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The family Gesneriaceae.

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AGGS mix Sinningia

and another AGGS mix Sinningia

Chirita sinensis

Diastema racemiferum

This Sinningia came from a florist- when bought, it had an even lavendar border to the white flowers; this is the way it has bloomed since.

The fourth AGGS mix mini Sinningia to bloom:
It's Orange! [5/09/01]

Chirita 'Kazu'
Click either flower to see the whole plant.

Sixth Sinningia speciosa (florist gloxinia) to bloom:
White, pink, and purplish in the throat. Funky.

Fifth Sinningia speciosa (florist gloxinia) to bloom:
The one I nicknamed Space Oddity.

The third mini Sinningia to bloom (& my favorite): S. 'Purple Crest' xself
Again, I apologize for the fake-looking color. Real life is much better and I'll try again.

[another attempt to get the color right and show the orange in the throat. I love the color of this flower- but my scanner hates it!]

Fourth Sinningia speciosa (florist gloxinia) to bloom:
much like the second, but deeper red than pink.

Third Sinningia speciosa (florist gloxinia) to bloom:
the first peloric.


Second Sinningia speciosa (florist gloxinia) to bloom:

Blue Streptocarpus, nicer colors in life

Columnea 'Aladdin's Lamp'

Gloxinia perennis seedling

The second AGGS mini Sinningia to bloom: S. 'Scarlet Sunset'

And the Whole Plant (in a 2oz. cup)

A nice royal purple slipper 'gloxinia', from AGGS mix.
Neat, compact plant, not a mini.

Sinningia pusilla and 'White Sprite'

Episcia cupreata hybrid

The first AGGS mix mini Sinningia to bloom

Streptocarpus (Streptocarpella)

My unknown Episcia. Color isn't great in the scan,
but it looks much like 'Chocolate Creme'

Chirita sinensis, baby plant.
There are flower buds forming under the leaves.

Smithiantha X zebrina