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Donna by Ritchie Valens


Donna's Domain.


Hi my name is Donna. I am a Girl Scout Grandma. I have twelve grandchildren, six granddaughters and six grandsons. I also have three step grandchildren and three foster grandchildren. Only two of my granddaughters are in Girl Scouts but I am hoping to get involved with a troop next year with one of my foster granddaughters.

David is my oldest grandson and turned 19 in May 2001. He was in Kosovo from November 2000 to May 2001. We are all very glad he is not there anymore! Due to the horrible attacks of September 11th. we are terribly worried! David chose to be a Combat Engineer which could very well put him right in the middle of "AMERICA'S NEW WAR".

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****************************** Collecting things is a hobby of mine. I collect Serenity Prayers, Miniature plates, Hummingbirds, Lighthouses, Kewpie Dolls, Several kinds of figurines, and of course, Girl Scout Patches. To see what I need click on the Patchtraders Patch below.

Click here to go to my camp patch page.


God grant me the serenity

to accept the things

I cannot change, courage

to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know

the difference.


Special Thanks to my daughter Heidi Lauw for my webpage !

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This Girl Scout and Guide Patch Trader Ring site is owned by
Donna Coates.

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