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Herricane Inside Jokes

Someday this will be in some sort of numbered thing, but for now you'll just have to deal. More like top 60, these are currently in no particular order (and this is the only real part of the site that is updated almost regularly) so enjoy, and feel free to give us ideas so we can add more!!:

Why we gotta be pencils?

We call her "The Danus" cause it's funny.

Innocent Midnight Yoinking

Stop being so Helen

Hailey can I PLEASE brush your hair?!

Following Whitney's cough, a man on the airplane exclaimed, "WHAT WAS THAT?! Did somebody swallow their nook-nook?"

Did somthing upset sweet Marissa? "Bitch please!!"

Five bucks says it's Sonny and her crotch


Hey Molly... that guy has a POMY Mullet

Glanny... STOP with the cameras!!!!

Swimming in Lake Merwin (get IN Glanny!)

Taco, Brace, Crust, Snort and Jock

"Freestyle" food from Taco Bell

GO SQUARES....quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, four right angles!!!

Marissa called Ruth her "friend," and then she SNORTED!


Getting friendly with the pizza delivery boy! (Cole right?!)

Elyse's birthday celebrations -must have the SOMBRERO!!

Fifty Bucks for the emergency exit seat on the plane to Las Vegas!

The never-ending quest for GOLD MEDALS

Alex the DINOSAUR, Ugbad the CRUST and well, Timmy

Pool Boy, Pool Boy, Come In Pool Boy!!



Good game, Porker!

The 99 cents store?!

"My knee is talking to you Ruth!!"

"We're only here to drink your beer, and shag your dirty women!"

Pookie's famous, "Uhh...I play defense..."

Mmmmmmmmmmm Bop!!

UP 2000, the "Baby Got Back" dance at the talent show (you all were #1 in my book!):P


Canadian Boys

Fundraising for Europe... I'll never eat one of those dogs (or anything unpackaged-for that matter) again.

Want some applejuice?!

Countless times we've all been pushed into pools with our clothes on

Little Danish boys throwing matches

Our (well really Hailey's) continuing collections -*cough*CLEPTO*cough*

Blue Hair

Tara's "medical bracelet"

Boom, boom, boom, boom.... and other disco songs (Mambo #5, Two Times, Tarzan Song!)

Oh man, can't believe I forgot this one: getting stuck in the London elevator (ahem, "let's jump guys!")

The Unibomber's cousin!! AHHHH!

Tupac's Grandma!! AHHHHHH!

It's a bird, it's a plane, NO!! It's Matt in a kilt!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Overflowing like my diahha!!


Hadji Padji with Matt in Europe...

Spirit fingers Hailey!!

The hurricane we played through in Vegas (did you see the giant tumbleweed?!)


DISCOS (and those annoying little boys~sonora)

Sonora beating up, well anyone...

Watch Out Marri...there are bags-OUCH, no more running backwards for us!

Mandy's PMS swings...(don't worry we still love ya!)

Don't get DIRTY Tiari (Safarrrrriiiiii)!!

How are yoooooooooooooooooooooou doing?!

If you can think of more, please email us and we'll add them!!

Matt's Quotes:

You're stronger, you're faster, you're PRETTIER!!

Jesus, Mary 'n' Joseph!

I hate to keep beating the dead horse dead horse dead...

And up top; Ugly, and Uglier

I need your undevided attention for only a minute, then you can go...

She's the President of the "I fell down club"

Ladies, this is vurry vurry important...

~And some recent bad jokes:

(While talking to a few of us about how he has to teach sexuality from both the male and female points of views, he was asked, "How do you do that?!)
"I cross dress all the time" (This is where Ruth goes, "Really?!") Haha, man I love you guys.

"Look at Ash on the left, she's so wide open...I could send her a postcard..."

"Hey, look at me, I'm putting on my makeup, la la la"
