Exchange Students are Cool
These are the pictures I took..
In the Snow--ゆきで
Basketball game--バスケットバルのゲム
Jonathan's Party--Johnくんのパーテェ
Goodbye Party--バイバイのパーテェ
At the Airport--きゅうこうで