Announcements of Births, Deaths and New Gerbils for KCF's Gerbil Clan
(Look to Bottom for Newest)
Expecting Mothers
- Oliver was the beginning of are Clan he has now left us on 7/12/99
- 5 pups were abandoned and died shortly after hand feeding failed. October
- Tommy B. Bangs died 1/5/00 unknown
- Stuffy George died 5/10/00 partly know
- 5/31/99 4 Pups my Very first litter! (Oliver & April) 2F/2M 2Schimmels, 2 Pied Blacks
- 7/7/99 5 pups!!! Second litter (Oliver & April) 3F/1M Schimmel,Black, Pied Black, Motled Black
- 10/1/99 5 pups! *first* (The A+ Clan) 3F/2M Golden Agoutis, Black
- 10/18/99 3 pups!*first* (The TP Clan) colors: 3M Gery Agouti, Golden Agouti, Yellow Fox
- 12/8/99 3 pups (The TP Clan) 1F/2M Yellow Fox, Polar Fox, Apricot
- 12/26/99 5 pups (my sisters gerbils Ginger Snap) 1F/4M 3Spotted Golden Agoutis, Golden Agouti, Black Patched
- 1/19/00 6 pups! *first* (The NNut clan) 2F/4M 2Silver Schimmels, Slate,Black patched,Ivory Cream, Grey Agouti Spot.
- 2/11/00 4 pups (The TP Clan)2F/2M Golden Agouti, 2 Polar Foxs, Silver Nutmeg
- 3/3/00 5 pups (The NNut Clan) colors and sexs unknown
- 4/1/00 5 pups (The TP Clan) 4F/1M Black, Slate, Apricot,Golden Agouti, Silver Nutmeg
- 7/25/00 2pups (The TP Clan) 1F/1M Slate and Grey Agouti