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All I Think About

I've never liked anyone as much as I liked Sarah Bates. Everytime I saw her, I got those butterflies in my stomach and I got that urge to just reach out and touch her. She'd walk through the room, and everyone would turn, they couldn't take their eyes off of her. She lit up the room, and her smile could set anyone at ease. That is how I truly felt about Sarah Bates.

The first time I saw her was at a benefit concert. I was there against my will, I didn't feel like putting on a show. Our tour had just ended, and I was more than ready to go home and crawl into my bed and hibernate for the winter. But I did the show, much on my brothers behalf. They liked getting up and performing when they had little to no energy left. I decided to just humor them.

Sarah was there in the front row. She had a smile plastered on her perfect face and her hair was up with tiny ringlets falling everywhere. She has beautiful curly blond hair that falls just below her shoulders. I've never touched it, but that is my lifelong dream.

She sat there smiling, watching the other girls around her as they cheered and sang along. I never saw her do any of those things, but I could tell by the look on her face that she was having a good time. It made me feel good that I was making someone as beautiful as Sarah Bates happy. I had the ability to put a smile on her face. I only wished she knew she did the same for me.

After that show, I saw her again at the Island Record offices. We were there for a meeting, and she was sitting behind one of the desks typing on her computer. I nearly fell to the floor. I had thought it was wonderful that I had seen her at the show, but to see her again at a place that I frequented. I was elated. Through the whole meeting I couldn't think of anything but her. I could see Taylor giving me weird glances, but to me it didn't matter. Sarah Bates was in the other room, and I had something in common with her. All I had to do to see her again was walk out the double doors across from me and she would be sitting there looking as radiant as the sun.

As soon as the meeting ended, I was up and out of the room standing in front of Sarah Bates. I knew that was her name by the name plate on her desk. The beautiful blond hair was down resting on her shoulders. She was wearing a pastel pink shirt with a light blue skirt. She looked so delicate and soft, and wonderful. I had never felt that way about anyone, and this girl, I had never even met. I was convinced that it was fate that brought us together. It was fate that sat her down in the front row of that show, and it was fate that had her seated in front of me again. The way she studied her work carefully before typing it up, and the way she absently took sips from the coffee mug made me breathless. She was the girl for me. I knew it.

My brothers led me down the hall, I glanced back every once in awhile to see her still busy at work. I wanted to stay, and watch her some more. I could have sat and watched her all day, if I had been given the chance. But I wasn't. I'm Isaac Hanson. I have things to do. There are girls out there that would hate to learn that I had a massive crush on a girl. What they wouldn't ever find out though was that I had never actually talked to her. Face to face. I had conversations with her in my head. Simple ones. "You're looking beautiful today, Sarah." "And so are you," she would smile. "Why don't I take you out to lunch and then up to my hotel room?" "I'd love to Isaac." Okay, so maybe they weren't all that innocent, but she was my ultimate fantasy.

After leaving the building that day, she consumed my mind. Everything about her. I could even smell the scent of her perfume still wafting through the office in my mind. I imagined running my fingers through her hair, and thinking about the beautiful hair our children would have. The children. Sarah and I would have beautiful children. One girl and one boy. Both with blond hair and blue eyes. Hopefully. I sighed many times causing one or both of my brothers to look at me with confusion. It occured to me they hadn't spoken to my since the record meeting, but it didn't matter.

We were on our way to a press conference to talk about the new album. Fans were going to be there. Girls. I was convinced though that I would never find anyone as sweetly beautiful as Sarah Bates. She was the one and only. I didn't even take second glances at the girls in bikinis as we passed them on the street. The hot weather didn't even seem an issue. While my brothers were fanning themselves with books, or leaning forward to feel the cool air of the airconditioning, I sat silently thinking about Sarah.

We got to the press conference and I followed Taylor and Zac out of the car. We walked into the building which was already filled with people. The size of the crowd didn't make me nervous. There were people with cameras, and people with microphones. Then there were the girls who were there just to see us answer a few simple questions.

Girls. The fleeting thought of possibly finding someone better than Sarah passed through my mind. I knew it couldn't be true. I wouldn't allow that to happen. She was my one and only. But there were so many girls wandering through the crowded room, that I couldn't help but check a few out. I was relieved to find that none looked anything like Sarah Bates. They all paled in comparison to her.

I then turned to face my brothers. They were munching on crackers and taking sips of Dr. Pepper. They were off in their own world, leaving me out, like usual. If only they knew how in love I was about to be. They would be happy for me, I know.

I took my attention away from them when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and looked into two of the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

"Isaac?" The girl sqeaked. I was flattered. This girl was so cute and so adoribly fragile I just wanted to pick her up and take her away with me.

"My name is Tara Wilson."

Ahh. Tara Wilson. What a beautiful name. So simple and yet so . . . not simple.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I smiled at her. "How about some lunch and then I'll take you up to my hotel room?" "Why of course Isaac, you tall and handsome man."

I couldn't help but laugh at my own fickle nature. I had never like anyone as much as I liked Tara Wilson.

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