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Nominations & Judging

How to Submit

    Nominations are now being accepted by the Webmaster.  Include the following information in your nomination email:

Name and URL of the candidate site
Name and email of the site owner
Award being applied for
Narrative information about the site's merit for the requested award

    Nominations which lack this information cannot be accepted!  Quid pro quo nominations ("you give me your award, I'll give you mine" will not be accepted.


Judging & Scoring

   Only 20 sites per year will be honored with Corona Awards, per the following schedule:

Spring (February-April) ... 5 sites
Summer (May-August) ... 5 sites
Autumn (September-November) ... 5 sites
Winter (December-January) ... 5 sites

    If the seasonal quota has been reached, nominations may be accepted, but actual judgment will be deferred to the following season.

    There is no limit to the number of Meritorious Website awards which may be awarded.  These are entirely subjective based on the opinion of the Reviewer, but winning sites will display the same quality appearance and ease of navigation as the Corona Awards.

    Upon acceptance of the nomination, the Webmaster will notify the submitter as well as the site owner that the candidate site will be considered for the Corona Awards.  An approximate time for review and judging, from 2-6 weeks, will be given as part of the notification.

    Unless the site owner specifies otherwise, the Webmaster will dispatch an impartial Reviewer from the staff to judge the quality of the candidate site, according to our established Criteria.  Be advised these Criteria are subjective and can be changed without notice.

    The Reviewer will examine the site and score it on a scale of 1-100 judging points:  

Aesthetically pleasing, 25 points possible
Well-designed and easy to navigate, 25 points possible
Significantly promotes the online study of the Roman army, 50 points possible

    The Reviewer's judgment is final.  No appeals will be considered.  Rejected candidates may be re-nominated for the following season.


Award Notification 

    Upon receiving the Reviewer's judgment, the Webmaster will send an email to the winning site's owner notifying them of their award.  The site owner should reply by email that they accept the award and will post it within 30 days of receipt.  The Webmaster then sends the appropriate award HTML code for display.

    Once the Corona Award is properly displayed, the winning site owner should again contact the Webmaster to inform them of the display.  At that point, the Webmaster will enroll the winning site in the Corona Award Winners' Hall.  No site will be enrolled in Winners' Hall until the Corona Award is on display at the winning site.  Sites whose Corona Award image does not link back to will not be enrolled.  Violation or manipulation of these rules can result in disenrollment.


    Return to Corona Awards main page.


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